OP, I helped you get it unlocked. I would like to ask you a small favor.
Please use it yourself and don't give to your uncle. It's good enough for internetz and stuff, so install Linux and make sure it lasts.
Btw, greetings from Russia. :^)
Uncle just bought a bar
he didnt even need to show his hands, you can see his hair isn't velcro from the laptop screen.
Thanks user really appreciate it ill check it out my friend is better at that shit then me so ill have him do it ill post an update thread when he finishes it
Mail me at makaroner@cock.li. As confirmation that this is you send another picture of the laptop.
I can give you more help when I have time :^)
Anyways, it's really late now, so I'm going to bed.
Shitposting is fun and all, but I think we need to keep our board friendly :^)
is me
>Helping thieves steal is keep the board friendly
Kill yourself.
its not stealing if you bought the property and everything in it go back to /mlp fucking autist
if you bought it then you can call up who you bought it from and just ask for the password
why aren't you doing that?
I that you could email me for more help whenever you need and I'll help when I have time, not post more images in thread.
Even if stealing, the value is tiny. The joke died down anyways, come up with something new.
first sentence missing "meant" ahahhaha I'm falling asleep