Why do so many people in academia unironically use Macs? I see this shit not only among undergrads, but actual professors and researchers too. Often even people who do numerical calculations do it on Macs.
What is the reason for this?
Why do so many people in academia unironically use Macs? I see this shit not only among undergrads, but actual professors and researchers too. Often even people who do numerical calculations do it on Macs.
What is the reason for this?
Other urls found in this thread:
Stupid npcs who can't do shit
Rich ass faggots who don’t care
>Stupid npcs who can't do shit
>>I see this shit not only among undergrads, but actual professors and researchers too.
>Rich ass faggots who don’t care
>>I see this shit not only among undergrads, but actual professors and researchers too.
gay community
Think Different.
Because they don't have time to waste with ricing their terminal windows and trying to figure out how to get sound to work in Arch. It Just Works™.
Mac is easy to use any no virus.
Most normalfags only do basic task so of course no need for Windows and Lincucks.
This and the Mac is a status symbol. Looks good and they don't care about functionality.
It's either a Macfag or an Archfag. Other users don't exist.
Endless student loans that they're going to complain about having to pay off in a few years. Oh yeah, and "thinking different."
Basically nobody with an original thought in their head attends, at this point.
t. itoddlers
Let's hope you don't try to fix your own mac user
I can accept some people just like the ecosystem, but they're all genuinely retarded and don't even know any of the features of the OS or any other software they commonly use. Recently I saw a freshmen in medschool whining to tech support when they asked him to close his browser for an update. He was horrified that he would lose his tabs. This man was in his mid twenties and is expected to hold lives in his hands in a few years.
Yes just buy new one or using lab PC, worst case i will buy a cheap windows laptop, that is what i would do if I am a normal fag.
This. It's similar to clothing brands. The Nikes that some niggers wear cost hundreds of dollars. They're no better than any other shoe, they just cost more, so are seen as more valuable. Thinking of it further, Nike is probably the most worn shoe. To fit in, grab a pair of nikes.
ITT: I bought a Thinkpad just like everyone else on Jow Forums, so I'm not an NPC and I think for myself
because native unix
I had a thinkpad before they were cool
i have three sony vaios because i was a massive weeb, but i still think they are good computers, except on the battery department
you can have a nice native bash shell that works with the filesystem without messy middleware layers like lsw, a really simple and decent package manager like brew, and a convenient desktop environment with a lot of nice features. its like the best of desktop linux and windows without very much of the worst of them.
if you care more about just getting your programs created than fiddling with your tooling then its pretty appealing
Every other response is an edgy teen who thinks they are special snowflakes
not thinking about the cons of each product is also being an edgy special snowflake teen
macOS can hardly be defined as UNIX anymore, it's been a long time since Apple has given a shit about POSIX.
I'm sure you're more aware of a CS/math professor's daily computing needs than they are.
You are not a special snowflake because you opt for one brand of consumer hardware/OS over another. Get over.
I had a CS professor who said that it's essentially a rite of passage to have to fuck with getting sound working on a Linux distribution for a week, just to get to know the inner workings of
But after you get a job, your time is spent much better by actually engaging in the stuff you're supposed to be doing rather than having to manually edit your network card config files every time you update the drivers.
Just to clarify, this professor (and around half the department) are exclusively using Apple computers.
Unless you're gaming they're the best computer there is. Just use one and you'll see what I mean. I'd buy one if I wasn't saving for a house
T. Someone who went to an apple store, tried a mbp and iPhone and was exceptionally impressed
Macfag still unable to admit that no product is perfect. Get over.
Some classes, like graphic design, require them.
I use Fedora Linux. I'm just not an edgy teen and I interact with actual people in tech so I know there's people who use macs who are a lot smarter than some retarded shrekposter.
Why do I still come here when everyone is a retarded contrarian with very little life experience?
Apple had special programs for schools, dumb terminals for Linux HPC.
