Will it be worth it?
2019 Moto Razr
Is this real?
Because foldable phones are my fetish.
Do you want to spend $1,500 on a mother fucking phone? If so, a noose would be a good investment for you, OP.
>bendable screen
It'll be broken in 6 months.
It's a mockup, but this is the design they've been teasing. What's attractive about it to me is that it looks usable even in folded form, meaning you can have a small, fully functional phone and a big-ass multimedia screen at the same time. Save some space in your pocket.
This is the only thing that concerns me. But smartphones have basically replaced laptops in terms of portable, all-purpose multimedia devices. My current phone (LG V30) is more reliable than my laptop, for that matter. We use these things every day, probably more than our desktops. Depending on the specs, it might be worth the investment.
If you use your phone more than your laptop/desktop, it probably means you're wasting an incredible amount of time on social media apps and youtube. Suicide is the only answer. Your brain is already dead.
sounds likes someone's butthurt that they have no friends
I take calls on it, play music with it, watch movies on it sometimes when I have downtime at work, watch youtube videos anywhere I please (cooking videos in the kitchen for example), use it as a camera, camcorder, alarm clock, PDA, notepad, etc. Do you faggots all work from home or what?
I have friends, but guess what? We actually hang out in person. That's right, I leave my apartment, ride my bike over to their one of their houses or apartments, and then we hang out face to face, in person. Almost none of them use social media either because they don't want to contribute to the Zuckerberg empire. You're just a braindead zoomer selling your soul to big data because you were raised so socially stunted you don't know to have relationships outside of your cellphone.
>Music - modded iPod classic, 3000mAh battery (72 hrs battery life), 1TB storage, Wolfson DAC audio chip
>Movies/youtube - laptop, T480 for work, W530 for movies
>Camera - Nikon D7100, Lumix LX100
>Alarm clock - clock radio
>Notepad - small Moleskin notebook
And none of them track me. None of them forward my ISP every to some botnet every minute of the day. None of them sell my every bit of my life for profit by megacorporations. And all of them work just as well or better than a smartphone would. I barely even bring my phone with me when I go out anymore. It's not worth it to have a voluntary tracking device on you 24/7. You're a drone, my friend.
And all of them protect your virginity
I'd willingly pay as much as $1600 for that, assuming some other idiots beta-test it for a few months and make sure there's no issues with the folding screen leaving a crease in the picture or something, AND all the other specs are on par with other high-end phones.
>>Notepad - small Moleskin notebook
I'd rather get it than an iphone for that sweet pre-smartphone nostalgia.
I don't think it'll ultimately release like that for another 5 years, but if it does I'd be shilling "I'm thinking it's back" on Jow Forums.
generally products that depend on nostalgia are overpriced and/or awful.
So you bend an oled? or will they just use some kind of tiles to make the screen appear "seamless"
well unless someone explains what voodoo magic they will use to fold a tempered touch screen I call bullshit on this whole new old "concept"
Foldable screens are made of plastic, so anything foldable is shit by definition.
This is all I have ever wanted.
I would still use my old Razr if it had wifi
I still can't think of anything with the durability and longevity to fold like that.
Maybe x2 4:3 screens with like a special 1:3 tile in the middle would create a hinged tiled folding thing with 2 ugly lines in the middle OR you use one of those foldable oled screens which would wear fairly quickly from folding and unfolding leaving ugly discoloration in the middle.
WOW it's..
Based and redpilled.
Not paying for an already broken phone
Shut up you fucking jew
That's retarded, you don't gain anything from folding a modern phone vertically. Unless it's somehow gigantic but the 1:1 aspect ratio when folded means it's limited in that too unless it wants to be extremely unwieldy, defeating the purpose.
The only logical way to make a foldable phone is using a book format, so you can have a traditional rectangular shape to fit in your pocket or use one-handed, but can expand to essentially a tablet when convenient and get a ton more screen space. That's the only practical application of this meme.
