Is it really over soon?

Is it really over soon?
I don't want to get used to another distribution.
I feel right at home using it.

Attached: Void_Linux_logo.svg.png (2000x1648, 110K)

Other urls found in this thread:

is void is dying?!?!?!?!?!?!?! what is going on op

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Lead programmer left the project, another guy stole donations and left the project, taking the forums with him.
The forums are offline for quite a while now. Doesn't look like they can recover

I heard some talk about that but I didn't realize it was that bad. Guess I'll try gentoo next

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Wait is this real user? I actually like Void, don't play with my feelings.

It's still not that bad. Still actively maintained and everything's fixed now. When will spaniards learn their lesson about leaving one guy in charge of everything??
but yeah, the only problems are
>dead forums
>many search engines still list the .eu wiki, instead of new .org one
>xrs set-up guides still use the voidlinux github link instead of void-linux

also please stop shilling void
t. fellow void shill

what the fuck, and I'm using Void right now.

> Get used to Void
> Take a step further and learn how to install it via chroot:
> Go for Gentoo
> The only two things you'll have to learn at this point are how to deal with compiler flags and kernel configuration
> Enjoy the state of Ascendance you're now in.

I use void too btw.
The same fucking complains I keep hearing for almost a year now. Stop giving excuses and just accept that Void is here to stay.

>install it via chroot
>think you must be just talking about a regular-ass minimal install à la Arch
>actually building everything yourself to ease into gentoo
p cool

>another guy stole donations and left the project, taking the forums with him.
This is bullshit. The owner of the forum made an announcement about a year ago saying he doesn't want to pay for the forum any more and that someone should message him to take over.

The forums moved to reddit. Just as well, because the forum they had was pretty much the same style as reddit, just slower, uglier and harder to use. Fucking fading animations. This is an improvement.

>"lead" developer left
The guy who wrote xbps and started Void left, so what? Void has a competent team and updates/improvements have been rolling out. Besides, it's not a fucking rocket, it's Linux. All you need is a compiler, a package manager (optional), init system, the Linux kernel and software/packages. That's it. It's not something only a crack team with a strong, unwavering leader can do, remember CloverOS exists and people actually use it. Besides, the lead developer was gone for 6 months before they told everyone, AND NO ONE NOTICED.

This is why I'm afraid of moving from popular distros (Arch, Debian, Ubuntu, Fedora, etc.) to something with small(er) community.

I like the idea of Void, I tried using it for a short while and liked it, but I'm not comfortable with the uncertainty. Yes, it's open source and anyone can maintain/contribute, but the smaller the community, the higher the risk of everything falling apart eventually.

It's great in theory but lacks packages I often use.


it had the potential to be a great distro, but the project leader (Juan Romero Pardines) that started it disappeared

and i tested it on a laptop it boots and runs okay but seems to have some bugs in bash i find annoying like when using arrow up i cant access previous commands from bash_history

it needs work and i dont think the remaining developers have the desire to clean it up so void is like a snake without a head squirming about without any direction,

void is dead, it just dont know it yet

>and i tested it on a laptop it boots and runs okay but seems to have some bugs in bash i find annoying like when using arrow up i cant access previous commands from bash_history
Hahahaha install windows you absolute brainlet.

no thanks,

slackware is a good distro that actually works,

>the lead developer was gone for 6 months before they told everyone, AND NO ONE NOTICED.
Yet you still get retards like .

that's what you get for using a small-time unproven, unreliable shitty pony meme distro

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If you want a distro without Systemd just run Gentoo you faggots. Stop it with your bulllshit meme distros. Fuck off with your piece of shit hacked together devuan, artix and void which are more buggy trash than even systemd distros

Works on my machine. Btw the leader's been replaced.
I literally give no fucks if y'all don't want a fast, lightweight distro that just werks and has a comfy curses installer.

void is dead but the users are too stupid to know it... yet

Void and Solus were my favorite distros in 2017, for different reasons obviously. Ikey left so I doubt Solus will ever be as hot as it was in 2017, and Void has an even smaller team than Solus, I think.

That's why if you want to install these new distros, you should always keep Debian or Arch or something with a huge community installed in one of your hard drives. You never know when these projects might die as they're not based on anything.

If SHTF, try MX Linux, debian based, no systemd by default and it just werks.

If moving forums to Reddit is not a red flag I don't know what is.

It's not.

That's surprising. I come from Debian and Void has all the packages I had in Debian and much more that I use to compile by hand. If you're an autistic minimalist then you'll have most of the packages you want. Here're some packages not in Debian but in Void:

>and i tested it on a laptop it boots and runs okay but seems to have some bugs in bash i find annoying like when using arrow up i cant access previous commands from bash_history

Default shell is not bash. Root account uses /bin/sh which is symlinked to ash (or dash, not sure).

History works fine with bash. Start bash if you want to use bash.

I know the lead guy got killed by the CIA fucking ages ago, is there anything new?

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