Imagine projecting this hard on a Swedish cooking bbs
Macs are like a baby's blanket, admittedly comfy but you have to grow out of it at some point
shit were shoved down the students' throats. Surprise surprise.
It's no different with TI "partnering" with textbook publishers and schools so everyone use their overpriced calculators. When it reached certain critical mass, it was easier for everyone to use the same shit to streamline teaching and learning process and you don't want to be that asshole who drag the whole class down because you're too cheap/contrarian and bought a Casio calculator even tho it could the same stuff for 1/3 the price
>why do people who are educated choose this brand?
depends on the university but in general that's not the case in europe. probably because they teach use using proprietary shit that's only compatible with windows for the most part.
Because, despite what Rossman and Jow Forums will tell you, MacBooks are quite reliable and although they're hard to repair, they rarely malfunction in the first place.
you talkin shit bout my jordans white boI??
why do americans dress like toddlers?
you can get a 2013 mba for like 300 nowadays. worth not saving for a month or whatever,
>buying a used crapbook
Why do so many people in academia unironically smoke? I see this shit not only among undergrads, but actual professors and researchers too. Often even people who do numerical calculations smoke. What is the reason for this?
Most people, even CS professors, unironically don't know much or even care about computers and technology in general outside their main research topics. They could probably set up an equivalent or even better, more efficient system for their needs with Linux/BSD/whatever, they just don't care or don't know how.
That said, most of my professors used some "just werks" distro such as Ubuntu or Debian. That I can understand, as it shows that they bothered to research some good OS for their work that could save them thousands of bucks, instead of just buying the shiny new thing.
Whenever I see someone using a Mac, the first impression I get is "he doesn't care about computers or he is uninformed".
Half the time for anything serious you can just shell out and get on with it. If you don’t treat a computer as a replaceable device, what are you doing? Half the reason is it just werks, the other half is so you can use the gear the actual nerds are providing.
I see about a 65/35 split for windows/mac computers in my store. But with windows based systems it's usually software issues, with mac it's usually hardware issues.
basic tasks you mean web browsing? listening to music. watching movies?
it can be done better on linux than any other sytems
that is because all the media players and web browser works equal on all oses. so it better to take the os that is free and has no spyware.
another point to add in favor of linux for normies is that since normies assume any slow down is automaticaly virus and need to replace the hardware. it makes linux even better for normies as linux wont slow down like that.
all the problem the linux haters point on linux are things like, some obscure configuration or installing obscure software. by obscure i mean anything that is not media player and web browser.
news flash, normies dont care about that
I don't think that people flock to Macs because they're so great, but because Windows sucks so much:
>CPU usage always above 20% due to background processes
>requires constant maintenance
>requires antivirus
>inconsistencies in the UI
>windows update
>app store is useless
>CS professors, unironically don't know much or even care about computers and technology
You are every meme of computer science undergrads, holy shit
NPCs who buy whatever their friends buy.
Mutties are obsessed about conspicuous consumption, and because Macs are perceived as expensive and for wealthy people, they have to buy them to fit in. Same reason you see this "green bubble" phenomenom in muttland yet you don't see it in europe.
i do compsci at virginia tech. People are shifting to macs more and more because they're just really good laptops that last forever, run / built well, the OS is lightweight and intuitive, and OSX IS UNIX BASED.
Yeah, there's proprietary software and hardware, but unless windows laptops want to stop being shit they're the better option.
"Linux is superior" no one wants to deal with that shit. We all learn it and can navigate it well and use it when we need to, but it's annoying.
Because they had a good rep as good quality laptops that last all day on battery (fairly essential for students), right now they are coasting on influence and brand value, but Macbooks will probably start dissapearing on campuses and we'll see more Chromebooks or Surfaces.
For a modern student i feel a Chromebook, iPad (non-pro) or similarly inexpensive laptop that can be charged by a battery pack combined with a more powerful computer at their dorm is the way to go.
because once you grow up you realise that a computer is just another tool to do work with
Successful Apple shilling.
