Mewing is technology right?

who has mewed or is currently mewing and has seen results from it?

I'm planning on documenting my progress over a long period of time and then releasing it if it's successfull and maybe if it's not.

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Other urls found in this thread:

I've been mewing for about three or four weeks now. Not that I needed it terribly before but it was more to correct my tongue posture and jaw alignment. It did that and definitely made my jaw slightly more in shape.

What is it?

Did you hard mew (push with a lot of tounge force) or did you just rest the tounge casually?

also pics / contour before and afters?

I can't say for certain if it worked or not, because I haven't made any progress pics, but I've been doing it for more than a year now and I do have quite the defined jaw.
It probably also has to do with me taking performance enhancing drugs, though.
It could also just be genetics because I do have high cheekbones and broad shoulders.

Is this some kind of nu-fingerbox?

Basically you put your tounge at the roof of your mouth or with a bit of force and the bones in your face will reshape over prolonged time to achieve maximum genetic potential in terms of looks. Also has health benefits as better breathing and straighter and less crammed teeth.

No, ever wondered why many skeletons from tens of thousands of years ago have very aligned teeth? The reason behind it, or so they say, is that they had to chew their foods more thoroughly, thereby strengthening their jaw muscles and aligning their teeth properly.
Mewing is just compensating for our soft diet.

Complete pseudo-science bullshit.

logically makes sense though. Also there is evidence that those who mouthbreath / do not have correct posture in an extreme way form deformed faces.

Experiments have been carried out on monkeys that show the same results.

>Basically you put your tounge at the roof of your mouth
What if that's already my default?

>logically makes sense though
You can convince people about all kinds of bullshit because it vaguely sounds like it could be true.

I have done this for a decade and it has doubled my phenotype value every year.
At this point, simply tapping my tongue against my mouth arouses women within a 10m radius.
Me licking their cunny is pretty much a life sentence, as they can no longer live without me and my mewongue.

>doesn't acknowledge the evidence by Dr Mew.

If you already have correct posture then well. You are already mewing lol.


>>doesn't acknowledge the evidence by Dr Mew.
I don't see any fucking evidence posted here. Also, I'm going to need more than just one thing by some random asshole who is the person that actually profits from this shit.

Literally nobody profits from this since all information is already free and there are no products you can buy involved at all.

also here.

Should be enough evidence in his talk.

Rest casually at the top of the mouth otherwise your jaw will be too tired to maintain the posture.

bro science

no check

>I'm planning on documenting my progress
Oh, so you are going to x-ray your skull from multiple angles periodically?

Didn't know Jow Forums was into pseudoscience snake oil.

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Jumping at everything with "muh scientific verification" without giving it a fair hearing.

Many of the things you dismiss offhand require studies of infeasible duration or cost. So you will live your life without even entertaining the idea that there may be interesting things that are not presently in science's radar. When confronted with a new proposition, the dictum of an establishment that is way beyond the scope of your perception takes precedence over an initial personal assessment of plausibility. That's giving up on being human basically. Also reflect on the fact that this mentality in, say, 1940s would result in the same response to a suggestion that inhaling smoke on a regular basis might be a bad idea. Then you'd wait 40 years until your masters tell you to update your position. Or you'd be munching pastry but avoiding eggs like the plague if you had heart disease just a couple of decades ago. The standards of statistics in medical science is abysmal and they frequently change their tune about many things. And you can't even stand to hear anything from any other source but that.

I'm so triggered because I used to be like this. Fucking idiot.

Snake oil salesman promise big changes quickly for a fee. Mew promises the opposite. Good posture for many years can have a small beneficial change in bone growth. Standing up straight is free.

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my cat been mewing for years, nothing special just a normal cat

So it makes your beard grow? Cool!

Would be nice if they didn't have a fucking beard so we could actually see the results

Yeah that sucks, but you can see that with the reference points on the ear and the corner of the eye completely stationary, the upper jaw/nose etc. did come forward a fair bit (I'm not the user who posted these, but I know that the main intented effect is to bring the maxilla forward). I wonder how long it took.

I found that one some forum, the guy said it took 2 years.

Is it too late to mew if you're 30?

Doesn't hurt to try, it's basically good posture for the mouth.

