Messagging apps

What's Jow Forums approved messagging app on android?
I need these feautures:
>open source
>keeps picture encrypted with password so i can send dick pics to my bf
>different notification sounds for different chats and mute chat so i don't have to check the phone every time

Attached: WhatsAppFB.jpg (1874x1406, 70K)

Other urls found in this thread:

>approved android app
no such thing

Wire or Jitsi.

They do not approve any because they're a bunch of fags that complain about everything. I use Telegram because I like it.

Talking to other people is bloat

Still collects metadata. Desktop app is a clunky shit. Mobile app is bloated with useless functions.,

Jitsi then.

Signal, best encryption and still normie friendly.

Attached: lxFDD-4n.png (512x512, 24K)

riot is better than signal.
you dont need to use a phone number
just set a hexadecimal code for username and remember to enable end-to-end encryption and there is nothing glow in the darks can do about it

Attached: 1548897503429.jpg (540x788, 314K)

Telegram, since it have native app for Win/Linux and opensourced protocol.

>originally the company was based in (((Berlin)))
>linked to your phone number
>no encrypted group chats
>normal chats also no encryption by standard
>founder exiled from russia like a good western goy

literally worse than just using whatsapp

Attached: yikes.png (1000x700, 101K)

>no other option of a user ID than your phone number

It's like you love a cock down your throat

it's a fucking dataminer


Literally telegram

stop crying and name a real and better alternative

WeChat is pretty good

Literally everything is encrypted

*hits gong*
>oh herro
*kisses the empress's feet*
>you mean rike popurar sina chat app?
*shoves baby down a storm drain*
>me rike PRC risten my communucatiorn
*spits indoors*
>is velly good urtra-secure
*boils a dog alive*
>signar messenger made by capitarist pig
*crucifies a rat*


>here we go with the comedian masters

Telegram, it just works, and it's just normalfag talk, if I needed to send something secret would use gpg.

>Tries to insult China
>Says literally nothing bad about them in the post

Anybody here tried Conversations?

shut the fuck up, dumb shitcent drone



imessage based

Daily reminder dumb Americans still use SMS, that's why they're the best goyim and the best ally to Israel.


Signal is the safest centralised option. They just go an extra mile the competition is not willing to do.
Use matrix based messengers if you can handle the worse usuability.

That’s because they’re unlimited for free unlike whatever third world shithole you live in

That is not on the OP

Nigga please:
>15 usd/month
>20gb of LTE data/month
>free Deezer premium account, Deezer streaming won't consume data
>WhatsApp won't consume data
>2000 minutes of free calls to any carrier
>unlimited sms to any carrier

Goy, pls.

HAHAHAHAHA look at this dude
In first world countries you can get;
>30gb of LTE/month
>unlimited calls and sms to any carrier
>1h of free calls to any phone in the EU
>for 5€/month

Attached: 1518140963148.jpg (640x640, 37K)


Nice, too bad nobody in the EU can use that because LTE is Haram.

I rather trust /v/ approved than Jow Forums approved even though we all know that /v/ recommends shit. Use whatever other people use to communicate, I tried to move people to telegram and failed miserably.

because nobody here knows what open source is

Use what you like forget about the approval. I use WhatsApp and messenger. Most people I interact with are on those primarily

>Anybody here tried Conversations?
Yes, Jow Forums even has a public group chat using that.


>2000 minutes to any carrier

>60 free minutes

Tried to use Wire for awhile because it was really close to how discord was laid out, making it easy to get normies to use it.

Encryption constantly broke itself and would lose entire conversations, messages would fail to send, app was clunky as shit and wouldnt notify me 80% of the time. Trash.

>Jow Forums approved
Antox/qTox, Briar
>almost perfect, Wire, PixArt (XMPP)
>literal shit
Signal, Telegram, normie apps (anything Facebook, Viber, Snapchat, discord, etc.), XMPP on desktop

Notification delivery is shit because they depend on GSF on mobile. I never have issues with it but I hear a lot of chink devices have delivery issues.

Have you not been paying attention to the news for the past several years?

iPhone users uses iMessage

Why is signal shit?

Antox is buggy as fuck. Also Tox should have some kind of IP spoofing built in.

Not him, but Signal relies on a phone number for auth.

>Tox should have some kind of IP spoofing built in.
It's not the point of the protocol. The messaging apps are the ones that need to implement it. Anyways, that's why Briar is good.