Is this bait or am I just out of touch? Compsi and you don't use Linux?
I mean, we use it. A lot of the core classes require our work be done in CentOS. I don't know anyone who just use linux as their main OS unless they're a huge neckbeard with a hobby for doing linux shit. Even at my internship there were a fair number of people with macs. For real, the fact that osx is unix based makes it great for just about anything you need to do as a software engineer.
Macs are prohibitively expensive though. College students are generally at least middle class so there's that.
Huh, how the world has changed.
They think they are original. Also kids in academia absolutely love love getting more into debt. Debt and taking out more loans to pay off things is a college tradition!
Because academia now is a useless leftist hugbox where queers and weirdos go to stir up shit on campus. There's nothing I learned in college that you can't find by googling shit.
College is NPC shit. I should've gone for a skilled trade.
I don't understand this. It's like saying highschool is for NPCs because you can just google how to do algebra... having a structured education to learn what you want to learn is fine.
I feel like it's more productive to try to make college less expensive (or free) than it is to stigmatize higher education as a whole.
>Often even people who do numerical calculations do it on Macs.
macbook air owner, working on my phd in applied math right now, i can speak to this.
This thing only has 4 gigs of memory, and and that's enough for basic stuff (homework + most programming) but not to do any really heavy calculation; for that I've got a linux box.
I still start everything on my laptop though because it's convenient, and at this point I'm most familiar with the mac versions of software . If a calculation takes more than ~15 seconds, I'll kill the process and retry with a smaller datafile or number of iterations or whatever to do a quick order-of-magnitude calculation and see how long it'll take. If its worth doing on the faster machine, then the fact that mac is unix makes scripts and data super easy to transfer over
also, i should mention that for a while I was running linux on my air, but the school's copier didn't have drivers so for it, and i reinstalled mac os; it provided more value to me than linux would have. i'd bet a lot of academics have had something like that trip them up. linux would be great, but a hastle-free unix is sufficient
Because designer products blah blah money blah blah
> mom why fucking normies does not want to play loonix with me
This is the only answer. Macs are social status symbols, they're here to flaunt your wealth in front of others. Why do you think Macs are particularly popular about women? It's for people who care more about the product's appearance than its function.
If these people were so pragmatic, they'd get refurbished ThinkPads. If they want something that'll really blow their cocks off, they'd get a Surface. You don't need anything else for what they use it for, which is word processing and Facebook or whatever social platform normies use now.
You can understand really easily what kind of person Macs appeal to by reading one of the endless "why people buy apple" articles online.
>This is probably one of the biggest reasons why I think that people love Apple. It’s because they make the consumer feel like they are better person for having the product.
>The story that they convey throughout their marketing is a powerful one. It oozes lifestyle, innovation, passion and style – and why wouldn’t you want to be part of that? It’s like an exclusive club that has millions of members.
>So when you buy an Apple product, you’re sharing and representing those same ideals that this very brand stands for.
Simply because on fucking reason: social status.
It has absolutely fucking nothing to do with reliability, ease of use, software choice, none of that bullshit. They all use Macs to fit in.
If they cared about reliability they wouldn't be using apple products in the first place.
>tfw your design and analysis of algorithms prof used a beat up thinkpad with ubuntu and the stock wallpaper still up
Dude a lot of people at my school got the Surfaces (they're one of the approved laptops for incoming general engineering majors). They're shit. I hate using them, and so do most people who buy them. Unless they became good in the 4 years since I was a freshman.
I had a zenbook ux360 for 3 years before it started falling apart dying. I'm a broke ass bitch so my friend bought me the Thinkpad T420. It's pragmatic, sure, but damn this thing is a bitch to carry around. Also despite the huge batter sticking out the back, the battery life is like 2 hours. Display is also shit. I love that it's cheap as shit though this must've been like 150 bucks refurbed.
