Suckless revolution is happening

Suckless revolution is happening.

Bloatniggers are becomming minimal

Attached: Suckless_logo.svg.png (800x522, 3K)

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dwm is genuinely great. i don't even change anything besides the font and the resizehints option.

why'd they name it the opposite of what using their software is like

any program that requires you to recompile upon a config change is dead to me

patch it to use xresources then


Its just a compiler. How do you think linux is compiled. Compiling is life.
Like, am i brain dead retarded or are you a stupid windows monkey pajeet nigger?

At most you makes 5 changes. If you make more than 5 changes you probably use a meme wm like herbslut, 2bwm, i3, awesome etc, you are just a ricing bloatnigger.

Compiling dwm takes 2 seconds.

or i'll just use a program that already exists and isn't retarded

do you really think editing some #define's and invoking gcc makes you some kind of linux wizard

No, but it isn't hard. Why are you bitching about it like a stupid bipolar thot

good suckless software:
quark, dwm, st, dmenu

shitty suckless software:
the other ones

it's retarded, not hard or slow

>installing base-devel
>using bloat to reduce bloat
you're special

why are you being a missionary for your horrible software no one but your cult members want to use

Yeah, you niggers love derailing the suckless movement yeeee

forgot sxiv in good

isn't st about 4x slower than terminals that are 100x more bloated? Saw that in some comparison chart

Slock is a nice too

Attached: 1542693513225.jpg (2448x3264, 2.11M)

your movement fails to understand the point of computers. we want to spend less time fucking around with them, not more. computers serve people, not the other way around.

suckless software will remain a niche for nuts like yourself and you'll probably never grasp why.

It's the latency that's bad apparently
But other than that I like the modular model.

No its just some retarded tests some retard did.

St is god tier. Urxvt is so bloated and super duper slow

not that performance other than input latency matters in terminals, but here's your source

More like fagduke.

Attached: Dw4i60JX4AIzH7D.jpg large.jpg (1334x750, 115K)

T. Shit programmar that makes buggy, slow, unsecure shit software.

Yeah nice try. We do spend less time fixing Bugs. Bugs are non existent, you niggers make life complicated.

Attached: Bronze.jpg (524x768, 82K)

sorry i'd rather have a life outside of worshipping software and sacrificing convenience on the altars of the compilers gods

you're a bunch of muppets and the world of software will leave you behind

while I'm all for debloating software, I want it to keep as many features as possible. I'm not impressed by programs that have no bloat and no features, I can make one of those easily

if your solution to complexity brought on by user requirements is simply to drop features you deem non-essential, you're the shit programmer. we didn't accomplish space travel by insisting bicycles are less error-prone and easier to maintain.

>install X11
>just to use dwm

anyhow, since sucklessfags only use their thinkfags to browse Jow Forums, might as well just exec fagfox in .xinitrc lol

Yeah bro. Im not too autistic. Not everything needs to be minimal.

Just the base programs we use everyday.

Pic rel

Attached: 1548083464546.png (1008x756, 189K)

>not surf
don't you want your browser to segfault every three minutes?

what do you want it's suckless shit to have sensible defaults.
if it's open source and small, you can understand it quicker and tinker as you like. as you said, "computers should serve people", and such is possible with open source

>space travel
Thats bloat. Life is on earth. Stupid retard. Moon landings never happened

All that looks really cool but I see no advantages besides being less "bloat" which has become a buzzword with no meaning around here and it seems you need to keep adding patches to make it work like a regular program.

Still, looks cool.

i don't see how software aimed at people willing to invest this degree of time and energy into such basic utilities that other systems already provide in a far more usable and convenient form has any kind of future or possibility of gaining traction at all

We browse Jow Forums to tell you to leave Jow Forums.

Less bloat means
- Fewer bugs
- Better and faster performance
- Lower memory footprint
- Better maintainability
- Higher scalability
- Longer software lifetime
- Smaller attack surface

If you still don't understand, you are just retarded.

ok this is epic bait

The command line has all the facilities necessary to manage your files so why do you guys need a separate extra file manager?

