Family asks me to fix something for them

>Family asks me to fix something for them
>Do it
>They make fun of me for being able to fix it

why do normies do this shit

Attached: pain.jpg (250x250, 7K)

sad kitto

Kill yourself, you dumb fucking retard.


> They make fun of me for being able to fix it
Lol what
How is that even possible
Are you ameritard?

nah, Canadian

Well stop fixing their shit

because they're fucking retarded

Next time ask for money.

stop fixing their shit then retard
now post happy cats I solved your life.

I can't i live with them

You need to defoo my friend

Attached: tears.jpg (916x515, 79K)

They don't wanna seem like idiots so they make fun of others who can.
Source: Used to do it

How much brain damage is even required to obsess about burgers this hard

>family member uses computer
>pissing themselves in fear that they'll break it beyond recognition from doing a wrong button press

Yes you can
Never fix shit for anyone or they'll hold you liable

very rude

I remember when I first started working in the year 2000, for like the next 10 years when shit would go wrong with computers or printers people would run around like chickens with their heads cut off, and they'd think it was magic if I fixed it. And they also didn't appreciate how much time it takes to remove a virus, or reinstall an OS and all the necessary programs so they'd be like "can you fix this, I know you're fast and it won't take long."

I only fixed things for money, or if I was not busy, which was rare.

Nowadays "normies" rarely need my help because finally a lot of the boomers who don't know how to do anything at all with computers like even save a document on their computer have finally either retired or been replaced by people who know how to use computers.

So there are a LOT less idiots out there who know nothing about computers. It was so much worse 15 years ago.

>fixed cousin's pc
>didn't ask her for any money
>ended up getting a bj

Attached: HjgUCHF.png (1280x1313, 1.86M)

living the dream


I was the kid on the block who fixed wannacry and kissme trojans because I was nice

Its your family user. They only teasing, as you retarded autistic sperg with whom they are embarrassed to try and communicate with normally, thus, they invent 'things for you to fix', whilst trying to have laugh with you. Like normal people do.

God bless this country.


>dd'ing iso onto usb
>pissing myself in fear that I'll type a instead of b

ask yourself, normalfag.

Because you made them feel bad/retarded by being able to do something they can't. They are trying to make themselves feel better by making fun of you, its shitty and I think you should stop helping them if this how you're going to be treated.

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That's the issue, only way to solve it is being aware of when it happens and present it to them, they'll shut up for a while and feel bad for themselves, but don't think it won't happen again, the brain is habitual and insecure.

It's typically an abuse tactic. By reducing you now they can ensure that you continue to help them.
Either that or they're dickheads desu

all it takes is just a self-hating Eurocuck or just a broke street shitting russkie.

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>seething amerimutt

Get rent nerd.

It's their way to cope with the jealousy they have for your skills.

Wed flex but k

Americans with individualism and capitalism don't have this problem m8