How much storage does Jow Forums use? And what do you use it for...

How much storage does Jow Forums use? And what do you use it for? I'm stuck here with 2x 1TB of nvme storage as an Engineering student and I don't even use 1/8th of it.

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1TB of animu and doujins
roughly 500 gb of work and personal files.

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i have 24 tb of spinning rust storing asian porn and anime

500gb SSD boot drive, 3x1TB for storage

4 * 250gb SSDs - 2 in raid 0 for apps and working projects, 1 for windows and 1 for linux.
2 * 2tb HHD 1 for data (games, reports, done projects) 1 for media (movies and music and stuff)

kys degenerate

that's rude

thats a lot of porn

yeah i haven't even watched most of it

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On my laptop
1 TB SATA M2 SSD for OS, VMs and games
1 TB HDD for music and waifus

1 2tb external hdd
1 4 tb external hdd
2 8 tb external hdd
1 1tb ssd
1 6tb internal hdd

120gb HDD on laptop

Why bother with the 6tb drive? why not go with 3*2tb so that you spread the data out and aint caped by the w/r of a single hhd

80tb raw... 54tb in raid

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can't wait until I reach your level senpai, my collection of anime and hentai is only at like 6tb

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8tb of animu seeding at 2mb/s

all porn

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2TB x3
1TB x2

4TB x1 soon

Use about 90% of my 700GB.

Two biggest space consumers is a folder of VR porn vids that I keep for some reason even though I will probably never watch all of them, and the ethereum blockchain

>he doesn't have a vibrating NVMe SSD
Mine literally includes the amount of vibration in the spec sheet

1x1tb hdd
1x4tb hdd
1x1tb m.2 sata ssd

1tb is original hdd. It's basically a junk drawer atm, has a bit of everything, 4tb is for pictures, music, games that dont need to be on my ssd, videos I've recorded, ETc. Ssd is for bideo games obviously, and boot.

250gb system drive
500gb steam library
1tb assorted crap
1tb assorted crap
2tb unfinished torrents
2tb tv shows
8tb movies

the first two are ssd obviously

320 gb on my main machine - I use around 200 gb of it, I have some games, my programming projects, some photos - this is it. I'm planning on buying ssd (250gb, keep the 320gb hdd for storage)

320gb on my x220 - used around 150gb, i don't use my thinkpad very often. there are probably some older versions of projects that i didn't bothered to remove and some movie series as i like to lay in bed and watch them

22TB atm, and 6TB stashed away on old drives

You have to kill yourself, and you have to do it immediately.

Not him, but 3x2 TB in RAID 0 would have worse failure rates than a single 6 TB drive and speed doesn't really matter for data hoarding anyway.

I wish I could chain one of those data hoarders to their bedframe and meticulously destroy every single one of their drives while they watch.

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/ is 200gb ssd
/home are 3 2tb drives filled mostly with music and anime

You guys better be using that space for something useful, like a Jow Forums archiver or something.

120gb is more than enough for me to run both windows and linux

500GB SSD - OS & Current gayme
500GB HD - Music
3TB HD - Gaymes
4TB HD - More Music , Back up of 500gb HD music and other music that i don't really care if i lose it.
4TB HD - Anime.
4TB HD - TV Shows/Movies.

1TB HD - Currently dieing HDD that was originally the Music HDD.

those movies better be the adult kind

Of course i have all of the twilight zone , MASH ,I love lucy , Adams family , Bonanza etc etc

delete this

if you were cute it'd be kinda hot

5 TB for archival of media
3 TB extra (new) for more media
2 TB extra for games
1 TB for data
250 GB SSD for critical stuff.

No Matlock? I'm ashamed to even be in the company.

3 x 2TB HDD
~1.5 TB of gaymes
~2 TB of edited videos from work as backup
~500GB of anime

For sure but i never said anything about RAID 0. Having the data spread across 3 drives would make the failure of a single drive less of an issue. As for speed when it comes to moving files around and backups its nice to only have some of your data unavailable at a time. so copying your trap collection to a external drive wont stop you watching your hentai. Also makes backing up easier as cloning a 6tb drive would suck balls

3TB hdd with 2TB video files, I just downsized the videos by redownloading smaller versions and now only using 1.2TB for videos.

You better have Redline in there

>not storing your music on an undervolted SSD, for maximum sound quality and no risk of loss to rotational velocidensity.

80gb boot ssd on internal card ssd

240gb ssd for files and other stuff.

1 tb boot drive
320 gb drive for music and photos
320gb drive back up for photos and stuff i make myself

then a 1tb external drive for backups.

need a new external drive my 1tb one is starting to click and is more than 10 years old lmao.

4x 8TB WD Reds (shucked from easystores)
and a bunch of old 1-3TB WD Greens
all for seeding linux distros

Almost used up 2 tb before my motherboard got raped.

Now I'm having an eye on a tasty 4tb hardrive to fill with my good stuff.

are those reds holding up fine?

Thinkpad W530
256gb ssd for os
1tb for music and torrents that will be offloaded to external drives

Thinkpad T420
Same as above

Thinkpad T440
256gb ssd for os
i only use this when i'm traveling so i don't keep much on it

500gb ssd for os and commonly used programs
2tb drive for muh games

On my SSDs I have about 800GB for MP3s, 400GB for movies, 1TB for games, and another 1TB split between windows/linux for general use.

I also have about 10TB worth of WD Green drives but I never use them and they'd just randomly spin up and down in my computer and make noise so I unplugged all of them. I have no clue how much space I'm using on them, maybe about 3TB, but they're also more than a decade old now so I don't plan on using them again for anything but unimportant backups. Linux was yelling at me for a while saying one of them is about to fail soon and knowing those drives the rest will probably fail the next time I plug them in

also engineering kiddies are fucking ridiculous lmao, you bring it into every post

Why do you guys store so much porn? Kinda pathetic