Why do zoomers fear it so much?
Why do zoomers fear it so much?
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We dont we are even better than you because you dont keep up with the modern features
>modern features
>implying that anything is superior to --ansi
The kids can't do memory management, so they give up after trying to fix all the memory leaks and array out of bounds set faults
The same reason our generation fears assembly: we can't do it, don't want to embarrass ourselves, so thinly-veiled dumping on it is the order of the day, as we rationalise our way up the abstraction layers.
I'm 22 and learning this shit right now.
Sure I'm trash at it and C++ but that doesn't mean I won't learn it.
>kids in 30 years will laugh how hillariously low level python was
yeah some ultra highlevel language from 2035 will be like:
bringme fizzbuzz
do fizzbuzz
oh wow I've done fizzbuzz!
and that's it
Assuming AI won't do all of our programming by removing all human interaction/error from the process.
>learning C++
yikes and cringe
learn C, but learn it well
you dont need C++ and if you need an OO lang just learn java or something actually useful
I'm mostly learning C++ because a few of the people I know have written projects I'd like to work with them on in it, have a course coming up for java though so that should be interesting.
>t. brainlet
>wanting to ever step foot in the monstrosity that is C++
I bet youre a freshman that just learned about polymorphism
fuck off
I bet you reimplement polymorphism with void pointers. Or even worse - rationalized that it's not useful.
Zoomers can't manage memory any better than they can manage their personal finances
>monstrosity that is C++
No. Unless you are forced to use C I see no advantage to C over any more abstracted language.
read my previous post
explain why its useful without using buzzwords
I can obfuscate my code against niggers
alright you win
>read my previous post
Java is not relevant in this context, you can C in C++ and more which makes it even better, modern c++ practices/design is alright. Also a lot of stuff is written in C++, furthermore C++ is fast, faster than C even.
its not faster
and cannot be, because procedural code is faster by design.
Theres no virtual function invocation and other niggerlicious shit that uses lookup tables.
I used java as an example of OOP thats useful. If you want low level shit C is plenty, and it's simple and hard to master, unlike C++.
You're a fucking retard for comparing Java to C++. In Java, all methods are virtual by default. In sepples, you have fine-grained control over this and methods are by default not virtual.
In addition, since we're talking about indirection and pointer dereferencing, generic programming in sepples is usually done with templates and therefore solved in compile-time, whereas generic programming in C requires hefty void pointer casting. I mean, since we're talking about how inefficient indirections are...
Fuck off with your FUD.
In addition, you're beyond retarded if you think it isn't possible to write (((procedural))) code in sepples.
they fear they will have to think like a computer thinks instead of a human.
the more layers of abstraction the more programming becomes "intuitive".
instead of trying to intuit a computer.
I never compared it. You projected this entire java comparison since the second reply to me
reread what I wrote nigger
>you dont need C++ and if you need an OO lang just learn java or something actually useful
compile time checks are glorified precautions you can do yourself
whatever pointer casting you have to do in C you'd have to do with C++
how the fuck did you even come to that conclusion
highlight sentences that imply I said that
take your meds
pick one
>You projected this entire java comparison since the second reply to me
Protip: I'm not the user that wrote that.
>compile time checks are glorified precautions you can do yourself
You're fucking retarded.
>whatever pointer casting you have to do in C you'd have to do with C++
Wrong. Check out the template specifications for std::sort vs the GNU qsort implementation.
>how the fuck did you even come to that conclusion
That's literally what you wrote, you disingenuous little piece of shit. Fuck you and fuck your lack of ignoramous attitude towards programming languages.
Why are zoomers so afraid of void pointers? A pointer's a pointer. The CPU doesn't care.
You're a retard if you don't understand that generic programming using pointers means an additional level of indirection and requires dereferencing (aka loading more from memory).
There's a reason why std::sort is faster than qsort.
>Protip: I'm not the user that wrote that.
>You're fucking retarded
not an argument
>Check out the template specifications for std::sort vs the GNU qsort implementation.
