obviously this is the best method
How are you guys cooling your pc's?
Ever seen a cold glass get beads of water on it on a hot day?
That's your motherboard in 5 minutes.
oh fuck it melted
oh fuck i dropped it lol
dude wtf????
it's literally a snowball it's cold
That's the entire point you fuckwit.
status update my pc just turned off
>it's literally a snowball it's cold
and everything else is hot...
meaning... condensation.
are you not putting 2 and 2 together, here?
status update
dude wtf no it's not lmao I have my window open
oh fuck i missed it
I refuse to believe anyone is this dumb.
This thread can't exist. This is impossible.
also I can't count to 2
>dude wtf no it's not lmao I have my window open
Ah alright then. Cool. So long as your window is open the heat in your PC can't condense water vapor. Sound logic here, folks.
i loled
exactly. cool.
wtf are you talking about im water cooling my pc shut up
You've obviously never worked retail.
I also have a snowball in front of my fan. cools down the air bro. basic thermal dynamics.
You might want to turn a microwave on in the room as well to balance it all out. Since everything is cold, you might want to divert it before the cold builds on itself and your PC gets frostbite.
It happens.
Bruh I'm getting like +20 fps in fortnite
op, how sure are you the birds didn't cum in that
I'm sure there's cum in there, I just did.
but can it watercool your coffee???
what do you mean?
put it on top of the cpu heatsink
Nah bro for maximum cooling you gotta lie your pc case down so it's resting while you have the snow on top
Currently the best thread on Jow Forums, that's how bad this board has gotten.
why not just make an igloo case?
uhh shouldnt it be under the fan so the fan sucks the icyness in and blows it through the fins?
oh my fucking god im actually gonna fucking report you to intel HQ
sike I have AMD
you're gonna need a lot more snow
too expensive dude, snow doesn't just fall from the sky retard
>Water near a pc
Fucking /v/ moron
it's not water, it's fucking snow dude.
dude it LITERALLY grows on trees
what???? but what about watercooled pcs???? are you stupid???
it'll be alright, when i was a lad I used to pour full beer cans down a carburetor of my big block and never had a problem. a little water won't hurt the 'puter
Go back to Gensokyo, OP.
thanks dad
tf is that weeb
You're actually retarded. If the snowball has no way of getting in (ie it's not sitting on top of a vent) he won't get condensation because the ambient air is very cold.
>Ever seen a cold glass get beads of water on it on a hot day?
Literally missing the point. On a hot day, the glass is cold enough to condense water vapor from the air, of which there is little if the ambient air is already cool. Why don't you see condensation on bottles in your refrigerator?
If his PC is already cold there is zero danger
thanks for the advice senpai
put it on the grille of your power supply
like this?
Go on... We need more coolant!
what the fuck is going on in this picture i'm terrified
>not even plugged in
Nice try intel
it's a mouse now
where is this? looks cold.
t. tropicanon
op post legs
put me in screencap
>user why are you bringing your expensive computer that me and your father bought you for xmas after getting rid of the piss jugs??
>shut up mom, fucking normie, I'm doing it for my friends
op what are you drinking?
>daisy chaining the pins
why do you niggers do this