Yeah I've been mewing. That along with the crystal spray water to realign my chakras and bi-weekly animal sacrifice has had incredible benifits

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Somehow I feel this thread belongs to boards like Jow Forums and /x/

Mirin those teeth gains


Does bi-weekly mean twice a week or once every two weeks?

once every two weeks

> animal sacrifice

glad to see you got past your scientism phase user :)

>who has mewed

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Learning about shit like this is invaluable but makes me furious.
Simple little facts that have drastic implications at no cost to you. It makes me mad because I didn't hear about them sooner and there is a plethora of information for quick fixes.

Learning about things like the Bates method for eyes.
I've had problems seeing past 4 feet for decades and within the last 5 basically lost my depth perception.

After learning about that and really getting in touch with my eye muscles and trying to actually comprehend sight rather than ignoring it as incomprehensible abstractions of the idle brain. My sight improved dramatically in about 2 months. From doing basically nothing other than relaxing my eyes and allowing them to fix themselves.

How can things like this exist and not be more widespread while glasses are.
It's like if people didn't understand what exercise was an assumed cossets and liposuction where the only options. How does information like this get lost.

I like the part where the Wikipedia article's summary shits all over it and says there has been no real scientific evidence that it works.

>How does information like this get lost.
They're put behind paywalls. Thank goodness that will never happen to Jow Forums !

8 days a week

Does Bates method actually work for an adult? I'm pretty sure that slapping glasses on kids and saying it's genetic is mostly bullshit, and a lot of vision problems is a use-it-or-lose-it situation, but once the defect is set and severe I don't have high hopes for "giving them a chance to correct themselves". From what I understand, Bates method can help a bit, so if you have like -2.00 myopia it could reduce it to negligible levels, but I think with my -8.00 eyes what I'm looking at would be reducing them to -6.50 with years of religous practice, which would clearly make no difference in my life.

What's your experience exactly? What was wrong and how much improvement did you see?

>once every two weeks
No, that's fortnightly.

Oh, I thought it was literally chewing on your tongue... I've been doing that for at least a decade, bad habit. This sound stupid and something that might be possible only in children where their jaws aren't 100% ridged, if that's even the case. All the muscle in the world won't save a misshapen jaw. Also, many people eat proper bread, not the crappy wonder bread sold in usa stores and that requires plenty of chewing and jaw strength, doesn't save them from being misshapen. Or any number of other anecdotes. Dumb.

I swear Jow Forums neets have found employment as viral marketers and are now doing their utmost to push any garbage they can just to stay afloat.

>nobody profits
>video is slathered with ads
>guy sells books
>makes 'logical claim' regarding a supposed archeological and medical fact

Isn't this proven by people who have 100% liquid diets? Your teeth get crooked and fall out. Even the Onions people who are not medically reliant on liquid only, talk about how important it is to chew gum if you're not going to eat solid food every day.

As with all of this stuff, I see no reason not to try it. Literally what do you have to lose?
The only thing I haven't done is anything related to the sun but this is because I'm basically a shut in. Why this would benefit you though probably has something to do with vitamin D. As an aside I have dry eyes which is associated with a lack of vitamin D.

My problems are myopia, I struggle to read past 4 feet. Things like street sign sized text even. As well as in the last 5 years I noticed that I was only using 1 eye at a time. Likely from increased time in front of a monitor. (basically 24/7 now).

My personal issue was likely the fact that I was involuntarilly stressing the fuck out of my eye muscles constantly, and literally ignoring the fact that I have 2 eyeballs. Somehow at some point I forgot how to see in 3D.
I only realized this one day after smoking cannabis and focusing on a picture on my wall, only to realize I had the capability to perceive depth. This was likely due to the fact that I was in heavy thought so my eye muscles where relaxed as well as the fact that cannabis is an anti inflammatory agent.
A few years later I started to put serious thought into it and learned of the bates method.
A specific part of a video where someone mentions broken bones and how many people are told they will never walk again. Yet with physical therapy things improve back to normal in a lot of cases through just basic shit.
As well as making me activley realize how tense my eyeballs have been and that I more or less ignore my right eye because text on a computer is left to right with nothing of interest on the right.


You have to wear a dress for 1 week.

If anything that's worse. Aside from the choice of having a beard. Clearly a better fit.

