Daily reminder to use tldr instead of man


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s o y

If I'm not gonna be looking at the specifics of a program, I'd just use -h or stackexchange


go fuck yourself, I'd use -h or man program | grep desired_search

Or just "info".?

doens't help when -h just spews out 50 flags on 3 lines with no corresponding information

>he can't into vim search


Nice, now you have a description with no flag
This, searching with vim always works

>go fuck yourself
anyone who says that is an idiot. it's the most unoriginal and tired shit that gets parroted by everyone

But I prefer bro pages.

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Most of the time I already know the command, I use this to remember.

>man pages
I want to enjoy them before some SJWF onions comes and changes it to genderNeutral pages

If the program is GNU bloat then sure -h spews a bunch of bullshit, but at that point I'd resort to stackexchange or vim searches like you said

press /


cos what you're doing is retarded

>Using basedboy vim shortcuts
No thanks

pretty sure man uses less

cheat.sh is superior

man bash | less -p '\[\[ expression \]\]'

>zoulman on Jow Forums

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there's also the whatis command

one of the top reasons i use fish

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Besides returning the description line from the man page, it lists available man pages. So whatis info returns [description] man n, man 1, and man 5.
You can run man 1 info (default)
or run man 5 info
or run man info.5
or man info.n

très content.

this *clap* is *clap* so *clap* gay *clap*

Came here to post this. Why the fuck would anyone create this project instead of just using bro? Is turning you into a gibbering retard who can't use google the secret power of JavaScript?

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Completely unreadable.



yeah, youtube-dl has an abnormal amount of options, I chose it for demonstrative purposes
you can also type out the first letter or two to narrow down a search

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