I'm not interested in your meme functions consisting of several black boxes that have implementations in them somewhere that prove me right anyway but the resulting composite behaviour makes your little pea brain think youre right. Im talking about fine grain level. Compile time checks are by definition checks before runtime, which can be done manually.
>That's literally what you wrote, you disingenuous little piece of shit
where? highlight the sentences
>Compile time checks are by definition checks before runtime
I'm not talking about checks and asserts, I'm talking about generated code you fucking idiot.
>calling constructors and destructors "black boxes"
Holy shit you're stupid. Kill yourself retard.
idk we're a little slow
>I'm not interested in [facts and performance differences that prove me wrong]
C is a shitty language unless you're really into Linux. It's only useful for those few companies too cheap to overhaul their 20-30 year old software in the industrial world.
hows generated code any different
still waiting for you to highlight those sentences
noones interested in your pics dude
>You're a retard if you don't understand that generic programming using pointers means an additional level of indirection and requires dereferencing (aka loading more from memory).
All functions are pointers. Do you not understand how function calls work?
>There's a reason why std::sort is faster than qsort.
Because it is a better algorithm and is automatically inlined.
>hows generated code any different
Different than what, faggot? Than dereferencing pointers? It's more efficient?
>still waiting for you to highlight those sentences
You can read your own fucking posts, I'm not going to humour you, you flaming faggot. Wait all you want or shut the fuck up.
>noones interested in your pics dude
Noones isn't even a proper word, learn English retard.
Sure it is benchmarksgame-team.pages.debian.net
in certain workloads, and so is Rust.
Also, can you retards stop calling yourself retards? This is turning into a personal fight more than a civil discourse.
>All functions are pointers
How is that relevant to generic programming using void pointers? Are you fucking stupid or something?
>Do you not understand how function calls work?
I'm talking about template specialisation, what the flying fuck are you talking about retard?
>Because it is a better algorithm and is automatically inlined.
And all of these are possible because C++ generates specialised code in compile time rather than solving it in runtime.
hows it different to asserts and checks? its still compile time
>picking on words i use
yikes and autistic, you just admitted you got cornered, friend
you seem booty tooty blastered, get some ice on that pozhole and call me once the booboo is healed
>hows it different to asserts and checks?
>it's still compile time
You're clearly retarded.
std::sort generates (and inlines) code that is optimal for the type you are sorting, for native types this means a simple arithmetic comparison. Not only that, but for certain types like bitmaps it uses an alternative algorithm.
qsort forces you to provide a callback with void pointer arguments and forces you to dereference pointers. Even for native types, this means at least two memory lookups which in worst case thrashes the cache.
You're fucking retarded if you think the latter has no runtime performance overhead compared to the former.
whats that?
you can write the code it generates yourself
and if you cant offload the process to compile time then it has to do it runtime
just like c++
its not magic
>you can write the code it generates yourself
Yes, you can implement a C++ compiler in C too, but that is hardly an argument for why C is supposedly more performant than C++.
>and if you cant offload the process to compile time then it has to do it runtime
Not without basically reimplementing C++ templates.
Is this really the level of discourse on Jow Forums now? I can implement anything C does in assembly, so is assembly better than C?
>twisting what im saying to the extreme
well at least you admit im right
do you remember my wise words?
>several black boxes that have implementations in them somewhere that prove me right anyway but the resulting composite behaviour makes your little pea brain think youre right
C++ either has to make the check somewhere along the way like C or it does it compile time which can be done manually
time to leave my butthole brainlet
std::sort is not a black box you fucking moron, neither is the C++ templating system. Both are defined in the C++ standard, which you obviously never read because you're an ignoramus.
>C++ either has to make the check somewhere along the way like C
No, it doesn't. Look at the generated assembly if you don't understand why templated C++ is so much more efficient than void pointer generics.
>or it does it compile time which can be done manually
As I said, you're free to reinvent the wheel and create something similar to C++ templates, maybe you could even hack the C preprocessor to do this or invoke your own pre-preprocessor first. But as I already stated, it's a pretty shitty point for choosing C over C++ if your main argument is that you can emulate C++ in C.
