What does Jow Forums use to read manga?

What does Jow Forums use to read manga?

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i do not. it is waste of time, and gay shit

Grow up




talking about manga readers, did NHentai update their API or something? NHBooks doesn't work anymore

Okular until I encountered some weird bug that fucked up straight lines when zooming.
Now I'm using Evince.

my noodle

zathura with the cbz extension
Works well for LNs too (pdf only).


actual manga, printed in books. Everything else is bullshit


simple comics

I don't consume any japanese media because I'm not a pedophile.

My Surface Pro 6

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Hentoid is good because it has many sources that tachiyomiEH doesn't have. It's very easy to download the mangas and you need a nice reader

Perfect Viewer on my Nexus 7 2012

>no one posts screenshots
fuck you

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What's wrong with just your browser?
I used to buy manga as a kid, but it's just far too expensive now especially if you want to binge read a bunch of shit. It is the superior choice, though.

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No one cares what you think, cracker

mcomix but it's meh
I wish there was something like plex for mangu.

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Uhh android gallery?

>white borders
My eyes hurt.

>says that while posting on Jow Forums

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It's normalfag signaling, just ignore it.

highly configured image viever

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what software?

We're not on Jow Forums, sorry user

mcomix; most of the time I toggle the ui out, though.

my eyes

Tachiyomi is great app. Plugins, multiple sources, tracking.


they got rid of public api access

Mozilla Firefox

MuPDF viewer on my phone for cbz currently. I used to use a reader called komik reader or something like that a long time ago but it looks like it's been wiped off the face of the net. On my PC I've been using honey viewer forever and haven't really took the time to look for an upgrade or alternative. High quality downloads directly from translators only, none of that watermarked jpeg hosted/streamed from some pleb manga site shit.

My eyes.

I use my hands, device, eyes, and dick

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I read HManga with viewnior

Good choice.

Polite Mangadex Downloader + Kindle Comic Converter > Kindle Paperwhite, wish I had a kobo forma though


I don't read manga but nomacs is a great image viewer.


Probably one of the top 10 artists of our time

The only decent answer
Why you wouldn't use MR is beyond me

>Jow Forums