What is the shittiest programming language and why is it fucking python?

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it's python

Yes. it's python but also Javascript.

you take that back

>languages have to be so hard to use that only autists can use them, otherwise they're shit

Attached: just about mcfucking had it.jpg (436x536, 51K)

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>It's another college boy, angry at being stupid.

I think matlab is worse. At least you can write C in python and overall make a very simple program with blazing fast hot path.

PHP and JS
Python is best

>language is 100x/200x/300x slower than other typical high level languages
>they must be stupid for not liking it xD

R is worse.

>language is 100x/200x/300x slower

Don't you mean
>language is 10x faster to develop in compared to other languages and you spend 100x/200x/300x more time writing it than running it

>other typical high level languages

Attached: logo.png (584x251, 21K)

>durr pyton is slow

Attached: 1536553903630.jpg (750x1183, 142K)

brainfuck is worse :^)

Python is good for people who just want to automate shit.

Javascript is 100x faster for both general programs and web servers, and retards like you can "get stuff done faster" AKA import other people's work for every single module you can think of.


Attached: ok then sir.png (409x632, 21K)


>require( ‘is-odd’ )

it's python, javascript and php

What's wrong with Python again?

It's popular and people like evaluating it in things it's not used for

All I see in this thread so far is just
>python bad
>python slow
>python better tho
>X is worse than Python
Also some insults

are you a priest?

>multiple things can be the worst at the same time
That's not how it fucking works.

This, python is really handy to churn out some scripts where 50ms doesn't matter, but sometimes it's used when bash would be better.

Because you have yet to grow out of the Cnile phase and realize that Python is not only good, but one of the best tools for many tasks.


I know this is bait but I'll bite:

People who think this shit in real life are insufferable faggots who have 0 concept of how much abstraction there already is between them programming in "real" languages bare metal. The amount of abstraction that's achieved by going from logic gates to C is fucking astronomical, and you could probably never achieve writing a C compiler from bare metal in your entire life if it weren't for the work of hundreds of years of mathematicians working all this shit out for you. Comparatively, the jump from C to Python is minuscule in the grand scheme of things. Sure it might abstract away a few data structures and make things nicer to use, but it's nothing compared to carefully organizing bits of sand together in such a way that they perform actual computation.

Computer science and abstraction are tied together at the hip. Losers who can't understand that the continuous abstraction of mathematics is the very essence of computing are the most obnoxious fucking faggots in the world. The losers who can't understand that it's actually harder to think abstractly are the funniest of them all. Sure you can do the equivalent of hand-holding a modern abacus. You're not accomplishing anything by reinventing the wheel for the thousandth time, you're just doing it because someone needs some retarded shit to be fast, but you're not furthering the field of computer-science. You're not developing new fucking algorithms in C, you're implementing something that someone (far smarter than you) has already thought of in a slightly different flavor just so you can get a paycheck.

shut up i will rape u were do u live

>C/C++ is a single language
Every time.

C++ is at least as fast as C.

Python is one of the best programming languages around.
It has a purpose, being easy and extremely quick to write. The drawback is that its dogshit slow, but for prototyping or light programs which run in a negligible amount of time anyway, it's REALLY good.

Comparing it to C, or any other compiled language is completely retarded as they are in completely different categories.

why is C and C++ sharing the same spot?


Yes, and...?

>>language is 10x faster to develop in compared to other languages

compare to what? php?

This. People shitting on Python for being "slow" are delusional.

What's the problem here?

user are you trying to maintain your thread alive by linking comments? That doesn't answer my question at all

Racket or any other lisp dialect

C wouldn't be on the list otherwise

OP clearly hasn't tried PHP

Ha ha no. Shit language is shit.

Languages became shit when they made it for niggers.

Attached: geBXQ.jpg (464x224, 18K)

Why, it's [language you use]. That shits for retards, niggers, and furfags. Seriously, what the fuck, [feature A], [facet B], [quirk C], all along with [gross misunderstanding of simple programming concept belying a lack of knowledge of the concept]? Count me out, only racists use that garbage.

Oh! the daily python hate thread.

Could you provide evidence?

I just checked stackoverflow and they list it separated

>Crackers and chinks don't like when we try to get ahead
>Come on whitey, make me an easy to use computer pls

>Don't you mean
>>language is 10x faster to develop in compared to other languages and you spend 100x/200x/300x more time writing it than running it
Yeah, so retards can import libraries left and right and call it a day? A fucking webpage with a big button, smooth gradient, huge irrelevant text and 'made with ' can take 5 MiB space and 2 min to load and run because JS.

Why not Perl (or good ol' Bash) if you want to automate shit?

because that would require actually understanding a language and doing more than importing a solution and giving it minor tweaks.

Nah, I use Perl instead. Much shorter, faster and better than Python in every aspect.

>in every aspect
Can you write C in Perl?

>things cannot be equally bad
user, I...

And the aspect that nobody use it. python won the script war, accept it and move on.

Yeah there are abstractions and I do understand them. I have written programs in C, I have written programs in Assembly, I have hand assembled code into binary, I have written codes using nothing but OPCODES, I have programmed EEPROMs and designed Control Matrix by hand. And not even using Arduino or things kids use these days, but by dip switches. I've been doing shit since 8085 microcontrollers. So, yes I do understand abstractions and I am not even arguing that. I am saying Python is shit not compared to C (thats not even a comparision) but compared to Perl, Lua etc. Even fucking Lua is better.

are you retarded. that quote is most likely a facebook meme someone threw together. rakim is probably smarter than you anyways

Am I the only one that thinks that perl reads like absolute dogshit? I mean bash/javascript/java/C# is fine but perl looks like gibberish.

