For necrophilia, it might be necessary to ask the next of kin for permission if the decedent's will did not authorize it. Necrophilia would be my second choice for what should be done with my corpse, the first being scientific or medical use. Once my dead body is no longer of any use to me, it may as well be of some use to someone. Besides, I often enjoy rhinophytonecrophilia (nasal sex with dead plants).
For necrophilia...
Other urls found in this thread:
but why does plant semen smell so good then?
>Necrophilia would be my second choice for what should be done with my corpse
What the actual fuck is wrong with him
GNU/Autistic trolling
This is why I don't use Linux on a desktop
It's made for degenerates from degenerates
RMS didn't write Linux, Linus Torvalds did. RMS had nothing to do with it.
Linux is a kernel
what, you don't like smelling flowers?
"Andrew Holland was prosecuted in the UK for possessing "extreme pornography", a term which appears to mean porn that judges and prosecutors consider shocking. He had received a video showing a tiger having sex with a woman, or at least apparently so.
He was found innocent because the video he received was a joke. I am glad he was not punished, but this law is nonetheless a threat to other people. If Mr Holland had had a serious video depicting a tiger having sex with a woman, he still would not deserve to go to prison. … I've read that male dolphins try to have sex with humans, and female apes solicit sex from humans. What is wrong with giving them what they want, if that's what turns you on, or even just to gratify them?
But this law is not concerned with protecting animals, since it does not care whether the animal really had sex, or really existed at all. It only panders to the prejudice of censors."
"A parrot once had sex with me. I did not recognize the act as sex until it was explained to me afterward, but being stroked on the hand by his soft belly feathers was so pleasurable that I yearn for another chance. I have a photo of that act; should I go to prison for it?
Perhaps I am spared because this photo isn't "disgusting", but "disgusting" is a subjective matter; we must not imprison people merely because someone feels disgusted. I find the sight of wounds disgusting; fortunately surgeons do not. Maybe there is someone who considers it disgusting for a parrot to have sex with a human. Or for a dolphin or tiger to have sex with a human. So what? Others feel that all sex is disgusting. There are prejudiced people that want to ban all depiction of sex, and force all women to cover their faces. This law and the laws they want are the same in spirit.
Threatening people with death or injury is a very bad thing, but violence is no less bad for being nonsexual. Is it worse to shoot someone while stroking that person's genitals than to shoot someone from a few feet away? If I were going to be the victim, and I were invited to choose one or the other, I would choose whichever one gave me the best chance to escape."
And of course, the classical:
" I am skeptical of the claim that voluntarily pedophilia harms children. The arguments that it causes harm seem to be based on cases which aren't voluntary, which are then stretched by parents who are horrified by the idea that their little baby is maturing."
I hope Bill Gates buys his corpse and fucks him in the ass publicly
Is Bill Gates gay?
Fuck you! RMS' gooty hole is mine!
>tfw no parrot to have sex with
Stallman is 10/10 on autistic spectrum
>Jow Forums doesn't understand a joke
He's right but... he must suffer from severe autism to be capable of publishing these opinions
Reading his commentary on all these articles made me realise just how redpilled he is. There is criticism of the entire establishment on both sides. Pretty based.
I guess the only issue I have is with his support of degeneracy. But those people just select themselves out of the gene pool anyway. I'd rather have degeneracy than a surveillance state and wars for [redacted].
Are you referring to the plant smelling (that was indeed a joke) or the use of his corpse for sex (he is pretty serious about that)?