Why didn’t anyone tell them that humans can’t hear past 20KHz?
Hi-Meme audio
Can’t sell snake oil while telling the truth.
>t. earlets
The technical specs of hi-res audio is complete snake oil, no doubt about that. It's pretty obvious to anyone who understands how digital audio works.
However, most of the time they have much better mastering than the CD release, hence the better sound. So if you can find a release like that it's always the better pick. Just don't become an audiophool who thinks that 24bit or 196kHz actually does anything for playback.
Same reason I grab FLAC releases. MP3 320kbps with latest LAME is good enough but there's too many re-encodes floating around.
Isn't this the same reason for vinyl sometimes being "better" than CD? The different mastering for the medium for certain albums? AFAIK for vinyl there wasn't a loudness war.
Hi-Res audio isn't about frequency, it's about sample rate.
>sample rate
snek oil
The frequencies we don't hear still affect the ones we do hear so using 99999999kHz would still sound different than 0.00000001Hz above what you can hear.
Yes. CDs are an objectively superior format for music storage than vinyl records, but vinyl records can't be abused by retarded mastering engineers like CDs can.
>However, most of the time they have much better mastering than the CD release
This so much.
Best mastering isn't always highest quality post Malone's b&b album sounds better on the iTunes and spotify master that's only 180-320kbs the CD master that's 1000+KBS sounds like shit
Haven't tried the vinyl master thou might be better than both
Vinyl can have massively larger dinamic range than CD you retard you just hate on vinyl because poser people who get laid buy it
Just download 10gb rips of it n stop being a pleb
But ya the best version isn't always based on specs try them all keep the one that sounds best to you
>larger dinamic range
You’re retarded.
>post malone
This, vinyl do have more headroom but not dynamic range.
the fuck is that monster
You know those people who unironically wear tinfoil hats and talk about government poisoning the water supply to make people gay?
Thats how their personality is expressed in the audio world.
muh 192hz 32bit mobile fidelity lab vinyl rips
muh goldplated hi-grade audiophile pro+ cables
muh ultra-fidelity platinum dac converter hq
the warmth of the audio dudes, don't believe nay-sayers, just trust your ears man
People did tell them, but their hearing was so shit that they didn't hear it.
find me a DR 9 cd then you sperg vinyl does have more range.
>When you end up using better audio gear than the studio that actually produced the song you listen to
what is classical