I didn't know the name brand was filtered too.
S* ylent

In just 2 months I've noticed a dramatic cognitive shift in terms of my depth perception, I am gradually trending towards seeing out of both eyes at once. And I've been able to read shit past 5 feet that I couldn't when I started. I have a reference that I use in my room.

A lot of my own problems seem to be lack of coordination with the eyes and the brain.
While people said otherwise, I was convinced that I had some form of estropia, so I tried intentionally learning how to control my eye muscles, now I can do that on command as well as extropia.
When I first started doing extropia is hurt like a stining sensation and I could not maintain it. After weeks, I could do it no problem but not make much sense of it. My brain could not understand it. So I started doing it in the dark, with the thought process of trying to understand what black looks like out of 2 eyes instead of just 1, or instead of 1 overlapped image. Now I can basically see 2 sides of my room at once and maintain that without pain or discomfort. Since mastering that I have noticed depth in a way I haven't for as long as I can remember. It's fucking weird.

Take into account that I also have years of meditation under my belt and learned how to ignore my vision intentionally. (not just closing your eyes and seeing black, but not seeing at all). So this is likely why I have seen results in a short timespan but literally anyone could master their own muscles and mind over the course of years for free and it benefits you in more ways than just your physical eyes imo.

I'm sure that makes me sound like a hippie but fuck it, maybe someone will get use out of it.

Also worth mentioning, a critical but obvious thing was someone mentioning that the bates method isn't really useful in its own right, it's just a means to teach you habbits. Specifically, how to detect what is wrong with your eyes and how to get comfortable with various levels of focus.

For me personally, I learned how to be comfortable having blurred vision where I could otherwise see if I strained my eyes. Leaving myself in that position for a whole day was enough to notice a lasting impact.
It makes as much sense as resting a broken leg. Yes you can't walk for some time but you are healing, if you walk or run it will make it worse.

If you learn to relax your eyes to the point where your vision is worse, yes you can't see but you are allowing your eyes to rest and thus heal. At least in my case. It's going to be different for everyone most likely. Depending on the source of the problem.

This video in particular was pretty EYE opening for me and it doesn't cover anything about technique.

It made me feel ignorant which was the basis for self study and self practice.

The answer to "what do you have to lose" is time. Unlike mewing which can be done on the side while you go about your day, Bates stuff would probably consume quite a bit of time.

So, do you have a non-subjective quantitative assessment of the improvement? Like, that 4 to 5 feet thing, did you measure it properly before starting? Can you really rule out the "you feel like you see better" option?

Can you point me to your sources on what/how to practice? Thanks for taking the time to explain.


I don't get this. I thought that was naturally where you were supposed to keep your tongue. Are you all a bunch of slack jawed mouth breathers or something. Seriously curious.

>Unlike mewing which can be done on the side while you go about your day
I might disagree with this depending on the source of the problem and personal habits.
For someone like me who had poor vision to begin with and almost never wore my glasses, I am accustomed to not being reliant on my eyes. Forcing my vision to be even worse by relaxing the muscled barely effected me when doing things like chores.

Likewise with palming, I already mediate, now I just do it with my hands on my eyes sometimes and other times I do exercises (forcing my eyes to look in different independent directions, controlling my distance focus, etc.)

Obviously this is inherently subjective both in habit and in condition. The methods you come up with to heal your own eyes could be completely different. And I can 100% see how people who are used to seeing with corrective lenses would struggle without them, let alone if you thought it would be beneficial to relax your focus even more.

>Like, that 4 to 5 feet thing, did you measure it properly before starting?
The objects I use are static so the distance never changed at least.
Again though this is just subjective, it was for my own benefit so I felt no need to measure anything precisely. Even still though there's no way I could convey or record what the text looked like when I started and what it looks like now. That's 100% mental (my own memory/recollection).

You could likely monitor progress with the assistance of an optometrist if they're willing to humour it. But I personally felt no need. Subjective results are simply results in terms of a perceptive sense, according to myself.
If that makes sense.

The point at which I knew something was happening was when I noticed the details of my cats face, like the curves in his skull and the depth of his cheeks, the individual hairs and colors. It was dramatic.


Regardless of what had progressed, my brain, my comprehension, my physical eyes/muscles. Something had an effect, and I didn't really care what/which. It was likely some combination.