>i don't understand how it works, therefore nobody can
> is not a black box
do you have autism
do you know what black box means?
it means abstraction, it doesnt mean unknowable
>look at assembly of a generated code that already had the work done in compile time compared to code that has to cast pointers
i told you to get out of my butthole
>our main argument is that you can emulate C++ in C
your knowledge isnt too bad but your verbal IQ is dogshit
I never made that argument and challenged you multiple times to highlight where i made that implication
im done wasting my time, were going in circles and i keep dabbing all over you
have a nice day brainlet
>it means abstraction
std::sort provides the same level of abstraction as qsort, the only difference is that one of them are elegant and the other one is a kludge.
>I never made that argument and challenged you multiple times to highlight where i made that implication
You're literally suggesting that the benefit of C++ is irrelevant since you can do it manually in C by just slapping on some asserts and checks.
Elegant, AND allows optimisations.
>You're literally suggesting that the benefit of C++ is irrelevant since you can do it manually in C by just slapping on some asserts and checks.
yes, and this is why c++ is a subset of C not other way around, and a convoluted one at that
Also I didn't say its not a benefit. Just something you can mitigate if you really wish to do so.
I'm really not sure if you're joking or being sincere at this point...
Boomer here. Is codecademy currently the best place to learn c++ for free? What can I do once I'm done? Any websites with daily programming challenges for fun?
I'm a zoomer and I use switches without breaks and I abuse gotos.
Boomers are faggot.
My asm is irreducible.
>explain why its useful without using buzzwords
>he doesn't understand why you would want to bind data to a function
Thanks for demonstrating your total incompetence.
>Why are zoomers so afraid of void pointers? A pointer's a pointer. The CPU doesn't care.
It subverts the type system, retard. Anyone who has dealt with code that uses them knows what kind of problems they can cause.
Just fucking learn both. Goddamn... They both have their uses. You fuckers will argue about anything.
Ok this is greentext, i am on a phone, can't type symbols fast enough
Be me earlier today
Talk with supervisor
"user, you can make a tool to parse those files and generate the appropriate format in order to feed it to our tools and make the measurements eventually"
"You can use whatever language you want"
Hint: our tools are written in C
"You can use python to parse it"
Me: "ok, since it's just parsing text in a peculiar format, I'll use perl"
He smirks
"Yeah, you can use whatever you want, c, bahs,perl, awk, e.c.t."
Me:"I can write it in awk too if you want, or maybe tcl to match the other scripts"
He smirked because everyone's answer to every programming problem is "python". I am a 30 year old boomer, I am not speaking for all 30 yo boomers, but there are people like us that use the best tool for the job.
Heck, I could write it in erlang or even lisp, but it won't beat the fact that perl is found everywhere, it comes along with your basic linux system and those scripts will be able to run everywhere.
Python? Oh, you forgot to get the python3 interpreter. Add some libraries too.
Fuck this shit, letting idiots create languages with incompatible versions that other idiots praise.
This will never happen, because Python isn't low-level and never will be. Its runtime is a VM, no speculative execution, no cache locality, duck typing meaning everything needs to be checked before performing an action, etc. Hardware doesn't change.
Whether its the complaining and false flagging its interesting that we're constantly on your minds and that you are envious enough to disparage us.
fizzbuzz ()= print(1..100+=3..100:3$"fizz"+=5..100:5$"buzz")
Because it's actually programming. Shit like python and javascript is paramount to basic.
Zoomers and millennials don't know shit about computers. The compiler/runtime does all of the actual heavy lifting for them, so they have no actual control over how their software works and thus produce shitty, unoptimized, buggy garbage.
The difference between C and python is the difference between making a webpage using html and css and making it using wordpress
On the contrary, zoomers are more likely to put it on a pedestal. People with life and career experiences have learned what there is to actually fear about it.
>yikes and cringe
yikes is cringe
> Hardware doesn't change.
You better watch yourself, grandpa. We are hungry and we will take your places. Now go play bingo and be quiet.
It teaches zoomers bad programmer by making them think C89 is the only version of the language.