Jow Forums image downloader

I posted about this already when I started the project but this is a lil update

* Console image downloader for Windows
* GUI version
* .dll API client for downloading threads

Attached: ChanDownloader.GUI.png (600x500, 25K)

Console version screenshot

for releases, source code

Attached: ChanDownloader.Console.png (899x512, 34K)

curl -s "$1/thread/$2.json" | jq --arg board "$1" -r '.posts[] | select(.tim) | ((.tim | tostring) + .ext) as $file | "-o " + $file + "

Keep it up user!

thanks user

cool, this is my personal project though
also i plan on expanding the feature set so


At least tell me I got the UI well enough, user

That’s a fairly shitty way of doing it. You’re better off using wget or and not constructing those arguments. That’ll actually let the download run in parallel with the URL generation.

looks nice but i just use DTA.


It’s good for a basic downloader, although I don’t have a machine to test it with.
Really you want thumbnails, but that’s a whole new feature.

I'm gonna add the thumbnail feature soon, pretty simple
Also planning on implementing a nice queue system and hopefully some modularity to add (or at least allow adding) other imageboards/sites

It's a single page download. It's not important.


Make an addon variant of it and it'll work out quite nicely I think.

I am not quite sure how I would get started on something like this but I guess when the basic features are done I will try to make a bridge API client of some sort.

This is very nice. Next user, make a whole desktop Jow Forums browser like Clover with support to all the features of 4chanX. Like clover.

I actually started an UWP Jow Forums client project.
It definetly is more work but I hope to get on with it some time.

>no GUI
Mad 'cuz jealous of OP.

Need a logo?

Unironically yes

have you no shame? We know it's an anonymous site but user!