The incoming of graphics and point-and-click (and later, touch) interfaces did more damage to computing than all the so¥grammers put together.
GUIs were a mistake
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now it is CP/M Club tread
Damn Unix looks like that ??
I agree, most of the work that actually gets done on the computer for business tasks could be handled in a bash script. But instead we invented an industry to make applications for business tasks and rob business blind reinventing the same apps over and over.
>reinventing the same apps over and over
That's not a GUI problem, that's a proprietary software problem.
Welcome to the magical world of Software as a Service.
As if there aren't always several alternatives and rewrites going on in the FOSS community for each application
Maybe, but the shareware scene on DOS was far more widespread and culturally ingrained than Free software (or even open source, which is largely a corporate hoodwink). Plus if things remained on the command line there would be a natural limit for "progress" of software you could fool people with to make new versions.
Plus there's other less tangible things like continuity between generations of users, and keeping effeminate "design" principles out of computing (which has also affected the command line because I see people talk about "the best font for programming" and font rendering).
so faggot you want to completely abolish all graphics? a fixed font rom sitting on your board and only character cells 80x25?
And that's a good thing!
>instead we invented an industry to make applications for business tasks and rob business blind reinventing the same apps over and over
>reinventing the same apps over and over
And this is a bad thing? That's how I get paid as a programmer.
sounds like heaven
Command line interfaces are better than they have ever been. What's your problem? Let normies use their toys.
Well as long as you get paid what else matters?
keep in mind you cant address the character cells either this is true terminal style, you can only push them on the screen, not ask where they went
The dominant culture will always exert its will on others. Acting like you can exist in your own little bubble is naïve.
In all honesty, I would be fine with
320x240 resolution of 8x8 tiles at 8bpp (256color mode)
with 64-128 hardware sprites available, each sprite the size of a tile. no more graphics needed then that.
Le Wrong Generation.
Being able to use a computer pre-windows 95 made you some kind of COMPUTER WIZ, even though you might only know like 5 DOS commands.
Post Win95, any retard could power one and do basic things, so it didn't have the same cache.
People just wouldn't have bought computers and the internet boom would have never happened, if everything was still a DOS CLI.
>People just wouldn't have bought computers and the internet boom would have never happened, if everything was still a DOS CLI.
And that's a good thing!
Ok no broadband.
Have fun in Alt-2019 where everyone still is on 56k dialup maybe with better compression.
>these pathetic entertainment-based scare tactics
Idiot zoomer. Lunix nerds were the first ones to sign up for broadband when it became available. Downloading a slackware ISO or 200 floppy images would take the better part of a day and that was best case.
Who mentioned Linux?
Linux = Command line
Didn't you know?
That's before ubuntu, when it was a way to signal that you had profound autism and you were the 'computer person.'
Hard to explain to a zoomer who was 4 when ubuntu came out.
What are you even talking about? No one mentioned Linux, and the kernal and a framebuffer was available in smaller distributions than Slackware before Slackware.
But this thread isn't even about Linux, so stop attempting to virtue signal.
'virtue signal' ok ben shapiro
It's strange how as soon as people say there's something wrong with modern technology there's always people who lose their mind. They can't even dismiss it and scroll past. They have to voice how stunned they are that people could say such a thing.
>have a problem getting code to compile
>show it to professor
>he gets mad when I don't exclusively use the terminal
Am I getting a good education?
i3 rocks.
>implying he's not doing this all from the command line
How would he deal with captcha?
Where did you come from, where did you go
This misrepresents the argument completely.
Not really. The argument that made (or rather this brand of argument) essentially just comes down to "say what you think where no one can hear it." In fact it's not even an argument, more just a dismissal.
Fuck off
This comic is retarded. None of the statements in these panels are equivalent.
Fuck off neoluddite Jow Forumstard
This comic isn't applicable to anything I said either.
>they associate with the times and any criticism makes them butthurt even if not aimed personally at them
>so edgy
The CLI is obsolete, everything can be done quicker/faster with a mouse. Kill yourself you antiquated neck fat.
>truly competent multitasking, self-documenting interfaces and WYSIWYG editing were a mistake because it doesn't make me feel special and smart
Wrong generation niggers get the rope.
Fuck off hypocrite
I finished an 8 point agile issue(a week's worth of work on my team) in 5 minutes with a grep command piped into a text editor.
You are small time.
Explain how I am a hypocrite.
>Apple is bad, here is me virtue signalling on how i disagree with apple and how you should all be shamed into agreeing with me
>--posted from my apple--
Even if it there was some objective way of determining whether or not apple was morally bad, the fact that the she uses an apple product is shows that she doesn't care whether or not apple is bad or does not care enough to make changes in her life. Thus she is part of the demand that makes apple's morality sustainable. Even vegans arent this stupid, they dont eat meat. >Cars should have seatbelts, because seatbelts can save lifes and injuries
yet he still purchases one without seatbelts, the exact same argument as above, he doesnt care, the company is not affected, cars will continue to be made without seatbelts
>we should improve society somewhat
this image is just pure strawmanning lol
t. CIAnigger
>scripts/automation == CLI
I agree with you but I am going to nitpick on this one.
>Cars should have seatbelts, because seatbelts can save lifes and injuries
He just said that "cars should have seatbelts." It can be merely interpreted as a feature request and not any kind of moral demand. In this case, it's not hypocrisy, but just something he'd like to see in the future.
aw babby gave up so soon
Always the same wit you, fuck off
I actually forgot to write the big point here though. Acting hypocritical is not neccessarily any flaw of interest, but the fact that she does makes her narrative untrustworthy, if she *really* cared, if she *really* was telling the truth, why would she use an apple product? etc. The effect is that other motivations for making that post become more likely, for instance merely garnering social goodboy points. She might even be in danger of making downplaying the evil of apple, or the need to resist it, seemingly implying that just posting about it on an apple phone is 'good enough'.
