How can anyone unironically use Loonix when it doesn't have games and professional software?
Linux is shit
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Grow the fuck up kid
It's good enough to watch anime and shitpost.
stay unemployed faggot, kek
>doing work on a personal machine
Genuinely hope this is a troll.
Why not? I don't need professional software at home. Gaming became boring some (quite long) tine ago.
>doesnt have games
wine and qemu with gpu passthrough are things
I can play pretty much my entire library easily on Arch
The only ones I have trouble with are touhou, and those very easily run inside a vm.
This no games meme is a farce. It may take a few extra minutes of work for some games but most are just fine
enjoy being tracked and spied on by literally everything
also i provide game server hosting for sweet $$$, and use linux on all my servers
the lack of adobeshit doesnt effect me at all
When you fucking up on Linux I can run everything on Windows
If you're a dev, most of your """professional software""" runs on Linux and macOS anyway. In fact, it's the ideal environment for just getting shit done. I have not used once Windows for over a year now.
literally don't care because I'm not 15 years old
>the only way to make linux usable is by emulating windows
Nobody in the real world does, OP. Jow Forums is an impressive microcosm - but nothing else.
>the most widely-used program on the Linux desktop is a Windows emulator.
Why the hell do you assume we have only use linux?
>professional software
You mean the things all our production systems need? Weird how my employers most crucial systems are all on AWS Linux
But you're probably actually talking about Microsoft Office (which GNU/Linux definitely does have good alternatives).
+ Steam Proton is a great.
Wine Is NOT (an) Emulator
>what is lutris
You can play morrowind
Linux is a kernel.
what he's referring to as linux is GNU/Linux.
>professional software
Proprietary software is the opposite of professional as it mistreats and abuses users rather than respecting their freedoms and human rights
Nonfree software is never okay, even if it's only for entertainment purposes
Ironically I use it to develop professional software.
t. comrade stalin
Oh no, a handful of AAA titles don't work on release! 99% of games are absolute fucking garbage, what am I missing out on exactly?
Linux has the professional applications I use
>text editor
>gcc ARM toolchain
>Segger Ozone
Debian/Devuan with i3 is the ideal environment for embedded systems developers.
> Doesn't have professional software.
Literally, all the aerospace industry uses Linux-based software for simulation.
>muh gayemz
Go back to /v/.
This is how you can tell that OP is a massive /v/toddler bitch who has never worked a day in his life anywhere but McDick's. Your employer will always provide you with a computer loaded with all the software you need. It doesn't matter what OS it runs because you aren't allowed to change it. My company uses Ubuntu on their workstations and laptops anyways because there's no reason to pay for Winshit licenses and support when Ubuntu is free and can access MS Office and other Google cloud shit in the browser.
>don't play games
>have separate shitposting and work machines
Simple as.
Why do we always have these fucking threads? Is it just so that OP can get (You)s, or are people actually this mentally retarded?
Could I do THIS without professional software?
Get dabbed on nigger
>the only way a system is usable is if it has games
stats or didn't happen
Wine is the 1520th highest installed package on Ubuntu and 1449th highest rated
idk, I'm a professional and all the software I use works really well for me. I perform pretty well at my job, got promoted recently. Works for me, and definitely better than windows for example, having a good shell and package manager is really important.
What do you do? Developer?
Nobody Fuck(Ing) Cares Retard
>another one of these "linux has no software" meme posts
>probably the same guy every time
Most distros are, wouldn't touch anything besides Debian stable and CentOS after a decade of using a bunch of them, it's just nor worth the hassle.
Works on my machine.
It is. I know the way he talks. "Unemployed" in every thread
It does
>professional software
Has that too
I play minecraft on it, pretty comfy desu
If you have a real job, you use Linux. The alternatives simply won't do for anything serious.
Somebody's anally aggravated that he didn't know a thing.
Wow, that's just sad.
lmao ganoo / loonix shills are awake
>mfw no ms office alternative (that doesnt suck total dick lmao)
>no directx so most games and game dev is out
>no photoshop/illustrator so artists are out
lmao your shitty os is only good for running Wordpress on a 5 dollar/mo vps
>supports freedom
If you value your own human rights, you wouldn't use nonfree software.
If you value the human rights of others, you definitely won't suggest to your friends that they should use nonfree software.
bruh, filter basic packages you need get to run wine and its in the top ten.
>MS Office
All of those are harmful nonfree software that should not be used.
[citation needed]
Yeah it's the same guy or a group of same guys who keep making these threads over and over again.
