i want to learn coding but i have no idea how or where to start.. Help!
I want to learn coding but i have no idea how or where to start.. Help!
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So this is what prehistorical man looks like?
I bet he has a massive dick
they found the missing link!
tf? this is fake right? that guy legit looks like a neanderthal. human beings just don't look like that, unless he has some kind of horrible disease
I'll give you a task, you monkey
look for the iso 8583 standard, thats a banking transaction message standard, just research it and program a parser that builds and validates a message like that using java or javascript whocares, get on it
That's a little unnerving, he doesn't look like her has microencephaly... He looks like a proto human species.
Even his mannerisms and the way he won't look straight in the eye remind me more of an ape.
He's from Brazil. The fellow was just enjoying the music and dancing until some roastie started making fun of him.
It's just an abo with scoliosis and down syndrome. At least that's what I tell myself to sleep at night
Here's the original video liveleak.com
reminds me of this
Posting in epic bread
Im more concerned about how casually u posted that webm and nobody seems to even know the question that op was asking
Every image of a man i see now is a caveman. Thanks Op.
I will never look at myself in the mirror again
>where do I start?
Learn math first
>what next?
Gentoomen library, MITOpenCourseWare, etc. Self-education is easy if you aren't that dumb. Also practice a lot. Dedicate an hour a day to some simple programming.
>Learn math first
This is not a good advice for a beginner. You don't need math to program. Some software might need some complex math, but that's not what 90% (absolutely made up value) of programmers do. You might learn math on the side, or after you get the basics of programming down, but you shouldn't postpone programming so that you can learn math.
I didn't really mean for him to postpone programming my mang, bad wording. As you can see I gave him an advice to practice a lot, which is the single most important aspect.
>make open source project
>people laugh about your shitty code
>makes you want to improve your code
>become linus torvalds
image related
Have you guys never seen a Brazilian before?
>learn math
you really don't need more than basic algebra and trigonometry. this of course depends on what you work on, but generally speaking, those two are the "most used" in software development from my personal experience.
also vector math and lines, if you are going to work on a game.
I get that, but since he's a beginner he might be intimidated by the M A T H.
but you need to know calculus, quantum physics, einsteins field equations, and fractal geometry if you want a degree
Learn C.
Don't use an IDE.
Understand what compilation does.
I don't care what anyone recommends as a starting point.
The prerequisite is needing something that doesn't exist.
If you have no purpose in learning you will not be motivated long term. You have to have in your mind a project that you are going to write for yourself or someone else that fulfills a purpose.
You spend your time learning, then you spend oyur time building towards your project once you learn enough, then you spend a lot of time rebuilding it from the ground up over and over again until you understand how to do it right.
I hate math.
Understanding math trains your brain to think like a programmer.
Your mom teaches me how to have sex.
just google "how to code for brainlet tutorials"
lol thats nasty, shes 92
start here learn web everything is web today
is that an abo
What problems do you want to solve, that's the first question.
It's what i use lole
Is this the "Innsmouth Look"?
Start with the Greeks
Is this like a movie set or something? Guy looks weird
this is a redpill
Dats right, homo sapiensboi
This. Just go to university.
what IS that?
That's what the average brazilian looks like.
Fuck off sopa
Just become a super model with a rich Jewish boyfriend to bankroll your "hobbies."
This is not a homo sapiens
//this post is correct ^_^ ;)
ITT: reddit chicks freaking out over stale video