The real issue is that keyboard-oriented interfaces can provide faster workflow and better expirience, but they demand at least some time to learn. And they CAN be GUI.
Mouse is great for certain tasks, like video editing and games, but things like file management and such is way better with keyboard.
>piping commands in a shell isn't cli
>pipes and other forms of exchanging data between applications are a concept unique to CLIs
A piped grep command is unique to cli.
I think the comic looks at its scenarios as cases where there is no viable alternative and you're basically forced to participate or be severely disadvantaged. It's not really wrong, even in the case of the Apple panel, technology in general is just a choice between a number of immoral megacorporations or sub-par kickstarter scams with powerful marketing engines.
This is still lazy. If Stallman, a guy who holds many of these views, can find a machine to compute from that he considers ethical enough, so can you.
And what does Stallman actually do on those hilariously underpowered and hard to obtain Lemote systems beyond replying to emails, occasionally writing some code that undoubtedly will be built on a remote host and lecturing people? His needs are not everybody else's needs, and there are far more factors that go into choosing a comptuer system to do a job than ethics alone.
As if the vast majority of people actually need a powerful system. If someone actually gave a fuck about these kinds of things, they'd go the Stallman route. Whining about it behind the latest iPhone is just fake.
>A piped grep command is unique to cli.
They're not really the people's needs. If your bank closes the local branch and shifts to entirely online, then the customer now needs a computer and an internet connection. It wasn't their will that created that need, but the elite of the society.
Most people's cars are almost entirely used to go to and from work, ro earn the money they used to buy and maintain the car in the first place.
Do show me how you'd do that in GUI
Im gnot a gnelf
Im gnot a goblin
Im a gnome and you've been gnomed!
So wait, are you agreeing with me now? Because this is pretty much what I'm getting at. Instead of attacking the elites that put them in this situation and/or working to offer an alternative to it, you're just holding hands with them and pressing another boot down on the average person's neck trying to condescend and judge them for actions to which there is (or they feel there is) no viable alternative.
Since when the fuck did you need an iphone to access your bank's website? Come on now.
industrial guis are fine
what you posted there is basically a GUI
Delusional people will try to tell you that its not but delusional people also never coded a line so they actually don't know how to draw a letter to the Render Server
I never said anything amounting to that, but online banking certainly is an incredible convenience to a lot of people that is hard to justify doing without if the means are attainable.
Well sure, but anyone can bank from their shitty raspberry pi or whatever. There's not exactly a high barrier of entry here. But then I again I don't think you were the user I was originally arguing with.
You really shouldn't need more than pic related if you're a real computer user.
>implying I'm not typing this from the terminal
n00b much?
I mostly use TUI apps nowadays except for www and media consumption which is what I end up doing 90% of the time.
What do you use for media? mpv (+youtube-dl) is basically cli.
Nah, even as new products, 8-bits were just hobbyist/training toys to real computer users.
>www and media consumption which is what I end up doing 90% of the time.
Just like the rest of Jow Forums, which is why nobody takes anyone from here seriously when they try to tell people what they should use to get a real job done.
I really should do it like that but end up mostly watching from the browser. I blame my setup. I got three monitors and end up using one as a Jewtube tv.
GUIs aren't the problem, Internet2.0 is the problem.
What are you complaining about? CLI are quite okay on Linux and other Unix variants.
Yes, we could do with nice purely functional software that you compose as you please. But we haven't figured that one out very well yet, actually. So the current CLI are what get the job done. And they do. And you can use them every day for almost anything you want to do, if you prefer.
Meanwhile, to simply consume entertainment or whatever, almost everyone is and will continue to use GUI. You don't have to join in, but that's how it is. It wouldn't be better if CLI were shoehorned on everyone, people wouldn't become proficient enough to use them. They'd just go back to watching TV instead.
Absolutely. It runs better and is more comfortable than any browser. If you want to watch a youtube video or whatever, just call mpv with the url as the argument and youtube-dl will do the rest.
MPV + YouTube-DL is a hassle though.
>open terminal
>copy link
>errors out once or twice because SSL or can't decrypt video or can't something
>works but then closes down when it finishes and have to go through the whole process again
I forgot
>have to search for video on YouTube first, defeating the point
You can just make a keybind for opening any link in your clipboard in mpv. It does suck a bit when something mysteriously goes wrong but it's still better than using the native jewtube player.
There's youtube-viewer, you can even log in to your account and do al the subscription stuff, all from terminal
GUIs made computers useful, before that they were just toys for aspergers.
Touchscreen/mobile GUIs are just badly implemented GUIs.
There is no FOSS alternative for the software my company uses.
What software?
>actively wanting an inferior medium of information conveyance with less screen real estate for productive work because you’re mad about not being able to stand out from facebook normies and koders with similarly shallow tech-fetishes
This. People who aren’t proficient with GUI systems weren’t proficient with CLIs back then either, they just knew how to cd lotus; 123 and nothing else.
Taking away useful functionality just because some people that make you insecure misuse it is just being a retarded luddite. You can still use a CLI in 2019 if you find it more useful, and modern windowing systems and high-resolution displays only makes it better.
Agreed. Between inefficient interfaces and full-blown malicious shit like browsers, CLI and TUI > all.
I'm intrigued by this topic... Does anybody here know of good Design Principles™ applicable to the command line, console, or other elementary computer interfaces?
Look up “Unix Philosophy”