>Signal relies on a phone number for auth
And this is the only way normies will ever use it. I am not surrounded by the most tech-savvy people so Signal is a perfect alternative to whatsapp.

>having an email is tech savvy
>having SIM cards as the ONLY option is the ONLY way normies will use something
Imagine being a retard.

What's wrong with WhatsApp and how exactly do FB make money with it? I've stopped using messenger and deleted FB entirely and convinced my friends to use WhatsApp

FB owns Whatsapp so you're retarded

Not him, but you need to open your eyes and see what the world has become, friend.

I can see it, but I don't see why SIM exclusivity should be a thing especially since I don't even have one and many people won't use it for signing up. Wire defaults to phone numbers on mobile but allows you to click "sign up with email". Signal is just being retarded and until they fix this they're literally irrelevant for privacy.

Not him, but normies do use email and a whole bunch of other services that rely on username+password.

Besides, are normies moving to Signal now, because it's so easy to sign up? No. They stay on Whatsapp/Facebook, because that's where "everybody" is.

So stop dumbing down everything and making it worse for "muh normies". It's not a valid argument.

I just use Messenger. Everyone else lies about security and privacy, at least with Facebook I know what I'm getting, my friend and family use it, and conversations are seamless when switching between my pc and my phone.


Social bloat

How? You don't control your keys.

Chinks are subhuman

riot #justwerks

There's an xmpp thread here every other day. It's exactly what you're looking for. xmpp has no downsides whatsoever, it's the perfect messaging solution.
>muh centralisation
It's federated. Host your own server and still connect and talk to all other xmpp users on other servers of you want
>what about encryption?
gpg and otr are both supported. The real deal here is omemo though: it's transparent and very efficient. It's works on messages and binary data alike so the server owner can't see what you're writing.
>i want to use multiple devices though
Sure, omemo supports that. Every device has its own key so you can approve and block on a device-to-device basis
>okay, you convinced me. Where can I start?
First get a client. On android the most popular is conversations/pix-art, while there are some older clients still available. On your pc you can use Dino for a more modern approach or gajim for a classic messenger experience. I've no idea about ios because noone I know uses that garbage, but I think textsecure is the preferred solution there. Some guy from Jow Forums hosts a good and reliable server at If you dont trust him the german ccc has a good server on top of a fuckton of community hosted servers that are free for everyone

>b-but what about muh other generic messenger
It's worse in at least one of the mentioned aspects. No true mutli-client, proprietary servers, shit encryption, built on electron etc etc. xmpp blows everything else out the water. Other garbage messengers can fuck off and burn in hell, along with the people the promote them

It doesn't support audio/video, though. Even Tox does that.

Yes it does, you just have to pick a client that also does that. Also, this is a messenger. Not a phone.

So I just have to use some weird shit that doesn't really work and nobody else uses, great.

Also the account creation (Jabber ID) process is sketchy. You basically have to trust some 3rd party server owner (inb4 host your own) to not steal your password.

I mean. Every single person I know uses WhatsApp. It is completely adopted in my country. I need it a lot for college and work, so yeah, I don't have an option.

It does work and the community is very active. You have to make people use the service of your choice, faggot
>account creation is sketchy
It's not. It's very straightforward. You enter your id, passwort and maybe a captcha and thats it
>You basically have to trust some 3rd party server owner
You always have to trust some 3rd party owner. At least the owner of the jabber server you're suing is not facebook.
>to not steal your password
>inb4 no unique passwords

>You always have to trust some 3rd party owner.
No. Tox does not rely on a server to create your ID.

I use email for business, whatsapp for normies n family and riot for politic convos with non-normalfag frens.
i never used facebook, instagram, snapchat, telegram (for the reasons I stated earlier itt), discord or any other botnet bs.
the thing is: i would love to use riot exclusively but normies wont install it (i tried to convince them, but its no use). they wont even install signal and i wouldnt declare signal as a good option because its linked to the phone number tbqh
so i just keep whatsapp for these fags, whatever. there is just no way around whatsapp in normalfagTheCountry (germany)

Attached: duburedshine.png (693x508, 704K)

11€ unlimited everything
Nobody uses SMS because it's shit


Wikr me?

>You basically have to trust some 3rd party server owner (inb4 host your own) to not steal your password.
This is literally the case with everything you sign up for. You're not giving out passwords that mean something to you, right?


At least they're not Americans. Literally anywhere is better than fucking USA.