>3 year old macbook not turning on
>bring it to Apple store
>"Repairs will cost you $500, Mr. user."
>"O-okay, I'll think about it."
>bring it to a shitty dingy ass shop 3 blocks from Apple store
>"The connector is just loose."
>"H-how much do I owe you?"
>"It's all good, man. Don't worry about it"
Why's Apple doing not illegal?
3 year old macbook not turning on
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In a real country or even a real society it would be illegal. Unfortunately, we live in clown world where everything is retarded and nothing works. Remember when a refrigerator used to last longer than 5 years and didn't have a computer embedded in the door?
Stop violating the NAP, commie.
Unironically this. Don't like apple's policies, don't buy their products, support your local repair shop instead of the genius bar
yeah, it's not like Apple's been trying to shut down 3rd party repair shops. fucking retarded anclapper
Baste and redberried
Just imagine how life is when you completely ignore and rule out the Apple brand for everything.
Suddenly so much money and you can own every single thing!
It's not illegal because you have a choice and you executed a decision based on the decisions around you.
Why should it be the government's prerogative to govern how bad customer service should be to deem it "illegal"? Where is the line in the sand?
Then don't buy Apple. You already know how they treat their customers.
The only problem with a free market is that it expects people to work in their best interest. This requires actual intelligence, which you average normalfag doesn't have. But I'm fine with. I get to abuse the idiots
Well to be honest it helps not being a totally tech illiterate mongoloid and being able to fix things yourself but these are apple users so
You're actually retarded.
If only the mediocre majority didn't rule the entire world with their money-voting power.
Not an argument
The free market doesn't work because people value all kinds of things unrelated to the quality of the actual product.
Why are you so stupid?
Seems it's working as intended. People buy things they value, whether or not that's related to actual quality.
This is a linguistic problem. Once you accept that value != worth, the rest comes together.
fuck off rossmann, you cuck
You must be 18 to post here.
sorry, jannie
Kill yourself you fucking tool.
Good post
What does shitty appliances that don't fucking work have anything to do with communism? And yes it should be illegal for cucks like apple to charge people $500 for a loose connector. Put your penis in your own penis and defile yourself my friend.
Jow Forums is a Jow Forums-infested board full of wagecucks who get fucked daily in the ass by corporations and who will be forever in debt
>>bring it to a shitty dingy ass shop 3 blocks from Apple store
>>"The connector is just loose."
>>"H-how much do I owe you?"
>>"It's all good, man. Don't worry about it"
Except dingy shop owners will charge you anyway, at least $10.
They are free to charge what they want for their services. Just like the based Jow Forumsent who fixed it for free. Don't hate Apple™® for making money where they can, hate the morns who decide it's worth paying Apple™® like this. Apple™® is a company. Expect it to act like one.
>Why's Apple doing not illegal?
The same reason why some scam mechanics are legal. Technically, they do all stuff they listed, so they are clean.
I think unjustified proprietary screws and "we don't sell parts and shit" should be illegal, not scam mechanics.
((it's almost like it wasn't a shitty shop))
this Jow Forumsuy gets it
checked, but companies should not be forced by government (military) on how to run their business. Just like how individuals should not be forced by government (military) on how to live their lives.
>checked, but companies should not be forced by government (military) on how to run their business. Just like how individuals should not be forced by government (military) on how to live their lives
Why not?
The problem isn't that people buy things that they value differently. It's that a company that produces a shit product can abuse thing such as marketing and monopolistic tactics to make people think it's the best thing ever. eg Apple. They products are about 6/10 but because they can fool the dumb people they can charge the price of a 10/10 product. If you don't the market very well your going to be cheated. That doesn't mean government should interfere. Fuck the government. It means people need to actually put some work into learning the market before buying
I hundred percent agree with this guy
Don't hate the company. Hate the consumer
Because government is pure shit. It's never about trying to get the best outcome. Look at China. If you're not giving bribes to government officials you're never gonna make it
*If you don't know the market
>checked, but companies should not be forced by government (military) on how to run their business. Just like how individuals should not be forced by government (military) on how to live their lives.
Sure, but I hate fucking faggots, who don't sell parts.
>Because government is pure shit
Indeed. They never do good shit.
