/pcbg/ - PC Building General

Assemble a part list
>Example gaming builds; click on blue titles to see notes
>How to assemble a PC

Want help?
>State the budget & CURRENCY
>Post at least some attempt at a parts list
>List your uses, e.g. Gaming, Video Editing, VM Work
>For monitors, include purpose (e.g., photo editing, gaming) and graphics card pairing (if applicable)

CPUs based on current pricing:
>Athlon 200GE - HTPC, web browsing, bare minimum gaming (can be OC'd on some MSI mobos)
>R3 2200G - Recommended minimum gaming
>R5 2600/X - Good gaming & multithreaded work use CPUs
>i7-9700k/8700k - Extreme setup with RTX 2080/Ti
>R7 2700/X - Best value high-end CPU on a non-HEDT platform
>Threadripper/Used Xeon - HEDT

>Always choose at least a two stick kit; 2x 8GB is recommended
>CPUs benefit from high speed RAM; 3000CL15 or 3200CL16 is ideal
>All AMD chipsets and Intel Z chipsets support XMP

Graphics cards based on current pricing:
>Used cards can be had for a steal; inquire about warranty
>GTX 1060, RX 570, RX 580 are standard choices
>RTX 2060 if you're looking for very high (100+) framerates and you have a CPU and monitor to match; consider 1070/Ti or Vega56 ONLY if on sale
>RTX 2070; consider 1070/Ti or Vega 56 ONLY if on sale
>RTX 2080 if you're looking for very high (100+) framerates and you have a CPU and monitor to match
2160p (4K)
>RTX 2080 is the standard choice
>RTX 2080Ti is better for 4K but expensive

>A 256GB or larger SSD is almost mandatory; consider m.2 form factor
>Bottleneck checkers are worthless

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Other urls found in this thread:

newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=9SIAA7W8HP3630&Description=benq zowie xl&cm_re=benq_zowie_xl-_-9SIAA7W8HP3630-_-Product

Why are NOCTUA fans so fucking disgusting?

Why do most of you not care what your computer looks like? Is your computer a physical representing of your social presentation?

seems like your problem is that you feel like one’s computer is a representation of their social presentation and you should get out more

>RX 570, RX 580 are standard choices
>Now that nvidia supports freesync


>Buy Noctua fans for $$$
>They look like unironic shit
>Hey at least they're quiet though
>Not even that quiet

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I have an R7-1700X in an Asus CH6 X370 board. I've tried to OC and usually only get 3.9GHz at stupidly high voltage to stay stable. Even at stock, gaming is fine in everything except WoW. I was wondering if I turn off SMT, and cores/modules, would that increase my OC ceiling? WoW being based on an ancient engine still prefers very quick single core. So if I turn off everything but say 2c4t on my 1700X, could I OC higher?

MX500 M.2 or EVO 860 2.5" 500 GB?

Why don't they just develope a poo colored case to go along with them?

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New workstation/gaming/whatever PC I'm currently building.
I'm going to swap the 2x Samsung ssd m.2s for the new WD 500gb ssd nvme m.2 coming out in Feb. (Cheaper)
Also may change the GPU to a radeon VII depending on reviews and benchmarks.

What do you guys think?

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My friend is trying to revive his old Athalon x4 system but the GPU got fried. Will newer, low end gpus work on his old motherboard? Should I just tell him to bite the bullet and build a new system

Should I try to buy a preowned 1080 ot 1080Ti or just buy one of the new RTXs?

So after adding all I could need I'm getting a recommended minimum PSU wattage of 420W (370W under full load).

Would it be safe to grab a 450W PSU at that point or should I grab something better? And speaking of that, any actually cheap recommendations?


price and guaranteed freesync compatibility. There's about a $40 delta between amd and nvidia at this price point so it makes sense to go with the cheaper option.

people here don't care about aesthetics

It really depends on what you're needing the GPU for and how much you're willing to spend.

