Which one are you using?
AdBlock vs Ublock
Other urls found in this thread:
If you have some saggy hair balls you'll use ublock
>share your adblocking on social media
oy vey
ublock oirigin. I liked adblockplus but the element hiding helper stopped working so I switched.
>ABP in [current year]
ublock, but would switch to a dns adblocker if googlel does kill it
Just come back to Firefox user. Ublock lets you block more than ads. There's so many useless css elements on most sites.
LOL! Upvoted! Over 9000 internets to you, good sir!
Pi-hole network wide DNS browser. Having an ad blocker run locally is retarded.
You cannot use ublock anymore on chrome
I disagree, sometimes I use my computer on other networks.
What about a local container or virtual machine adblocker
That sounds like a lot of toil compared to using something like ublock origin or adblockplus, which have the extra ability to just block shit on the fly.
The extension is crashing for you too, right? Seems to be an issue with today's update, but the dev works unnaturally fast so it might be fixed by this evening.
I don't even understand what you are talking about.
But if you're using chrome and don't have the option, and need something local, or portable, that isn't your host file, some 2 gb headless qemu server sounds . You could even have profiles of it, depending on location.
Good luck on hiding div blocks with DNS.
Did Chrome already fuck up UBO? I thought that was still hypothetical. I'm on Firefox and have no real opinion on Chrome, only stating my opinion on why I client-based adblocking makes more sense to me.
YOU should do all your ADBLOCKNG with your HOSTS FILE
What repos do you use to build your host file?
Ublock is shit, use the original: uBlock Origin.
AdBlock is shit and whitelists ads for certain companies.
UBlock and NoScript. I'm sure there's someone here that can give me shit for it.
Is it bad if I use both? Adblock and ublock origin
It's unnecessary
Sorry I was just making a post in memory of my favorite slashdot troll. I don't actually use the host file to block ads.
Ublock block more ads
whats with white knights saying shit like "people who use ad blockers on youtube should go to hell. its denying them payment for their work because thats literally how they make their money." and "oh its only 15 seconds of ads per 15 minuite video and you can skip it"
the only reason i would watch an ad is if someone put a gun to my head and told me to watch it or they'd blow my brains out.
Adblock actually blocks your ads, while ublock only hides your ads.
I don't think you'll find many of those people here.
Plus some ads (for example, youtube ads) are hosted on the same servers as the content. Gotta have an add-on to block them.
>15 seconds of ad per 15 minute video
absolutely bullshit, most youtubers are greedy fucks and put ads every 3 minutes so the flow of the video is ruined.
who the fuck watches youtube not with mpv + youtube-dl
ublock blocks, and hides the html entry so you don't have giant empty boxes
>using something with a useless share on social media button
The answer is obvious if you have at least a half working brain.
>Having an ad blocker run locally is retarded.
Not retarded as using another dedicated device to scan your traffic and block shit. Either use a host on your router on just use an adblocker.
>have a laptop
>get out of your house
>no ad blocker anymore
Pi-hole is for autistics and retards.
Have used both on and off from the start, used uBlock before the fork to uBlock Origin, oh the drama, and NoScript for some time.
Now using uBlock Origin only and like it, waiting for chrome to block it, then will have to look alternative solutions, some firefox fork or something ...
ublock vs abp ist just zoomer vim vs emacs
Blocking advertisements is illegal.
Me, although I only use it for music. I just adblock almost everything there, from the ads to the comments.
nice bait, surely some brainlet will fall for it
*blocks your post*
hey whats the ublock origin fork that clicks all ads again
oh right its adnauseam, google tried to censor it from search results because it was fucking shit up so bad.
>15% of all network requests are trackers or ads
would probably be even higher if I didn't do hosts based blocking on my router
Ublock Origin 200k+ rules, Tampermonkey and a bunch of scripts to remove extra shit
tfw mines 8% even though i dont block anything at router level
Both and umatrix and noscript
>umatrix and noscript
uBlock Origin and HTML Everywhere
Nano Defender for the adblock detectors
>stealing from websites
https everywhere
clean links
What do you use to block ads on android?
disabled javascript and pihole
I use both.
ublock origin + umatrix + noscript
works pretty good
>he thinks they don't call it Uhide origin for no reason
Had Adnauseam installed for a while.
Oh noes, comercial people are gonna lose them jobs!
is this worth using? i WANT them to lose their jobs
fuck em
Just install both, they both work together, only people with like 4gigs of ram are "worried about this wasting system resources"
It's using cpu, because it actually loads the ad and pseudo click it regularly.
But I'd say it's worth it, as I haven't seen ad shit except twitch.tv.
Ultimate madman
I've been having trouble with ublockOrigin on one of my machines regarding catpchas, haven't had much time to look into what it could be. Can't say I'm too fond of an extension that breaks something, even if this is the first and only time it's happened.
then fuck you
The Absolute Lad
i noticed i was seeing ads while browsing the other day then i looked up and realized ublock origin had uninstalled itself from firefox.
this happen to anything else? common thing or underhanded attack?
i use both
Probably just firefox being a piece of shit.
Mozilla likes to completely break the addon system every other patch.
I think I'd still take the bullet.
Someone should make AntiUBlock addon that hides everything except ads - for techlulz
the sane one, so right
nice fud
just write a configuration for ublock and post it
No it isn't
if read in the comments section of classical music videos on youtube, if @youtube really needs to put commercials every 3 minutes within the video as it decreases the content enjoyment. I can only imagine the pain in the ass people got conditioned to tolerate by sites like youtube.
same, I use adblock on all sorts of content that I don't want to see, I always block suggestion, share, and comment panels
>unironically using Chrome
>chrome wants to get rid of ublock
>really glad I decided to switch to firefox last month
it's pretty fucking good, still uses lots of RAM but I have plenty and unused ram is wasted RAM
People who use adblockers are ungrateful degenerates. I bet you fuckers are on welfare too.
Leeching everywhere you go.