Why do console gamers still exist?

Why do console gamers still exist?

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Consoles cost way less

you're 6 years too late for that meme
a $500 pc is complete garbage for video games compared to a console these days

Americans are like toddlers
They need to be sat down infront of a device that tells you what to do and how to have fun
PC games complicated controls and strategies and installations and no team to root for in the console war don't appeal to them

gaming fucks up your computer and it's not as comfortable as a console.



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Buy a $400 pc and try running a new title, your question will answer itself
Plus not everyone cares about true 4k ultra settings
Aka peasants


>le enlightened yuropoor


consoles will die to streaming and PC will become even more niche because of phones/tablets.

Normies. You really overestimate the average normie.

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Streaming is fucking shit for games because of latency, anyone who believes in cloud gaming has never played a video game before

That's a board about interactive video entertainment media, not technology of it. You don't see people saying a thread about CRT discussion should be on the movies board.


>speaking about normies

I did 90 hours in google stream. it literally works fine

>t. seething, projecting, butthurt normie

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If """"normies""" didn't care about quality nobody would put any effort into making video games and churn out garbage
even 50ms delay from you pushing a button to your character moving will be incredibly noticable and make the game feel like shit

in 3-4 years pc gaming will be obsolete.
Arm processors with the cpu and gpu in one chip will be the norm

how does that make pc gaming obselete

Back to

price vs performance

its like comparing vacuum tubes to transistors.
Crt to lcd

but dont worry. You can heat your house in the winter with your PC gaming rig in 2025.

you realize that consoles and PCs are both computers and can use exactly the same processors right?


Consoles don't even use ARM or any sort of RISC any more. The last console to use an ARM-like processor was the Wii U, given that it had the Wii's IBM guts inside of it

any console or any PC can use any processor. Saying one type of processor will make either of them obselete makes no sense. I think you have brain rot

they dont right now. Im talking about the future

sure. But the os has to be built from the ground up if you expect that.

Bullshit & Salt much, Guess you just bought yourself a ps5+pro4khdmivgasbus

it wont be a pc as you know it. You think companies will build pc parts for 3% of the market using linux? You think a pc running windows 5 yrs from now will be a true pc and not just a console with a keyboard and mouse?

Consoles follow the UNIX philosophy. They do one thing and do it well.

>sure. But the os has to be built from the ground up if you expect that.
again it makes no difference between console or PC, I have no idea why you think there's any seperation, they can both use any OS they want

>You think a pc running windows 5 yrs from now will be a true pc and not just a console with a keyboard and mouse?
Unfortunately that might be a possibility

> If """"normies""" didn't care about quality nobody would put any effort into making video games and churn out garbage
> even 50ms delay from you pushing a button to your character moving will be incredibly noticable and make the game feel like shit
Both of those already happen and they still don't even notice.

Why are PCfats so mad at people preferring consoles? To each their own. If consoles didn't exist we'd be playing nothing but counter strike, fortnite, lol and wow as these are the only games that make money from PC gamers

no. They cant. Different instruction set. Can you run windows on an arm chip?
Why is this board so ignorant?

I have my PC set up to launch Steam in big picture mode and can wirelessly control everything with any controller I choose while reclining in an ergonomic office chair. Where exactly is this lack of comfort?

Maybe if they were playing a JRPG, slap 50ms delay on the next Call of Duty or any action game and it will bomb
Even just moving your character around with latency feels horrible

a console or a PC is just a fucking case
you can put whatever hardware or whatever OS you want in them
There is no seperation

Gaming computers:
>totally wasted computing power
>big and bulky
>need to research a million parts because if you get a prebuilt you’re getting fucked
>performances vary even if you chose a different thermal paste
>no fps consistency and need to replace components as years pass

>fully tailored experience
>performance is pushed to the max
>graphical consistency for every era of consoles, each generation has a huge noticeable leap
>physical games

If you lament about MUH strategy games then you are only interested in exclusives like a good old console fanboy. But since consoles now support mouse and keyboard it won’t be long before they’ll run perfectly everything