Used 1080ti can be affordable, but may be overworked. They're flooding the market right now because crypto is falling and miners are cutting their loses. Beware.

New 2080 is what I'd recommend without knowing what you're doing.

Preowned 1080ti, then switch when 7nm 3080ti comes out.
Just buy 550w, tier 1.

Someone redpill me on blowjob cards. Are they worth buying?

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What are some good 24" monitors for around 100 €? Are there any common go-to modells i should check out?

>In the far future year of 2020 AD, a new innovation has burst onto the market
>Brown cases
>Never before seen in computing, these new brown cases storm the industry and replace RGB/tempered glass boxes
>In truly revolutionary design, some even mount the PSU above the motherboard
>Ultra Premium (TM) versions have "mesh"; a new technology which decreases internal temperatures by 10° or more
>Noctua predicted this all along
>Their fans now match the Next Generation (TM) of high performance gaming cases

Attached: humble_salesman.jpg (1381x815, 74K)

>have tried various AiO units over the years
>Tried fuck huge dual tower coolers
>Always end up with a dead pump, or the fuck huge cooler being in the way when dusting/doing maintenance.
>Always end up going back to my Hyper 212 EVO
>150w tdp cooling capability. Uses easy install plastic clips with rubber dampeners to hold the fan to the tower (no rattling metal clips)
>Fits every socket known to man

Best $26 I've ever spent honestly.

what resolution? what are you using it for? fantastic start

They're cheap because they run hot.

What threshold of prices should I be looking under in order to find a "good deal" for a GPU. Specifically a 1070Ti, 1080, or 1080Ti.

should i buy this if my friend buys the division code for $40?


Legit, double dubs confirm. I thought of getting another cooler but my 212 cools my 8700 perfectly, 28-32c on idle and never above 45-50 when gayming.

1920 * 1080, I'll use it for regular work and web browsing. Not looking for anything fancy, just need a good value monitor

1070ti below $300, 1080 below $350, 1080 ti below $500

Attached: relative-performance_1920-1080.png (500x1010, 52K)

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No, get the 2600X. I assume it comes with the code too.

They are inside a case, you know.

dell se2416h is pretty good and i got one for around £115. would recommend

not him, but would it be worth it to upgrade from a 1060 to a 1080 for 500 maplebucks?

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>don't use windowed case like a child
>never even see fans
>virgin corsair makes fans to try and look cool, doesn't work
>chad noctua makes fans whatever color they feel like, which is brown

2600x isn't on sale though, still listed at $200. If my friend buys it for $40 then i can get the 2600 for around $120. Doesn't look like there's too much of a performance gap.

Attached: perfrel_2600.png (500x1210, 57K)

I have a HAF 912 combat, I added a clear acrylic panel to the side so I can enjoy the RGB sights. Airflow is amazing and my all white lights look comfy
lol at your pic related case, what is that garbage?

A 2080ti and 1080ti cost the same for me. Does the choice matter?

depends on the quality of the cooler. If it's a blower then i'd rather go for a 2060.

>spent $160 on new monitor
>it looks way worse than my 10 year old dell one

im sick of this shit

>doesn't research resolution, refresh rate, panel type, color accuracy, or async before making a purchase.
>complains when arbitrary price doesn't meet arbitrary expecations

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yes. a 1080Ti will be fine for another 3 years(for 60++ fps at ultra settings). a 2080Ti will do the same for 5+.

amd gpus are not very good and are very hot. i know from owning a few, they get hell hot.

get the 2080t retard

they don't push hot air in your case, they push it out, if they're an nvidia card its the best cooler.

Is a 24" FHD monitor OK or is the 2K/4K meme coming in strong and it'll be obsolete soon? I'm gonna be sitting at around 60cms from it, in case it's relevant. Not sure if this is even a good size in relation to the distance desu

dumbnigger probably moved from an Ultrasharp to TN shit LOL

what the fuck is wrong with you dumb faggot
get the 27" 1440p 144hz panel or a 32" 4k monitor if you don't really care about higher refresh rates

lmao what a retard

Fuck you faggots. You fucking homo's tell me this is a good deal, but it's not. Bunch of lying sacks of shit.

