What's yo go to device for reading ebooks, Jow Forums?

What's yo go to device for reading ebooks, Jow Forums?

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Kindle Paperwhite 3rd Gen. Wish the screen was bigger though.

>Reading hentai for the plot

if you mean doujins, a computer monitor

Galaxy Tab S3

smart phone

bound papers

Sauce me

Onyx Boox Max 2

my phone

>eat da poopoo
Holy shit Ugandan pastor was right

boox max carta
it's like reading an a4 sheet of paper at 1:1
v deece

I have a kindle from 2011. The battery isn't as good as it used to but it still works enough.
I bought it because it ran linux and I thought it would be fun to "hack" it, but I wasn't able to do anything beside changing the screensavers.
Now I just use it to read freely available textbooks, like sicp since I am not as into books now as I used to be when I was an undergrad

>reading ebooks
ok buddy

source pls

You really had to post that here.

Need that name please and thanks

Old kobo with koreader

Nigger is that Lenovo a3300? That is some old ass tablet right there. Mine died after almost 2 years of infrequent use

Kindle paperwhite from 3 years ago.
Does the job, but it's not compatible with epub so you have to go through conversion to read shit and it's never perfect. (except if you find mobi files, which never happen)
Plus reading manga is laggy as fuck and zooming with the touchscreen is unreliable as fuck.
For 80€ I think it was worth. And it run as good as it did 3 years ago. Calibre and mail synchronization is a huge plus.

Kindle Voyage

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My pc will let me read all that type of stuff but I won't buy them, I only buy physical books. Not everything needs to be digital.

cheap 7" chinese tablet with Twilight App and CoolReader.

A 15.6" laptop.

Phone. It's pretty much always near me as it is.

I thought doing it for long periods of time would make my eyes hurt but it hasn't affected them in the slightest, not sure if anyone here who does it has a different story. Gone through a ton of books this way to no ill effect.


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dead trees recycled paper and glue
also imagine spening money for a device to read manga exclusivley

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user might I ask what you're reading on your Kindle?

I got the cheapest 1080p Samsung tablet there was, and it's probably my best purchase ever. I use it every day for reading manga before I go to sleep. So comfy.

my man

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Mipad 1 with lineageOS. Almost throw it out because it got so slow with miu or whatever it's original os. Now it just werks.

Kobo Aura H2O

>My phone
>Some shitty Samsung tablet I got with old phone
>Tachiyomi for Manga
>Lithium for legal manga purchases as and other ebooks
It works fine

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not everything needs to be digital