Of ads like this? I'm pretty sure this has nothing to do with my actual Xfinity account, but when I clicked the ad, I was prompted to log in at a site that looked like the legit Xfinity site and even had HHTPS in the address bar. However it only pops up on Jow Forums and something tells me that Xfinity did not pay gook moot so it could tell me I'm running up against my data cap every time I come to this site... so what gives? Is anyone else seeing this ad?
What is the Purpose?
you got malware from some cracked shit you torrented
I have literally never torrented anything on my PC and have only watched porn on it 1 time.
Use https, fucking retard.
It's not a real injection from his ISP, it's an ad script. HTTPS won't help, but an ad blocker would
I watch porn on my phone. Why risk your expensive desktop when you can use your old android?
If you used GNU you wouldn't have this issue.
Imagine being this big of a liar
works on my machine
Its no an ad its from comcast letting you know how mich you have left on your data cap or of you’ve gone over. I get the same notice at my friends house
Legit or not it's annoying as fuck
retard op doesn't realize spending his days on an imageboard loading blackd webms and rekt gifs eats up data
>not using an ad blocker
Use GNU for anything that isn't video games
Video games are for children.
>being a cuck who can't fathom not watching porn on his desktop
>he's never been in a home where the desktop is not in a bedroom
>doesn't realize that not everyone has to view pornography multiple times per day
>usable for anything
>is technologically illiterate
>tries to abuse Jow Forums for free personal tech support
>browses pol
every single time
I never mentioned which kernel.
but you mentioned the worst userland the mankind has ever seen
No I didn't.
it *is* a real injection from his isp, comcast is known for doing this shit.