This is a rip off, you stupid fucking niggers. Stop recommending me this shit.

That sounds way too big and calling me a dumb faggot won't make me understand why I should want a 27". Am I too close to my monitor now or what?
I don't care about gaymen snake oil so no 999hz dicksync 0.4uhz refresh rates needed. If it looks good, it's good enough for me.

You're not too far at all. Just get the 1440p 144hz one if you like gayming, it'll improve visuals and the higher refresh rate is just smooth as fuck.

>I don't care about gaymen snake oil
>snake oil
>higher refresh rates/higher res = snake oil
just get a cheap IPS and live with it, incel

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27" sounds way too big for the distance I'm sitting at. I already have a 22" and the size is quite OK, I only want bigger because sometimes I watch movies in bed so it's nice to have a bigger screen. And because I'm upgrading so it would be retarded to buy something of the same size.
I do play games, but my PC is not yet good enough to handle high resolutions/refresh rates. And fighting games, which are the only competitive genre I play nowadays, are locked to 60fps anyways. So it wouldn't make much of a difference.
I didn't mention higher resolution as being snake oil, in fact what I'm asking is precisely if getting a higher res than FHD for 24" makes sense or not.

get the u2715h, it's cheap in burgerland and expensive everywhere else. About $350 and the picture quality is great.

Not likely. You'd get stable at lower voltages, but I'd doubt even that. First gen Ryzen is hard capped at 4.1Ghz for golden chips.

stupid question here should I build a PC now or wait for PCIe 5?

I guess that's why he chose the watercooled one.

Better to wait til PCIe 6

I have an 8 year old Antec EarthWatts EA750 PSU would it still be alright to use that in a new build? I'm trying to save as many parts as I can from a system that died to reduce the costs. I just don't really know the safe lifespan of a PSU

I'm going to start sageing posts that are don't belong in this thread. We have a stupid questions general right down the street.


Attached: yikes.jpg (689x720, 297K)

2080 Ti is much faster, if you can get it for the same price as a 1080 Ti then it is a completely obvious choice.

I use a 27" 4K monitor at about 60cm, I wouldn't want anything smaller. 24" 1920x1080 is fine, but it won't look too amazing since DPI is fairly low. 1920x1080 is also pretty tiny, most because 1080 feels quite cramped as far as vertical space goes. If you want 24" I suggest looking at a 1920x1200 monitor at the very least, if not go for 27" 2560x1440 or 3840x2160.

Is this build any good? Video Card will be bought used. pcpartpicker.com/list/KMfZ3b

I splurged out on my first pc build a couple years ago anything I should update ?

CPU - Intel 6900k 8-core CPU 4ghz RAM - 32gb Kingston Hyper-X Fury DDR4-2666 GPU - 2x Nvidia Titan X Pascal

Yeah I figured that would be the case. Would I be better off building an Intel based machine (i5-9600k solely for gaming, turn the 1700X into an encoding box) or just wait for 7nm Ryzen?

It should be fine provided it hasn't been showing problems. Random BSOD, freezing, overall instability when under load, coil whine, etc. Although at nearly a decade old, I'd recommend a new one. Usually only top tier PSU's I'd trust to last 10+ years. I usually follow the rules of he warranty period of the unit + 1 year as far as life span.

2600 is $150 with promo code on newegg. If you sell the bonus division 2 code it comes down to about $30 more than the 2200g.

If you're gaming, sell the Titan X Pascal's and get a single RTX 2080Ti.

Most games don't scale well with SLI, and a single RTX 2080Ti is a good ~40% faster than a single Titan X pascal.

Is it possible to get a good quality 1080p 60hz monitor for under $100?

Wait for 7nm Ryzen unless you absolutely have to upgrade right now.