My friends who got macbooks in highschool STILL have that shit and they run well. Hell, my aunt has an old one that's 10 years old and it still runs fine despite being slow for the times. I don't know where you guys are getting that macbooks have poor reliability???
If i weren't poor i'd just get the macbook honestly. Status symbol, sure, but they're otherwise good laptops that no one else has really matched that is significantly less expensive.
I think Iphones are the real status symbol, really. Battery life is shit, planned obsolescence so they die after 2 years, still expensive as shit despite this, etc.
So are macbooks, but they have the build quality, battery life, the lightweight OS (+unix based) to actually be good laptops. You just compromise on price and proprietary bullshit, really. Thinkpads are as much a status symbol among you neckbeards from the way you guys always talk about it.
I was like you guys before entering college, but times have really changed. Apple can go fuck themselves, but macbooks are good. You guys sound antiquated. Are you guys all even software engineers?
Why are so many people in academia, working in academia, sucking each-others dicks for citations and not making millions out in the real world?
Faggots at Best Buy conned these retards into buying the most expensive product. It's what they get paid to do.
>Unless they became good in the 4 years since I was a freshman.
Exactly as you said, you are living 4 years in the past. The last somewhat reliable Macbooks were the 2015 models. On all the newer ones, the keyboard will break 100%. Even with th 3rd gen butterfly keyboard, which is basically just a rubber condom over the switches, people are saying that they break. All the while everyone I talk to who has a Surface Pro is in love with their device.
It just werks unlike "easy" Linux distros like Ubuntu and Fedora, it's POSIX compliant and it's supported by most popular proprietary software, except for gaymes
It's 100% true though. Stop worshipping people just because they publish some meme papers from time to time.
Youngsters falling for marketing
Rich kiddo just want a new toy for browsing facebook at starbucks
boomers don't care about their emacs bootloader
I guess the bulk just like the aesthetic enough they are OK paying extra for it.
Because my community college gives one to every student and its apparently "already included" in tuition fees so why not
Most of you are talking about fellow students, but I’ve worked as an academic doing research and we used Macs. There’s really two reasons why we choose it
1. It’s a Unix system out of the box. No need to setup the system you create an account, enable the firewall, open up he terminal and start working.
2. Applecare was used in our lab because we don’t babby the machines at all. While we have access to supercomputers and clusters, compiling certain software could be tricky due to requirements of specific library versions, permissions and paths, etc. So some software would be running on my laptop for days on end, and it’s expected that after a while the computer will burn out. We simply took it to the apple store, get a new one, and restore our backups.
That’s really it, I use linux on all my personal machines though.
This thread is cringe
>I'm smarter fhan a professor emeritus of CS because I use Linux and he uses a mac!
Imagine drinking the Jow Forums koolaid this hard and having no self awareness
Disregard that, I suck cocks and like to be fucked in the ass
Haha wow based and epic xd
Should I do a hackintosh on my laptop?
Do you like AIDS?
Pretty much this - I'm a grad student, and use Windows because gaymen, but because most real computation occurs in OS-agnostic conditions (either in programs like MATLAB, or on some server running unix), what you use is completely up to personal preference/taste (or lack thereof).
They give the university massive discounts. Students get discounts too but IMO they aren't that great (around -$200 if I remember correctly.) Makes sense for the university to buy them but not so much for students since they still aren't worth it even with the discount.
>highschool is for NPCs because you can just google how to do algebra
Correct. Homeschooling is the best.
grad students as a whole are dumber than undergrads desu
You know that there is a thing called Windows, right? and that the crushing majority of the desktop and laptop computers run it, right?
The thing on the OP's picture is an anomaly.
Higher education gave me a great foundation to pursue my Software Engineer career.
I entered college with no knowledge of programming and high level mathematics and left with a solid foundation to build on top of.
Sorry you had a bad experience at college.
Yeah man you're totally right. Publishing academic papers on computer science is completely inferior to installing the latex linux-of-the-month OS by following a guide you found on a google search.