Why do you use SystemD?

Why do you use SystemD?

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because i don't caaaaaaaaare

forced adoption since the distros I use require it

Idgaf anymore. This is the last laptop that I bother using Linux on too. I'll just get tablet next time. All I do is shitpost, watch porn, stream, send email.

The distro I use came with it. Too lazy to install a distro without it since it either is made by a ricesperg and uses i3 or some bullshit wm, or it uses a standard install of gnome which is just unusable.

>tfw no Marie Rose gf


it just werks

There is actually nothing wrong with systemd. I’ve had it on manjaro for years now with any issies

What's that and why should I care?

>The distro I use came with it
This and the fact that you absolutely need to know how to write a systemd unit file and things like that if you're going to do much of anything on the various servers you encounter. It's become a standard, like it or not.

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love it

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I don't.


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I don't use systemd
Systemd uses me

I came to the conclusion that the Poeterring botnet is unavoidable and mostly just werks. I use Fedora, which is like... the epicentre of Linux botnet.

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Systemdeez nuts

I use gentoo without systemd

>all the defeatist cucks itt

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>I don't code.
>I don't play games.
I'll just get an iPad that doesn't snap in two.


what distro should I use to avoid this systemd shit
I just want to learn and write C++ on my shitpad

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get over yourself and install debian

because sysvinit is trash

>standard on a non-systemd distro



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I don't, I use launchd