Just fit my new psu...and it didn't cure my studio monitor buzz when playing games. Not surprised in the least, fuck this shit.

I can send either one of these psu's back to amazon. Which one would you guys keep?

>Corsair TX-M Series 650 Watt 80 Plus Gold

>EVGA 750 B3, 80+ BRONZE 750W

Well I don't know what the warranty was but whatever it is I'm prob well past that.

good quality? No. Decent quality? Yeah.

actually good panels are still somewhat pricey even if just 1080p.

But if your definition of "good" extends only to functional. Then sure, there are plenty of okay under $100 1080p panels.

I'm living in eastern shithole so shipping costs are probobly not worth it. Is everything else good with this build? I want it to run as long as possible so should i buy new cooling for cpu?

You should be fine. The 2200G is a decent chip. You don't NEED a better cooler no. The stock one should be fine unless you're over clocking like crazy.
>Studio monitor buzz
Huh? And send back the EVGA bronze unit.


I just want something for light gaming and watching movies that doesn't have shit colors.

A buzzing sound from my studio monitors (speakers) whenever I fire up a game. It's nothing crazy but enough to annoy me considering I have nice speakers,dac and amp. I don't want to hear that shit every time a game goes quiet or when i pause a game.

>And send back the EVGA bronze unit.

That's what I was leaning towards, plus the corsair is already inside my case now.


75hz frameless IPS panel.

>should I keep the 80+ gold or 80+ bronze
gee I don't know, seems like a tough choice.

looking for a decent 144hz monitor, is this any good? any other recommendations? >newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=9SIAA7W8HP3630&Description=benq zowie xl&cm_re=benq_zowie_xl-_-9SIAA7W8HP3630-_-Product

depends what you want. If you just want the fastest panel for gaming, that's probably fine.

However if you want better color accuracy, or better contrast ratio for more vibrant colors, than you will want to looks at IPS an VA panels respectively.

I'm building a trading station for my dad, he wants 4 4K displays. What are my card options? I was thinking in a 1070ti

Creams and browns arr peak aesthetic and timeless if you had any taste.

Attached: volvo240.jpg (750x750, 385K)

best thing for monitors is to search it on reddit and read comments on it


Anyone tried a pixo monitor? I want a 300 dollar 1440p 144hz va pannel. Would really like an ips though

trading requires usable resolution, a 24" 4k panel only gives you 1080p or 1440p usable resolution due to GUI scaling.

I'd recommend a single 43" 4k panel at 100% scale before i'd recommend a 24" 4k panel at 200% scale.

Even though both panels are 4k, the 43" would show a LOT more actual usable (readable) information.

Well the bronze is stronger and full modular. I was pretty much going to keep the corsair anyway. I just wanted more opinions.

Just buy the XB271HU, it's the best. I'm assuming you're not a TNnigger

i'm not really looking for amazing colors, just enough to see separation in in-game objects.
thanks, my guy, will check it out.

pass on 27" monitors, i'm looking for 24" max.

Which specific ones did you get?

They run loud and hot,a bit cheaper, but a good choice for a small case, or one with shit circulation because they push the hot air out.

We already discussed the monitors, we're going for 4x Dell Ultrasharp, 32inch 4K IPS

should I get an i5 9600k or r5 2600/X? Getting a RTX 2060 card and looking to do gaming on 1080p or 1440p with a 144hz monitor.

well better than 24" at least.

Also, for GPU you're better off going for something like the Quadro P620.

Specifically designed to run 4x 4096x2160p @ 60hz.

Enjoy your garbage TN colors, then. Fucking shithead. Imagine settling for TN.

I5 8400

Aight Jow Forums, what's a good set of fans available?

I mean something balanced, so neither really noisy nor silent, neither almost useless at moving airflow, nor a fucking helicopter if you know what I mean. I just need some replacement fans that don't set me back too much, don't care if they're ugly as shit but I'd like em to perform better than cheap $3 trash.

we can't help you if you don't post the specific chipset