ITT: things that are certainly not true

ITT: things that are certainly not true

bonus if you can spot the second one :^)

Attached: IMG_19970122_044568.jpg (1080x273, 31K)

So, you don't have friends user?

>no friends

tfw no friends

One thing always fucking confused me was when I downloaded signal, I was greeted with this giant fucking notification that my sister was using it too and that I should message her.
Doesn't that like, you know, defeat the entire god damn purpose? Gee Signal thanks for letting me know who in my contacts does or does not use your product

>no friends
>more using signal = worse

that's because you think signal is meant to be a sekret club instead of a secure messaging app


>things that are certainly not true
Samsung's curved screen marketing uses absolutely mumbo jumbo that has nothing to do with how eye works.

Attached: IMG_20190124_132936.png (640x445, 84K)

>things that are certainly not true
Nvidia using the term 'super sampling' (that historically meant using even more samples per pixel than native resolution) for upscaling.

Attached: (1080x1367, 332K)

Pictures like this one. The monitor does have some bezels.

Attached: GMDNAH-680qaS3qsqspsOQ.c-o.jfif.jpg (940x620, 222K)

R stands for radians and is a pretty acceptable way to describe field of view from a stationary perspective

ur an idiot

>things that are certainly not true
"Too much non-conductive thermal paste on CPU is somehow bad."

Attached: IMG_20190124_133902.jpg (1417x875, 120K)

R stands for radius, not radians and describes radius of hypothetical full circle if made by displays that are being described. Ideal radius = viewing distance.
Radius of the human eye doesn't have anything to do with ideal curvature of the display.

Yup, pic related is literally the same display minus photo manipulation.

Attached: 8a7b0597973e8cd07233414801b5e8ae3f37f7566c31f43a7d13e309acdce1f3-1.jpg (800x518, 327K)

On CPU sure it's not. On GPU it's a different story. I replaced my thermal paste my using quite a few different methods and while too much (and by too much I don't mean it was dripping all over the place, just put an oversized pea over it that was guaranteed to cover the whole thing when spread) was not as bad as too little, it definitely wasn't good either. Thick vertical line on the center, small dots on the corners and the GPU is running cooler than ever.

Radians are given between 0 and 2pi you retard

By doing anything but spreading the paste thinly over the whole surface of the CPU, there's a small but non-zero risk of not covering whole circuitry. So there's that.

And world champ over locker debau8er or whatever says (and has video on YouTube) anything but full spread makes u a faggot retard that watches too many Tech myth videos

Damn nurgles, that screen does a 360 turn 159.15somethingsomething times?
Trurly revolutionary

Half of the marketing today.