>Lead free, muh ecology
In result we have problem with shit breaking
>Muh guns
>Muh, fucking niggers catch wild birds and sell
Now, all bird owners have to suffer, while niggers still nig them though boarders.
I don't know how to answer your question. I simply think it's a slope into tyranny and class separations that can't be broken apart once it has gained traction.
Dumb people deserve to be exploited
Asymmetric information drives many economies.
t. LARPing that you are smart enough to actually come up with a way to scam people
No, they really don't. That kind of mentality is literally a race to the bottom to the worst possible society possible. Dipshit.
Nice ad hominem. I never said I'm some kind of genius. I'm only smart enough to actually look at the entire market and all it's products to make that I don't get scammed. eg CPU market. I need a computer that can edit video very well. I see Intel selling xeons at high prices compared to AMD Threadripper. I buy AMD. An idiot wouldn't even look and just buy the one that has the best marketing
Sometimes good people don't like to watch as tens of thousands of idiots get taken advantage of. Especially when those idiots don't learn from their mistakes because their parents pay for them/bail them out of their own stupid life choices. If people can't learn from their mistakes you need to prevent them from having the choice to make those mistakes in the first place.
dont buy apple
problem solved ill await my check in the mail
only based reply in thread
OP woke up today and decided he was going to write fake stories on the internet, and THEN proceed to invest in the same stories with fake replies
the mad man
he can't keep getting away with it
*tips fedora*
>factual events are fake
>t. SEETHING mactoddler
The genius bar doesn't even exist anymore. The tech people have to find room and squeeze in between customers. After my most recent trip to the Apple store simply to replace my phone's battery -__-
>wait forever for apple employee to check me in for appointment
>wait forever for technician to even look at my phone
>loud, distracting presentation on how to use apple products
>didn't have the batteries in stock
> took a week for the battery to come in
>two trips to the apple store
>when battery came in, waited forever for apple employee to check me in
>waited forever for technician
>loud, distracting presentation on how to use apple products
>technician said it would take an hour and half to repair
>comes back hour and a half later
>waits forever to pick up my phone
>loud, distracting presentation on how to use apple products
Apple needs to fire Tim Cook
>Be me
>Disassenble a Huion stylus and tear one wire of the pcb
>Go to the nearest dingy repair shop
>Show it to a vibrant repairs-gentleman
>This wire connects here, my own soldering iron is brokes so could you solder it right here?
>Sure its just one solder joint come back in five minutes
>Its fixed
>Hiw much do I owe you?
>Its nothing dude, enjoy it
>Oh come on yiu helped me here take 10$
>No barely did anything just keep it.
Not really, because there is a trickle down effect.
Seeing the majority of users are "dumb" that would lead to quality products becoming a niche and choice being stiffled.
>If people can't learn from their mistakes you need to prevent them from having the choice to make those mistakes in the first place.
This but unironically. Fascism when?
While we're at it can we stop women from having credit cards? Was gonna marry this chick but found out she owes 8.3k on her TJ Maxx card. Also traffic would be way better for me if we could execute all homosexuals and make the farier sex not drive, inshallah.
meanwhile the android experience:
>buy LG V20
>buy spare battery
>pop back cover off
>swap battery in about 7 seconds
also just go to some DIY-fixit place that would not waste your time like an apple store would.
We live in a free country.
Apple can run their business however they want.
Don't like it?
Quit buying Apple products.
>We live in a free country.
>buy used macbook pro from ebay, out of warranty by a year or so
>battery goes to shit within a few months
>take it to apple "certified partner"
>they fix it without even checking if it has warranty
>dont charge me
sometimes you can get lucky, other times not
The whole apple philosophy is that you're supposed to be a richfag who wants something that just works, and you want the convinience of being able to pop into an apple store in any city and pay whatever it takes to walk out with a working laptop you can continue doing your business on.
If you actually care about the repair cost or planned obsolescence then you're not the target customer.
Check out akratia.
The Greeks thought it was literally impossible to knowingly and deliberately make the shittier of two choices (women not boycotting pocketless clothing, homos going to the apple (((genius))).
But they never considered a leviathan free market like today.
>hmm, i wonder what new and exciting material is on Jow Forums today
>oh it's the same as yesterday
>xer country does not have proper consumer protection laws