Are you serious?
You've never even tried coke and peanuts before?
Hey everyone, take a look at this loser! Its 2018 and he STILL hasn't even given it a go! How pathetic of a loser can he get?
Are you serious?
You've never even tried coke and peanuts before?
Hey everyone, take a look at this loser! Its 2018 and he STILL hasn't even given it a go! How pathetic of a loser can he get?
I suffer dehydration easier up here. I can't into C&P since I'm too busy guzzling water bottles
Hey everyone, get a load of this waste of oxygen!
I give back carbon dioxide to the plants that give me oxygen so I'm not wasting anything
Yeah yeah, keep telling yourself that you silly namefag, keep telling yourself that.
You are so insecure about the fact you haven't once, not once in your miserable existence had a bottle of germany's finest coke and peanuts that you have to make excuses and post with not only a name but a trip too to prove how desperate you are for somebody to recognise you. But no one does. You will fade off this board and not be missed by anyone. Not like Manx, not like Chicanon. No one cares about you. No ones cares because you never drank the coke. you were never truly initiated.
>this much typing over a drink
You still don't get it do you? Perhaps you aren't really a Jow Forumsdit after all... You probably don't even remember who kagari is.
Any self respecting Jow Forums user has drank the concoction at least once. Sounds to me as though you don't belong here
Lucky for you there are some places you can go that suit you more
Now be gone from here filthy imposter
>You probably don't even remember who kagari is.
I member him getting btfo by Cirno sticky after a rampage of getting digits all over the site.
>Any self respecting Jow Forums user
>self respecting
>Jow Forums
B-But I'm allergic to nuts!
That's not what your dog said.
I don't own a dog you baka-burger. I own a kitter
>shit taste
Surprise surprise.
At least I don't fuck my dog you inbred idiot
You sure about that, Xiaoping?
>unironically quoting a Jow Forumstard
>especially one who clearly advocates fucking dogs
Oh so you must be from one of those southern states. Where that new fallout video game is taking place I reckon
burger btfo
Another Victoryia for Canada.
So. uh.Canada thread nao?
>be chinese immigrant in canada
>be illiterate
That's a yikes from me.
Alright billy-joe-doel-bob. Easy on the moonshine, that stuff will make you blind!
You feeling sour grapes is only natural. Comrade Trudeau would never let some outer party chink like yourself enjoy the delicious nectar of moonshine.
>there are """"""""people""""""""" here who haven't Coke and Peanuts'd