>Can you point me to your sources on what/how to practice?
I didn't use too many resources. A lot of it was introspective. Becoming aware of things and recognizing them as a problem then thinking of how to alleviate them was literally all I did.

For example in that video I linked as dumb and obvious as it sounds it was revelatory to me when he talked about strain and physical recovery. It was like an epiphany.
>duh of course, I spend 24 hours a day staring at left aligned text on the screen until my eyes are dry and pained. every. day
>I never even consider to relax them on purpose or help them in any way of course they will degrade and not recover on their own
>instead of trying to understand what I'm seeing I do everything in my power to alter the physical space around me, using glasses, or squinting to reduce the incoming light. when what I should be doing is trying to relearn what letters look like according to my physical eyes

I think more than anything you must explore the subjective space, Bates method and my own methods are not going to be your methods even though there is likely to be a lot of overlap.

And as with anything it might be a complete waste of time, but for my specific case, I found it worth the time spent. At the very least I feel much better in the face/head. I can feel exactly what I'm not stressing around the flesh of the orbit and my forhead vein doesn't stick out anymore.

These are dumb little details but you get enough of these that you piece something together and say "this makes some sense, this looks like progress". And I don't think it's all just self convincing since you can't just trick yourself into seeing better. Or if you can, I'm okay with this.

>I didn't use too many resources. A lot of it was introspective.
That being said I had some understanding of the human body and medicine to start with.
I mostly learned this through a ton of shit but it's all public information. Google and Wikipedia as with everything. And speaking with experienced professionals while maintaining critical thinking (don't blindly trust everything or at the very least don't assume that just because something is true for most that it is true for all).

I cooperate with my doctors, I don't argue or fight with them and they don't with me. I ask them questions and if they don't know they tell me they don't know, and I ask if something sounds crazy or not and they give their opinion.
To me it's extremely useful but ultimatley it's a lot of nothing.

>do you think this could work?
>>I suppose
>thanks doc

>do you know anything about vitamin A, lutien, or other drugs and how they effect the eye?
>>I read this research paper but it's not conclusive


it's not bro science but it's also never been observed to work in not-children

When they say "put the tip of your tongue on the tip of your pallet"
Do they mean the the tip of your tongue should actually be on the tip of the pallet or should it be pointed at the teeth with the surface of the tongue tip on the pallet tip.

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The one on the right.

Thanks boss

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They couldn't think of a better name for it

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This is some sad shit

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LMAO Jow Forums is leaking now?
Reminder that mewing fucks up your jaw.
And considering the small following that Mew himself has, it's very likely that he's the one that keeps making the threads on Jow Forums to peddle his shitty book.

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>Reminder that mewing fucks up your jaw.

A literal google search will show you lots of people complaining. Fuck off Mew.
Not only that, but the science is already in.
You CANNOT change the shape of your skull in a non destructive way past the age of 18ish when it's fully formed. Did you fuck it up? Too bad, get surgery.
The only thing you can change is your teeth alignment.
Now take your gum and shove it up your ass. Every single time I go to fit I see you shilling your shitty threads, and every single time I see you pretending to be other people praising this shit. Making posts that at a glance seem like new people, but which DON'T increase the threads IP count, every single one of the posts praising it, none of them are new posters, every single time.

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STOP. That word is reserved only for females of certain age range.

You can't expect more from (((kikepedia)))

gtfo with your pseudoscience bullshit, you're not a virgin because of your mouth, nigger

>logically makes sense though.
all the way through, or just if you think about it for only 5 minutes?

Here you guys go, a fun archive for you to read through.
I was the animeposter of course.

My personal highlights from that thread was...
>The guy posting this link claiming that it supported mewing when it clearly didn't
>The guy claiming that all evidence except actual studies supported mewing
It was a fun time.

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just look at this
and tell me you don't see the face of inceldom personified. I dare you

that guy talks like a faggot, he's too preoccupied with his fucking tongue

Meow :3

Mew :3c

What a fucking retarded word salad

>gets asked a question about confidence
>"you're going out of my subject, i'm not gonna comment on what i don't know"
kek, Mew's got no confidence

it's not changing the shape of your bones, it's just facial posture

Hence the clicking noise, right?
Enjoy your TMJ

People don't take it seriously because it's presented as a beauty hack when the entire point from the get-go was health.
I put it in the same category as posture.