>Requesting purchase advice
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>Requesting purchase advice
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What do her feet smell like?
dt1770, dt1990 or hd660s
fill the form in the OP.
Planning on getting the JDS Labs Atom, what DAC does it pair up with?
ok then I'll just recommend DT1770 that's what people who don't elaborate on their needs deserve the most
Khadas tone board > topping d50 > smsl su8 > topping d30 > topping d10 in order of performance
>what DAC does it pair up with?
you are not on audiofool central, any decent dac will pair with it
buy whatever floats your input/output needs and read audiosciencereview.com
ok, going with the dt1990s then
how does as the O2 amp compare to the atom? If theres not much difference I can just get the combo all in one
why would you do something like that? the O2 actually cost more than the atom and has worse performance. The difference between the two are very unlikely to be audible. but since you're paying for a brand new product, why not buy the superior one?
If you're paying just for the look I'd spend the extra mile and go for the element. That one has more modern amp/dac performance too.
the atom is only in the US, I'd have to pay more to get it imported to the EU. The O2+ODAC combo is already here in the EU.
stop shilling iemg you fucking retard
trying to import an EQ preset using peace but it keeps telling me that it can't find any filters. am i doing something wrong?
Around 200$
My laptop and phone
>Type of headphone
>Open or closed
closed so i can listen on the train, (maybe noice cancelling?)
>Comfort level
comfy enough to wear for loooooooong periods of time, also have glasses and my current ones hurts a bit
>Sound signature
idk enough to answer this
>Past headphones
only a pair of razer ones
Miku is ignoring me ;_;
squad goals ;o;
I have 3 headphones and my friends say I have too much.
>chink shit $20 bluetooth headphones for working out (somehow still works despite being 2+ yo)
>cowin e7 for commute
>sennheiser hd579 for home use
"You should just have 1 pair of headphones for everything, user." Is this what normies unironically believe?
user asking the hard hitting questions.
Typical phone jack
>Type of headphone
Full size
>Open or closed
Dosent matter
>Comfort level
Enough to travel with
>Past headphones
Chink IEMs
we're a dying breed, user.
>for working out
I don't listen to music while working out
I don't need headphones for short comutes
>home use
I use one pair.
You need at least 3
>activity/travel headphone
>home alone headphones
open back
>home but it's noisy for some reason
closed back
No bass.
Yeah, because in their mind headphones all sound the same and are all closed back and Bluetooth. Which is to be expected since they are not into the hobby.
does harman curve just stand for "kill the treble"?
$300-$500 CAD
>Type of headphone
Full sized
>Open or closed
>Comfort level
I'm able to wear my K702's all day comfortably. Around that comfort level or a bit less. Nothing tight unless it's worth sacrificing comfort for
>Past headphones
K702's from years ago as a gift. Comfortable and nice for listening to music. They're very flat or neutral from what I've heard. Fav artist is Deepchord.
I'm kind of interested in a warm sound unless it wouldn't be suited for music like Deepchord, Gas/Wolfgang Voigt, etc
Hit me with those recommendations my friends. Looking to upgrade for late night listening
S T A X!
>$300-$500 CAD
My feet
Sennheiser HD 559 is about 80 on amazon.fr. I'd recommend the PortaPro if you don't mind less comfort and want the best sound you can get for your money but if you go over-ear and comfort you can't really buy anything better than a 559.
I should say that I could probably go a bit higher in price. $300-$700~ CAD maximum. And yeah it'll mostly be used for genres like minimal techno, microhouse, ambient house, etc. It keeps me company late at night. If any sound signature would compliment the genre then let me know. Check out the album Liumin for example
Thanks anons!
Why can't I fit my T2s unless they're upside down? Any advices? I'm trying everything, I'm still waiting for the foam tips in the mail
Really getting tired of these non feet related OPs guys.
Wonder how many actual footfags we have or if all of this was really the samefag all along. Thread had hit bump limit already and was going slow when I op'd (unlike when the miku poster is online). If we really had that many footfags what were you all waiting for to finally release your maddened fetish? Actually post shit if you want shit. We had non stop miku posting because the miku guy bothered to op. You don't. If we actually have that many footfags then you're one lazy bunch.