I'd blow my brains out if I had a job that requires you to use MS office
>mfw no (shitty rubber duck software)
>no (vendor lock in software)
>no (cloud registration Jew shit)
Fixed your post
yes only one person thinks lunix is shit, that's why every professional uses windows or mac I guess huh
No there's probably plenty of people who don't like using GNU/Linux for one reason or another but it's very clear that it's (you) making the same thread over and over again.
linux is very reliable, desktop environments are horribly broken but they're still usable.
for developers, once you linux, you don't go back.
>be developer
>want to make video gaem
>install ganoo/laxative
>nothing works
what a surprise
It's one posting style and one image in all the threads.
windows and mac aren't for professionals, they're for brainlets who need training wheels because they can't be trusted to use a computer properly
>Want to make the most brain dead software imaginable
>Can't figure out how to use actual developer software
What a surprise. Probably ended up using Unity.
Godot works fine for me.
And before you say it, Unity and Unreal are both deep in the pockets of Microsoft and cannot be trusted to port their shit to an actual operating system. They also will never open source anything because they want to keep customers locked into walled garden consoles.
Unity works on linux, thanks to android.
i write game in linux with SDL2, works fine. don't use nigger software like unity.
I doubt a nigger like that could even install Unity on Ubuntu while sitting on his dad's lap.
>wanna try a loonix distro on my imac
>try ubuntu
>sound doesn't work in browsers
>spend days on jewgle, no solution works
>try debian
>same issue
>try fedora
>same issue
How can an OS be taken seriously if basic shit like that doesn't even work? Tried pavcontrol, reinstalling, modifying conf files, disabling and renabling everything in alsamixer, forcing apps to use 1 output, virtual outputs, nothing works. The absolute state of loonix and no one seems to even know why that shit doesn't work
works on my machine
Good for you but that's not enough to be taken seriously as a desktop OS though
>Driver manufacturer tries to Jew you into using their partner's OS
>You buy their hardware
>You get Jewed into using their partner's OS
Gee what a surprise. How could this happen? This is all RMS's fault.
I have personally never had driver issues because I always research my hardware.
try not using a niggerlicker machine, faggot
Sounds like your iMac is the problem here
Linux is fine, your problems with it either stem from in experience or below average intelligence.
I guess it's the latter then.
good thing nobody even uses a desktop anymore then
I didn't see you were using iMac, that's even worse.
Apple hardware has horrible driver support on anything that isn't macOS, yes that includes windows too.
Also reminder that tech support threads are not allowed here OP. You don't need to make an entire thread criticizing the kernel just because you're too dumb to get drivers working in Ubuntu, which is already the most retard-friendly distro.
>OS can't run on proper hardware and the autistic retards who makes it can't even answer why it can't
Meanwhile, Windows and Mac OS runs flawlessly on the very same hardware. Are there no competent developers in the loonix community?
No one can make them work senpai and windows works with no issues on the very same hardware. Why is it MS can get it right while the morons working on linux can't?
works on my machine
dont act like steamplay doesnt exist nigr
It is not the Linux community's job to make drivers for whatever broken shitty hardware you happen to be using. Try complaining to the manufacturer. If they refuse to provide you with proper instructions on how to use the hardware in any OS, then they are a shitty manufacturer and you should not buy from them.
ok kid
That's a great way to gain marketshare. Rather than having competent devs, blame potential users for not buying specific parts that works on specific distros. You should be in marketing
You're a fucking retard if you think Microshaft makes the drivers
Does it matter? The point is that either MS or Apple can make various versions of windows run smoothly on the hardware but apparently linux devs can't
Proton wine dxvk
Win7 VM for adobe
>blue screens of death
>kernel panics
Apple is the one with incompetent devs because they sold you non-functional hardware.
>That's a great way to gain marketshare.
It is actually, it's a waste of time and money to pander to hardware manufacturers who refuse to ship working devices. Don't fall for their scam
But the hardware works great with every but linux and mac os is a unix based os too. Are linux devs that incompetent?
No, like I said it is the Apple devs who are incompetent. It is their responsibility to make sure their hardware works properly, not Linux developers. The hardware manufacturer is the one who is supposed to provide the drivers.
Fuck Adobe
But it's not in Apples interest where as it should be in cannonical/debian/what evers interest in order to increase their marketshare. By the way, if even the diversity hires at Apple can make it work with other OS why can't linux? I thought it was the programmers OS? You're telling me they can't even make a fucking sound driver that works?
Whoever made that list is retarded. GIMP as a replacement for PS for drawing and design when Krita exists? And suggesting Inkscape as being anywhere near capable of replacing Illustrator is beyond retarded. At least suggest Affinity Designer or something like that
Adobe will soon drop support for that ancient shit