Holy fuck plasma lets you set .gifs as a desktop wallpaper.
Windows already did this with Active Desktop, then again with DreamScapes, and then again there's tons of 3rd party stuff to do it. Not sure why this is Holy fuck tier.
Linux being able to do things that Windows could 20 years ago is a big deal for Loontards.
gifs are bloat
Wallpapers are bloat
Thats why my backgroud is a solid color
>not running a headless system
>having a desktop
true haxors use terminal only systems
>not geting head
Yeah, im sorry ur a bloated virgin
>active desktop
which they got rid of
which they also got rid of.
i bet that sounded funny before you typed it out
There is nothing funny about bloat.
Bloat is hell
Bloat is choas
Bloat is evil
Bloat is harmful to the soul
my mac did that 10 years ago
I could do that in Windows XP...
Aka "Im running a pentium 4 in software rendering"
Retarded sperg
What about webms? Gifs are deprecated.
wow this has always been a dream for me
looks comfy
Holy fuck people make pixelart gifs of scenes from Dark Souls games that are clearly just run through an image filter
what are some kde distros without this feel?
OS X lets you set screensavers as wallpapers
you could set ffplay as root window since forever
holy fuck you are retarded
>kde distros
What is that supposed to mean?
Fix your shitty tray, KDE.
By this logic there's a lot of features on windows that simply doesn't count.
i could do this in like windows 95 lmao
Because those features are retarded and for subhuman weebs. Of course pengubabbies love it
*laughs in open source*
>Another new feature to Windows 10 was the ability to use virtual workspaces. Linux users have had this feature for a number of years as most desktop environments used by Linux distributions implement them in one way or another.
It another year and a half to fix (most) of the crashes.. And it's still missing features compared to the gnome and cinnamon implementations.
you're a nerd and should shut up
>yeah well.. we didn't want those grapes anyway!!1!
fixed :^)
I think that gifs as wallpapers are easy to implement, therefore of course its implemented in windows years ago, just to get some "featurs"
meanwhile serious programs/things/shits that are actually necessary are developed on Linux long before they get to windows
Windows Session Manager has been around since NT 3.1 you tard.
Woah. Gotta try it someday.
I don't think virtual workspace means what you think it means you tard.
first time I used a gif as a background was in 2010 in XFCE.
I'm glad that kde caught up with the times.
Have IBS. Can confirm. 125 lbs and yet many times, "skinnyfat". Denied bodily comfort, and denied even aesthetic appeal.
Bloat is pain.
Windows 20 years later still doesn't have a decent programming environment. Programmers who use windows prefer mac or linux over windows when they program.
MSYS2 isn't terrible.
yet every program is made for windows, hmmm
holy fuck windows was doing this in xp
Any games with this aesthetic?
brainlette here, how the fuck do you do that?
You can do this in any DE/WM, I used to have a gif wallpaper in i3.