>Wonder how many actual footfags we have or if all of this was really the samefag all along
already been tested my friendo
I-I could keep you company late at night user
What are your guys thoughts on pairing a JDS El DAC with a Beta22 Amp?
You think it'l be a good match?
>trusting online polls
it's better than being schizophrenic and thinking /hpg/ is just one person samefagging over and over, retard
>$300-$700~ CAD
I'll show you a good time for that much user.
Lacks bass, sorry I'm not interested in them.
Lacks bass or, just has balanced bass unlike 90% of popular headphones?
If I delete my posts and repost with anime feetpics will you fuckers recommend me headphones??
I'd give the higher end Sony's a shot. I have't personally listened but they seem to have that type of signature that'd be good. Best thing though is to go do tryouts. I wouldn't want to be spending that kind of money blindly.
>yeah it'll mostly be used for genres like minimal techno, microhouse, ambient house
I never heard of any of that music so I wouldn't know what sound signature would do best with it user. But I'll still show you a good time for 700 CAD plz.
Good advice. It isn't likely that there's anywhere I could do tryouts though since I live in a flyover province. Thanks cuties. If anyone has anymore recommendations then fire away
Okay /hpg/, I need advice
So I got a new office job and I never realised how fucking hard it is to work around other people. For the last month or so I've been so fucking stressed out (to the point of snapping pencils and grinding my teeth) trying to work while listening to my coworkers blabber on all around me. The only way I can manage this horrible anxious feeling I keep getting is by drowning out the noise with my Tin Audio T2 IEMs
sadly the isolation isn't great, even when I insert the IEMs really deeply by tilting my head and twisting my ears, even with triple flange tips this isn't enough. This means that I have to put the music on defeaning volumes which is a distraction in itself and probably not great from my hearing.
So I've been looking into buying either the Eytomic ER4SR IEMs because I heard that with the right tips and a good seal they can get up to ~-25db isolation, that OR I'm considering buying a pair of noise cancelling headphones, such as the Bose Quietcomfort 35 ii or whatever the Sony equivalent. I know noise canceling headphones have shit sound quality but as long as it's around same as my T2s it's fine.
So what do you guys think?
I tested the QC35 and it was really really good at noise canceling. This was in a store btw that was pretty busy and I couldn't hear anything. I don't know about the IEM.
I heard Song WH1000XM3 is slightly better at noise isolation though.
Ahhh that's good know
Yeah I've heard the same but apperantly it's more uncomfortable as well. I'll be needing to wear the headphone for the entire day pretty much.
Ohwell, I'll continue on with my research, the IEMs will probably be too uncomfortable sadly.
Yeah the QC35 wasn't the comfiest. It was noticeable on my head. the headband and the earpads were. I'm more used to velour earpads so idk. I mean some people report 5 hours of usage on the sony one before it gets too uncomfortable. I'm not really into iems/noice canceling headphones though. But the two noise canceling headphones are pretty much the only one's recommended here.
I own the Etymotic HF5 and ER-4S. Once you insert them nearly painfully deep into your ears they have the equivalent noise isolation of wearing earplugs.
That being said they aren't comfortable for a lot of people and they are what most people now would call "bass light" which for most music now they are but, they were designed for accuracy, not to colour the sound. With the proper seal as well the bass notably improves. Seating them properly is everything. Their clarity and detail is insane, especially the ER-4S
Should mention, if you get a set of comply foam tips that fit your ears properly, they will have excellent noise isolation (maybe not quite that of the triple flange) and still sound great
>Why yes how did you know I have a haafee HD1 and HD800s?
what are your impressions of the hd1?
i don't have 169 to blow on them rn but i wanna know if i should recommend them over ksc75 for
always keep a pack of spare plugs. memory foam, comply foam, etc. stock pads are usually garbo in my experience ;o;
you obviously weren't here for when it was literally 1 samefag over and over in a 22ip thread
tfw pissfags arent catered to but i think id get banned for that
Mikufag always makes threasds early
Gas is suited to a gentle V shape.