I'm sorry user, not everyone can be as smart as you

>- Better and faster performance
>- Better maintainability

Got some proof about these two? Just curious

none of that means shit if no one cares to use what you're written

learn to manage complexity and become a real programmer

>requiers st
>"not bloat"
>"muh minimalism"

what's next? a mammoth terminal with a mesozoic window manager? I bet you would still use x11 with it

Retarded schizo

>- Better and faster performance
Shit loads faster
>- Better maintainability
Code is clean and minimal and easy to fucking maintain. Just look at the systemd mess. Oh well.

st is absolutely retarded to be using in a tiling window manager setup. Sure an individual terminal is nice and small and lightweight, but none of that matters when you have a bunch of them each being their own thing. I find that things are MUCH faster, and lighter, when using urxvtd and urxvtc. This often-overlooked feature of urxvt makes it so much better than other terminals, as you can have as many of them open as you want while having it only slightly over the resources of just one. It's the true minimalist solution to terminals for use in tiling window managers. Everything else is a meme.

Literally none of that matters if your software has no features and looks like crap

you mean the mess that solves real needs of real businesses in the real world? has suckless software ever made anyone even a single dollar?

Yeah, im not terry bro. He's a bloatnigger schizo. Not me

This. And even if you need a file manager, there are plenty of ones you can run in the terminal that run through ncurses. Some of them even have image previews!

In that case you can prove moon landings never happened

fuck you're stupid

There's the input latency thing. st users blame it on the hard coded refresh rate. Never saw benchmarks that used anything other than the default value.

>real businesses
Oh no. Don't get me started.

No GUI, no deal. Computer should be usable with mouse only

Fuck distrotube. Fucking faggot that installs Ubuntu in WMs and talks about the default wallpaper. Why does this autist have ant followers?

>we want to spend less time fucking around with them
That's what suckless software is all about. It's only inconvenient for children who need to tweak their configuration every 5 minutes to get that perfect desktop thread screenshot.

>what is red hat

Demi doesn't even have a start menu

Manjaro niggers are weird. Muh distrowatch.


i'd like to take your word for it but i've actually used suckless before


Revolution would have been reject the UNIX principles and think something completely different instead.
Suckless are a group of reactionaries. They're trying to relive the status quo of 1970's computing.

This. Wayland is here and these fags use X

it runs on my toaster, so more power for me. but yes, suckfags could AT LEAST compromise and make an alternative to webkitgtk for fucks sake

The funny thing is that X is the antithesis of the Unix philosophy.

This. There is no reason to have a client-server relationship.

Use cwm

they don't even understand the unix philosophy. it's a principle that works extremely well for designing composable programs that do text processing. you can't reduce every single problem in software development to text processing without chopping several of your proverbial limbs off. outside of its original problem space, the unix philosophy is more often than not inadequate and inferior.

Nah the principles are fine. It's just that they were implemented like shit.
If we wanted to have an OS with "programs that do one thing and do it well", we wouldn't have a giant several-million line monolithic binary running in kernelspace.

You stop caring about bloat when you have a $1000 PC. Everything runs equally as fast

Distrotube is an autist and the biggest loser in the "Linux youtube community "

i can't remember the last time i unironically used a file manager in *nix

I'd suggest adding the pertag patch at minimum; it allows you to have different layouts in different workspaces.
I'm also using:
Removes tile border when there's only one tile in the workspace (great for fullscreen video without an annoying border)
Adds the titles of all tiles in the workspace to the status bar
Horizontal tiling mode
Grid tiling mode
Allows tile positions to be swapped, like in xmonad
>inb4 bloat
Still less that 3k sloc

Attached: patch_dropping.png (1200x1024, 101K)

But he's talking about neckbeards like you though
And making a good point. Gave it a like.

suckless is an euphemism for programmers not implementing functionality to their software. They strip essential functionality out of your software and force you to replace it with another meme tool essentially exposing your computer to basic flaws.

