Why the fuck is OOP still a thing? OOP language features are just poor man's modules. If your language has a decent module system (ideally similar to StandardML), OOP is worthless.
And OOP as a way of modeling reality is wrong and broken. Do not ever do it.
Failed programmers aka teachers find it easier to tech.
Wyatt Williams
It's a cult at this point. Like anti-vaxxers and climate change deniers, they're whole identity has become so wrapped up in their ideas that admitting they are wrong would rattle the very foundations of their belief in who they are.
Instead they will dole out hollow platitudes such as "just use the right tool for the job", and "you're using it wrong."
Blake Perry
because time is money, people already know it and there are people out there with actual brain working on compiler to keep up with devs BS to make shit code fast.
Jason Russell
I get paid more using OOP so suck my dick loser. It's easy to just build what I want too.
Christian Ortiz
OOP is trash, but it makes it easier to build a large project with tons of people working on different parts of the program.
Jonathan Reed
Overhead press is the best lift you DYEL
Robert Howard
Joshua Green
William Myers
Convoluted by design, like the American government.
Julian Robinson
What’s your solution, o’ wise one?
Lucas Brooks
not using oop
Josiah Harris
You used OOP to make this post and you don't even realize it.
Jose Butler
The reason many people hate OOP is imho because of Java, which shoves it down your throat all the time and forcing everything to be in a class. Ironically, that's why Java's approach is not even good OOP. However, once you use a sane language which places no such restrictions, you realize that, while free functions are often the way to go, some OOP here and there is highly beneficial. Containers, for example, are more naturally represented as classes, and it makes sense to have functions that are tightly coupled with them. Now, sure, if you go full retard and start using massive inheritance hierarchies and the like, the project more often than not becomes a hopeless mess. But if used correctly and in moderation, good OOP code is better than fully procedural code. The latter, in fact, often tends to mimic OOP concepts anyway when well structured. Don't believe me? Even Linux does it: lwn.net/Articles/444910/
If you actually think modules can replace OOP, you've likely never worked on anything more complex than FizzBuzz.
Luke Howard
how do you manage data?
do you make data containers?
like structs?
do you store data in structs?
like in fields?
aren't functions also just data?
why not store functions in fields?
oh no *GASP* you've just invented an object!
you're headed into dangerous territory here! if you were to take one of these objects and make a copy and replace some of the fields, you'd have another object of the same class!
then you'd be doing OOP!
then you'd have to KYS!
maybe you should just KYS right now because inevitably you're gonna accidentally do OOP.
Ayden Reyes
>aren't functions also just data? No.
Nolan Cook
Nice same fag, you reddit shithead.
Nathaniel Roberts
>functional programmer >functions aren't first class citizens
what are you working with, turbo pascal, you turbo autist?
Carter Scott
>modules you're literally trying to replicate basic OOP that's been around since C++. Imagine thinking you know better than compilers that have been engineered for the last half century to turn OOP into efficient machine code.
Daniel Morgan
Read SICP.
Jace Cruz
This At least you linked to lwn, you're not completely retarded
Isaac Richardson
OOP is fine if used right. Not everything should use OOP but it can be really useful and can improve code significantly. However scrum is the real cancer of modern IT.