The ER4SR sounds amazing, it has various tips and if you're willing to try them, one's bound to fit you correctly.
>you obviously weren't here for when it was literally 1 samefag over and over in a 22ip thread
yeah, I was there, it was the floor user dude who kept spamming pictures of his headphones all laying on the fucking floor. At one point he must have gone overboard and made a janitor angry, he got banned, and when his posts were deleted, we discovered that like 80% of the shitposting, IN ADDITION TO HIS PHOTO SPAMS, were entirely his creation.
floor user's been gone a while, this was a couple of days ago.
i think a few people reported a spammer 3 threads or so ago but idk if they got their stuff purged.
idk why the haafee are now 169 usd. it was like 126 a week ago. I would wait for the price to go down tbqh.
HD650 or HD6xx? is there a huge difference because the HD6xx costs $300 less.
well im not gonna get them anyways, i have too many cans already
i just wanna know what u think of them
They are the same headphone, one is made by Sennheiser, the other by massdrop.
They're literally the same. You'll need a decent amp for them to sound great though. At least a JDS labs atom.
their price is $130 but they put it at $160-200 to make it seem higher value and then put it on discount from time to time. the original rbh hp-2 was $130 as well
>You'll need a decent amp for them to sound great though
No he doesn't. I tested the HD 600 which as hard to drive than the HD 650/6xx and it made no difference. Specifically the atoms amp.
Crappy distortion cannons, equalized t2s wipe the floor with them.
A good amp and dac made mine sound about 15-20% better.
>A good amp and dac made mine sound about 15-20% better.
well I used mines with a DT 990 250 ohms as well and that didn't make a difference either. If I would put it in percentages. I would say the sound quality increased by 1%, maybe 2% if I'm being generous, but that could also be placebo. IF he can get enough volume then he'll be fine without it.
What is with the t2 shilling on this board lately?
Doesn't have to be T2s, any decently made budget dynamic driver IEM will have better distortion than etymotics single BA memephones.
I will say though that listening at higher volumes on my onboard audio and on my amp sounded better because on the DT 990 there would be more slam with the bass. But at the same time I don't want hearing damage so I use minimal volume to avoid that.
Dt 880 premiums or dt 990 pros?
Not audible with music playback.
You have been proven wrong on this multiple times.
if you hate the hd600 go dt 990
It's not audible on music playback, feel free to prove that it is.
I have done so multiple times, please stop posting misinformation.
You haven't done it once, you didn't prove that it's audible.
Incorrect, you can keep posting this as many times as you want but that will not make it true.
Feel free to debunk my post, oh wait you can't.
I have done so multiple times.
When listening to pure tone with any single BA IEM, I can hear BA driver buzzing and how it "clicks" when I hit play or stop.
You haven't done it once, you posted that it's possible with a test tone. Due to the masking effect of music you will never notice it.
If it is audible with test tones, it is audible. The distinction between music and test tone is an arbitrary one that you use to make you feel better. Many songs have pure sine waves in the bass, or square waves etc. Are those test tones as well?
Sapphire doesn't listen to electronic music. Or most probably to any music at all. HD600 and Etyshittic are fapping material, not meant to provide actual sonic enjoyment.
It's extremely quiet and again, you will never notice it with real world usage. You just lost the argument, nice attempt at trying to spread misinformation about them being distortion cannons.
That's the XR which is the inferior model with higher distortion. The SR is the ruler flat model with lower distortion. XR is for Jamal. SR is for Chad.
You have proven wrong again and again. At this point I have no choice but to say that you are suffering from extreme post purchase rationalization. Etymotics are objectively poor choices for critical listening, it's fact.
>when the bass drop hits all you hear is distortion
>XR is for Jamal.
If XR is for ""jamal"" SR is for people who hate life itself and want to neuter all sensorial enjoyments
LOL @ the misinformation being posted in this thread.