>user can you create an Acces Point for me?
Sorry in my suckless world i never programmed that script
>user could you resize this image and change the lighting a bit?
Sorry I just use raw imagemagick instead of bloated Gimp im still learning it!
>user could i plug this keyboard?
Nope sorry disabled the drivers for keyboards and your NKRO keb doesn't work with my BIOS mode.
>user why does your program only works on X11?
Well made it very sucky so no OSX nor WIndows support even if that graphical tool would work much better there
>user could you run this game for me
hihihi Wine is to bloated wont install it

Client-server is fine, and is actually the most natural way of doing that. Wayland is client-server, but doesn't work over the network, and only uses local unix sockets.
It's just that X11 is a bloated mess with useless legacy features that nobody wants or uses anymore, but can't be removed because it would break the X11 spec.
It's certainly not doing one thing and certainly isn't doing it well.

They aren't fine. They are justifications to things that just happened.
UNIX principles are akin to musical theory. Everyone treats it like they're sacred or they should be respected, when in fact, they were derived from the practice of music/programming.
Now people duplicate thirds even in vocal music and Unices are constantly trying to be Multics. Kek.

Unix was a prank
In an announcement that has stunned the computer industry, Ken Thompson, Dennis Ritchie and Brian Kernighan admitted that the Unix operating system and C programming language created by them is an elaborate prank kept alive for over 20 years.
...we decided to do parodies of the Multics environment and Pascal. Dennis and I were responsible for the operating environment. We looked at Multics and designed the new OS to be as complex and cryptic as possible to maximize casual users' frustration levels, calling it Unix as a parody of Multics. We sold the terse command language to novitiates by telling them that it saved them typing.
At one time, we joked about selling this to the Soviets to set their computer science progress back 20 or more years.
Unfortunately, AT&T and other US corporations actually began using Unix and C. We decided we'd better keep mum, assuming it was just a passing phase. In fact, it's taken US companies over 20 years to develop enough expertise to generate useful applications using this 1960's technological parody. We are impressed with the tenacity of the general Unix and C programmer. In fact, Brian, Dennis and I have never ourselves attempted to write a commercial application in this environment.

You do realize everything suckless is at most a couple of thousands lines of code? That shit is compiled in a couple of seconds even on potato computers.

>At one time, we joked about selling this to the Soviets to set their computer science progress back 20 or more years.
Bahahaha based

It's not about that. There's no reason to do this special snowflake shit instead of having config files

I don't think that's a good response. Even in traditional UNIX developers prefered to give the users config files instead of messing with the code.

>Sorry I just use raw imagemagick instead of bloated Gimp im still learning it!
To be fair, that's a matter of how experienced you are with a program. Also I have a feeling that ImageMagick is considered bloat by hardcore minimalists.

>no buttons because 16x16 bitmaps are fucking bloat
>no basic features that every other mdoern software has
>recompile if you make any changes (this sucks less somehow)
Make you car minimalist by removing all the panels and flinstoning everywhere.

Attached: jsop.jpg (300x300, 11K)

Their browser is completely usable. The only issue is it lacks uBlock Origin and uMatrix.

It's faster than urxvt, slower than Konsole and Alacritty though.

Attached: terms-latency-debian-1.png (883x495, 16K)

urxvtd = 10 st terminals on my machine
Plus you should be using tmux

suckless recommendations generally suck.

Alacrity is good, but I hate they don't support native wayland backend.

sxiv is not a suckless project.

Alacrity is written is rust and its creator is literally a pajeet , you might as well use Hyper Term

Good riddance, now go write some python hello worlds

The only suckless tool worth using is dmenu.
The rest has better alternatives.

I ended using termite. Is that or get stuck with Xwayland.

Hello sir thank you please delet post

> compiler scary and bad
> fast software is bad
Guess it's time to stick some js frameworks and blockchain in there, people like you love frameworks and buzzwords.


I have to work to win my bread. My mother doesn't mantain me.

>int main(void){return 0;}
>so minimal much fast no bloat

And this marks the day the Multics nigger escaped 8ch.

Even assuming this is true (it isn't) I often have way more than 10 terminals open anyway.
>Plus you should be using tmux
tmux is pointless when working locally if you're already using a tiling window manager.
For ssh sessions, it's a different story.