Attached: solarized-emacs.png (1351x920, 299K)
Is this the ultimate color scheme?
Aaron Kelly
Nicholas Sanders
Not that one
Hunter James
molokai is the best theme
Isaac Russell
Shit theme shit editor
Eli Diaz
Oh yeah, solarized looks really well. But I try to restrict myself to light colorschemes because of eyesight reasons. I use PaperColor for vim.
Angel James
Solarized is nice if you choose the colors, but no good for compatibility since it breaks away from the standard 16 colors.
Here's one I came up with that tries to stay compatible while being less garish. Unfortunately many programs rely on the colors being garish and do things like use bright yellow text on a bright blue background that fail under any scheme that tries to keep all colors at a similar luminance.
-------------- ------- -----------
Black #111111 17- 17- 17
Blue #5555ab 85- 85-171
Green #346934 52-105- 52
Cyan #336666 51-102-102
Red #8f4747 143- 71- 71
Magenta #8a458a 138- 69-138
Yellow #606030 96- 96- 48
White #b9b9b9 185-185-185
Bright Black #3b3b3b 59- 59- 59
Bright Blue #8484ff 132-132-255
Bright Green #50a150 80-161- 80
Bright Cyan #4f9e9e 79-158-158
Bright Red #db6e6e 219-110-110
Bright Magenta #d169d1 209-105-209
Bright Yellow #94944a 148-148- 74
Bright White #f1f1f1 241-241-241
Ryan Long
neat, i'll try it out.
Hudson Rivera
This, but with a black background instead of that disgusting poo brown. Solarized is shit because the colors aren't distinctive enough. Colored text is there to distinguish elements, not look a e s t h e t i c, and solarized just looks like a pastel smear.
Ian Wood
bump. currently using misterioso theme but looking to change.
Joseph Hill
"##########vim options############
highlight Normal ctermfg=Grey ctermbg=Black
highlight DiffAdd cterm=bold ctermfg=10 ctermbg=17 gui=none guifg=bg guibg=Red
highlight DiffDelete cterm=bold ctermfg=10 ctermbg=17 gui=none guifg=bg guibg=Red
highlight DiffChange cterm=bold ctermfg=10 ctermbg=17 gui=none guifg=bg guibg=Red
highlight DiffText cterm=bold ctermfg=10 ctermbg=88 gui=none guifg=bg guibg=Red
Thank me later.
Tyler Perez
The ultimate colorscheme is off/on only.
Luke Fisher
nice, seems like nobody uses it these days
you'd think Jow Forums would have more people using emacs
Caleb Richardson
no, but the one I'm using is
Noah Green
please post your soft and cozy color schemes in the purple-pink-blue area of the palette
i adapted the spacemacs default dark colors for mine. i'll share my highlighting defs if you like
John King
>green over somewhat darker green
Thanks but no thanks
Isaiah Reed
for me, it's google dark on
Eli Gonzalez
I can read the green on much easier than the reds. gah, I hate reds.
Xavier Davis
The only ultimate color scheme is either one that doesn't screw with your eyes as much, or one that screws with your eyes for the sake of appearances.
Aiden Reed
Dracular is better.
William Miller
>low contrast shit
Don't you want to clearly see what you're typing? It's kind of important.
Easton Walker
Omtose Phellack
Luis Martin
All dark themes mess with my eyes
Alexander Stewart
emacs is great
but you make it look like shit
Dominic Howard
John Jones
inbreed retard
Lucas Gonzalez
I like material theme more for emacs
Ethan Perez
syntax highlighting is for fags
Jordan Lopez
Gavin Allen
>misterioso theme
That's a neat one.
I wanted a dark theme with kind of high contrast that also has a light variant (I like toggling dark-theme / light-theme for when I'm comfy vs when I'm in a bright room with a lot of reflections on my display)
I'm currently using material theme, but there's a lot of söy in it, for example the org mode sections with a huge font and 3d button like background.
t. rob pike
Gabriel Thompson
soft-charcoal on melpa is currently unmaintained but sounds like what you're looking for
Jacob Morris
I just saw the screenshot posted just between our posts.
too low contrast, especially the comments.
Colton Cooper
One Dark (the default theme in Atom) is the most consistently good across most editors. Material is usually good but sometimes too green. Obsidian and Oblivion can be good if done right.
Dominic Jones
I thought I was using manoj-dark, had forgotten that I'd changed it so deleted the post.
Here's a screen if anyone else is interested.
William Cook
Wombat for Emacs
Dark+ for VSCode
whatever is standard terminal color scheme for vim
Colton Robinson
recommend a theme that is like deeper-blue, but background is black
Parker Cook
I prefer this one.
Though it looks terrible on a TN monitor I have at work.
Leo Morris
>what is constrast
Luke Long
I've been using this, because colors are for fags
Aiden Evans
I've been using solarized dark ever since it was released. I want to migrate to something else but everytime I try something else I keep reverting back to it.
Help me bros.
I've already tried all of base16 and most on
Dylan Jones
This. Constant luminance is hands down the best way to make a color theme and does wonders for preventing eye strain.
But yeah, if the luminance is constant it means combining any of them makes the blend in and become unreadable.
I wish backgrounds were totally separate colors you could define instead of re-using the foregrounds. I wonder how hard it would be to patch something like that into an existing terminal emulator.
Andrew Johnson
I prefer gruvbox
John Cook
I too like washed out colors, something similar to what's shown on that page. I already have something similar for vim, terminal emulator, wm and most other things.
Jordan Robinson
I use Plan9 theme in Emacs and for my terminals.
The Emacs theme is the only one I've found that doesn't make weird decisions about syntax highlighting. I'll never understand why the designers try to hide comments.
Joseph Russell
solarized is nice but gets boring after a while, I like using gruvbox with tweaked colors as my main theme
sometimes I switch to the kaolin themes because they're so good:
Sebastian Scott
I use solarized light everywhere
Austin Gomez
Anyone know vscode themes like this? I just want a little colour, not too much.
Colton Bell
I like afterglow
Carter Clark
it's custom one IIRC, I asked him a few times on twitter but he didn't respond, so...
Ethan Diaz
Brody Ward
this looks nice. can I get some of the color values?
Ian Morris
> ded thread is ded
Colton Perry
This or STFU
Jaxson Hughes
> how to screenshot
Zachary Thompson
Black on white is not good, you don't want contrast as high as that. There's a reason why all the background colors are a shade of brown.
Elijah Bell
I use seoul256 but Jetbrains' Darcula is also nice
Adam Gutierrez
Gabriel Russell
Leo Parker
Fags walk into starbucks with their macbook airs doing front end html in atom with their 60$ font, colorful themes and particle effects when you type each letter. This isn't kindergarten, your screen does not need to look like an unicorn tripping on acid threw up on all over your fagbook.
Vim with high contrast for maximum efficiency and minimal gayness.
Zachary Lopez
based redditor
Brandon Murphy
Solarized is the worst colorscheme ever conceived. I can't believe it got this popular.
Not only is it impractical, it downright looks like shit. There is no reason to use it.
Joshua Bennett
I changed to Dracula today and it's neat.