>Requesting purchase advice
>Jow Forums headphone wiki
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>Requesting purchase advice
>Jow Forums headphone wiki
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Use speakers.
Post more chubby catgirls.
Beyerdynamic and Stax Electrostats
Why don't you own a HD600 as yet?
Hi /hpg/ I need some headphones to work out in [jogging + weightlifting]
I dont care about quality very much because I'm just using them for working out, I have HD 650s at home for when I actually care
can't do IEMs, my left ear is shaped weird so it always falls out, and i have a condition where i produce extra high amounts of ear wax so they gunk up real quick when in-ear
bluetooth would be COOL but not necessary.
100$, prefer lower
phone [FLAC]
>Type of headphone
full-sized, over-the-ear necessary
>Open or closed
>Comfort level
>worse than KSC75
Speakers, stax l300, and a tactile transducer hooked up to a flesh light to stroke my cock at 170 beats per minute are in my future.
nyakita needs to doesn't go on a diet!
I'm a yuropoor who lives in an apartment. I can't.
is that really chubby?
>inb4 amerifat
did you buy the L300 yet?
no bass
no headphones
tell us why the hd660 is the best of the bunch
you can't even afford the $5-10 in parts to mod the L300 for bass, slav-kun
imagine having to mod your headphones out of the box because they sound like shit
>d-dont worry this 5 dollar mod makes them less shit
i know right? why are sennheiser headphones so bad?
If I wanted to buy HD600 would I need a DAC or could I just get by with a separate AMP and no external DAC? Whatre the downsides?
this also L300 is the worst.
we are missing quite a few stax posters here, post your stax if you haven't
At least that has a good soundstage. [spoiler]STAX doesn't.[/spoiler]
HD600 can be run by any decent modern desktop motherboard. If volume is too low the Atom amp is excellent for 100 dollars. DACs are usually not needed.
how would you know nikki? you’ve never heard one.
One minute you guys call me sapphire, the next you call me nikita, make up your minds.
hard to tell when you don't post your setup! in fact, we're not even sure you own anything at all!
shhhhhh nikki it’s ok, we know who you are now.
>playing like you don't know nikita is sapphire
>treble cannon beyers
you're a loser either way LMFAO
Thanks for the (you)s, bros.
Btw, stax is still shit :)
I don't even have headphones, waifu, or like any music. That picture represents me.
I get laughed at if I post mine :(((
its okay user, I don't judge posters
Sapphire? Whoa...
unlike this user I am a harsh critic. post yours so I can laugh at you
post it so i can spit in your face and crush your dreams
I too would get laughed at if I owned STAX.
I dont like getting bullied for my waifu and headphones. They mean a lot to me.
Fortunately for you, you own nothing.
Very practical. Easy to take on and off. Audibly between mods and eq I could take or leave any of them, they all sound good. Lcd2 is like this huge unwieldy behemoth and is ridiculous for watching my cute little science and electronics videos on youtube.
Soon. it is at the top of my list followed by flesh light vibrating to my music, then speakers, then hd800. I am objectively and unironically poor so I gotta sell something.
Gems are technology now? I prefer emerald.
I would rather get made fun of for owning stax than being a slav or leaf
Diamonds are objectively better
Your waifu and headphones are disappointed in you, be a real man and show the world you're not afraid to post them on Jow Forums.
Diamond are just marketing for girls done by jews making it overpriced. Diamond have no real-life use beside being on a wedding ring. Same thing with stax it just sits on your desk but never gets used.
*sprinkles dust on your stax*
5000 dollars down the drain
*sprinkles dust on your snapheiser*
Better go fork up the cash for another headband cucky
nostaxers on suicide watch
(the joke here is that nikki doesn’t realize that diamonds actually have industrial uses that he’s not familiar with because they don’t teach these things in bumfuck russian school)
I'm assuming ebay is the cheapest place to get a SRS-3100?
>100 shekels have been deposited into your account
Also check Jow Forumsavexchange or the head-fi for sale forums
I don't buy used stuff.
>yes go- i mean customer keep buying diamonds!
Unless you’re working in a scientific or industrial area you wouldn’t have any use for industrial grade diamonds. So no nikita, your little memes don’t really work here.
why tf do we have 3 hpgs
wait for bump counter morongoloids >:Tc
just like how deaf people have no use for high fidelity transducers like stax
So now stax are high fidelity? Nice.
they've been the apex of fidelity for half a century m8
What would you recommend? No budget here and not a boomer. Can hear 20khz just fine.
Stax obviously
based and redpilled
stax srs-2170 or srs-3100
>not a boomer
not yet
What should I use my RCA out on my amp for? Its just sitting there
plugging into a stax energizer of course
ye right, who doesnt want to blast "YAMERO ONI-CHAAN" across the neighborhood
nice mspaint skills
tfw can only hear up to 18k
being deaf sucks
Nikita or Saphrie pls respond, I hate boomer stax shitcans just as much as you
tfw headphone users dont have speakers anymore
absolutely jaram ;-;
he can’t recommend because he doesn’t own any headphones
How would I go around connecting a phono connection from a turntable to a DX3 pro which only has USB/optical/coax? Is it even possible?
lmao nigga is 2020-1 haha why tf would you use some gay ass speakers my nigga
Then why is he here? What is he even doing?
HD600: The objectivist's choice.
shitting the place up with posts like talking about headphones he doesn’t own.
Amp and dacs? Do you need those?
yo cant. depending on your turntable you can get an interface or something, but you really need to keep it analog for listening.
a receiver would be good for this, and you can use headphones on the receiver.
my setup is pc - optical - dx3 pro - rca - receiver - speakers/headphones
and turntable - receiver - speakers/headphones
Any modern desktop motherboard will power the HD600 adequately.
>he doesnt live in texas where you have an 100 acres backyard and the next neighbor is 150 arces away
Lol time to move out of your mom apartment.
what speakers should i get for ~$1000, they're gonna be on my desk, i have a smaller sized room. would be nice if they sounded fine without a sub
Why would he want to live in mexico?
If volume is too low, which I doubt it would be, the Atom amp is a good buy.
Dab on STAX fags for me.
Why is the Atom amp so kino?
*shoots you for stepping inside my house*
>gets a slap on the wrist
>eat mexican food
>blast weeb music 100% with window shattering sub bass
I see no problem.
Are there any videos of "her" dick?
Best measuring amp in its price range by far. Transparent, lots of features.