It's slow, not just against C (it's not comparable) but against other languages like R, Ruby, etc. Julia beat Python in it's own game -- linear algebra and machine learning -- in terms of speed.

Why is python shit? Because you can't waste your life sandpapering your crappy programs for a 2% perf boost?

No. Perl allows you write code and solve problems as you like. You can write code that looks gibberish (called oneliners) or very elegant (or as our BDFL calls it 'baby perl').

Runtime type inference is a mistake.
>inb4 type hint
It's for the dev not the interpretor.

Shut up Rakim

JavaScript is really good if you ignore the inconsistencies bred from the browser wars.

Because I have to use Windows at work and I haven't bothered to learn power shell.

Python own script wars up my ass. That abomination of a language is relevant only because it is used in machine learning and which will be soon dethroned by Julia. Scripts are still being written in Perl. Python doesn't even have a Comprehensive [language] Archive Network like Tex or Perl.

>taught at world class universities such as MIT
>used as one of the main languages at google "if it's performance critical, write it in c++, for everything else use python"
>main language used for AI and machine learning
>one of the most popular, most loved, and highest paid programming languages

But, yes, you're superior because you read K&R and you don't program in "nooby" languages like Python. Now go back to ricing your desktop.

Just write python libraries in C and then use them in your python projects. They'll be faster than everyone else's.

You're all stupid

>idiots don't know how to properly use a language's specificities therefore the language is shit

you know it's possible to make a shitty program in C, don't you? is C shit?

Powershell is good though.
> In a surprising twist of fate, the company that consistently had the worst terminals and shells out of any operating system would go on to create one of the best shells around. PowerShell was created by Microsoft's server group (a.k.a. the guys who actually use shells) and it shows.

Interesting. I'll check it out when I have time.

C is a completely different beast to Python. I am not comparing them. They have different use cases. Objectively, Python is a inferior language to it's counterparts like Perl, Ruby or Lua.

>when JS exist

but he's right: computers ARE racist

Can someone please arrange these languages from the fastest to the slowest?
>Common Lisp

i bet no one in this thread can fizzbuzz

#.(loop for i from 1 to 100 do
(format t "~:[~:[~a~;Buzz~]~;Fizz~:[~;Buzz~]~]~%~@*" (= 0 (mod i 3)) (= 0 (mod i 5)) i))

Fizzbuzz is ez pz
def fizzbuzz(dict, r):
for i in range(r):
newline = ""
for mod,name in dict.items():
newline += name * (not i % mod)
print newline or i

a = {3: 'fizz', 5: 'buzz', 7: 'bip'}


it's code, not script
happy hacking

Oops sorry
def fizzbuzz(dict, r):
for i in range(r):
newline = ""
for mod,name in dict.items():
newline += name * (not i % mod)
print newline or i

a = {3: 'fizz', 5: 'buzz', 7: 'bip'}

def get_fizzbuzz(0, 0, _), do: "Fizzbuzz"
def get_fizzbuzz(0, _, _), do: "Fizz"
def get_fizzbuzz(_, 0, _), do: "Buzz"
def get_fizzbuzz(_, _, x), do: x

def fizzbuzz(n) do
get_fizzbuzz(rem(n, 3), rem(n, 5), n)

(set-dispatch-macro-character #\# #\f
(lambda (s c n)
(declare (ignore s c))
`(loop for i from 1 to ,n do
(format t "~:[~:[~a~;Buzz~]~;Fizz~:[~;Buzz~]~]~%~@*" (= 0 (mod i 3)) (= 0 (mod i 5)) i))))

CL-USER> #36f

it's better than most langs.
at least it doesnt force oop on you at every corner

OOP is the shittiest thing toever happen to CS.

what's wrong with python and how is it "the shittiest"?

good god you don't know how to read
I'm refuting your stupid javascript example

python is a godlike language

he’s just hopping onto the bandwagon. Python is great for automating a lot of tasks without spending too much time programming. You can even do a mix where the main code is python but modules that need to be fast are written in C (since I know OP will complain about C++).

i love using python and have used it for years, so i don't quite get why people dislike it like this. kinda sad.


i was thinking vbscript but alright

Ruby is pretty shit. It’s a meme language that no one uses

python sorounding environment is terrible
There is python3 and python2 and tiny details between code written in them cause errors (simiiar with PHP 7 mysqli vs mysql shitfuck)
There are 10000 + 1 ways to install things? pip no pip? VirtualEnv or without? sudo apt-get or not? Global installation or local? Install certain package, or one big package that contains all little shit in it? I you have two packages that do the same thing (like pylab and pyplot), which function you should use? Those packages just depends on each other everything is such a pile of stinking shit that could collapse every minute. Honestly even node.js is better, i am not talking about language, but technology, python is terrible, confusing, outdated garbage

Learn Lisp.

>PHP 7 mysqli vs mysql shitfuck
You’re supposed to use PDO, so it doesn’t matter

Why not Perl or Bash for automating stuffs? Perl gets the job done faster and lesser no of keystrokes.

Delphi and visual basic called, and they want their title back.

Except a large majority of startups using rails you mean?
And like everything in japan is written in ruby. Just like everything in the west is written in python, they probably feel the exact same way.

>a large majority of startups using rails you mean?
[citation needed]