Technically possible oled lg and others have had foldable for ages
Wonder how long foldable will last over 2+ years since people keep their phones longer now
>the internet doesn't track me
Lol do u think analogue tech is secure? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHA
That chin is retarded but otherwise I'd want it
Unironically based. I want an iPod classic so bad, holy fuck
>twirls fedora into stratosphere
And I suppose you also carry a dumbphone, GPS device, flashlight, a bunch of pens and pencils, stopwatch, calculator...
it's not
Holy shit balls! Something actually different from the goddamned same exact slabs over and over again!!! Take my goddamned money just to escape the dull sameness of the modern smartphone!!!!
If it has Qi and gets LineageOS support then I might
This, albeit earnestly.
I thought I was being pretty fucking Ernest.
Your multiple exclamation marks hint sarcasm
It's a phone. It's like asking for mice or monitors to look different.
Why isn't it retarded?
Was meant to invoke honest excitement. Then again this is a fairly jaded part of an already jaded internet.
But no not all of us are complete shitters. I'm genuinely interested in anything that isn't the same regurgitated garbage.
It's a meme gimmick.
>folding flip phones
who even misses that crap
>honest excitement
Typing like an overexcited zoomer on the internet isn't ever going to allude to "honest excitement" my dude.
Has some pros.
Flipped closed is a good hardware mechanic to say you're not using your phone.
Screen, and input is protected by design.
Not at all Mr internet numbnuts dipshit...
You see mice and monitors have GAINED features over the years, whereas phones have LOST features and options over the years. Now I realize this was before your time junior but the other difference between those two completely incomparable things you tried to compare (ya fucking moron) is that monitors and mice are unitasking devices that are only useful with the Mani component (a computer) whereas a phone (and try to stay with me here I know it's confusing) is a multitasking device capable of MANY different functions, and does not warrant a completely standardized design.
You see kid back before your parents let you play with the internet, there were many many phones designs with many different features to suit the needs and desires of the customer. But those features were slowly stripped away to save money on production cost. Which finally led to the generic blandness and mediocrity of the modern phone (aka the only one your old enough to know).
I hope you've found this educational young one. Now go to bed before your mom yells at you in between turning tricks to make ends meet.
>You see kid back before your parents let you play with the internet, there were many many phones designs with many different features to suit the needs and desires of the customer.
No they pretty much all looked very similar.
Then manufacturers started trying to be "different" by adding various mechanisms, hinges, and gimmicks, until someone had the idea of putting a touch screen on the whole phone, steve jobs thought it was a good idea and he should do the same, and everyone agreed that it was a better idea than all the previous gimmicks and from then on they have looked similar once again.
Now we've gone full circle and hinges and gimmicks are starting to be the new hot thing again.
Get a job loser
>ride my bike
Ha, what a fag. Are you 12?
>Reddit spacing
go away
>there were many many phones designs with many different features
I'm sure your brick shitphone had more features than a modern smartphone you dumb boomer, go drool somewhere else.
Only hippies have no social media presence, well done outing yourself as a broke loser. Imagine not having social media to talk with your distant buds or hooking up with random girls
Get raped and kill yourself, you retarded fucking faggot sack of nigger shit with down syndrome.
Very edgy, you should post it on r/Jow Forums
It's pretty sexy anons, except for the notch at the top. The mammoth chin is probably not necessary either desu.
If it were like that, cost around $300, run near-stock android and not have shit-tier hardware and battery, I'd buy one for sure.
Surprised you didn't mention a removable battery.
the absolute state of Americans
>Pens - 2 pens in pocket or bag
>Calculator - Mental math, brainlet
>Flashlight/stopwatch - Why would I need these with me at all times? I have a headlamp and a stopwatch, for when I do need them.
>GPS - I know my city quite well, so I don't need one. I also have a map of the city in my bag.
As for the phone, I ordered some metal fabric (Y-shield) from the net. It has 80 dB single layer, 106 dB two-layer signal blocking strength. I used my sewing machine and sewed a small two layer Faraday bag for it. Then, if I want to bring my phone with me, I turn it off, bag it, and if I need it (rarely), I take it out. Otherwise, it stays inside the faraday bag and doesn't track me.
virtue signaling overload.
I've been biking almost everywhere my whole life. Its great. I had a car a couple years ago, but it was just a huge, un-needed expense. Insurance, repair, parking pass, etc.. On a bike I can get almost anywhere as fast in my city as I would via public transit, and often only slightly slower than via car, or faster than car during rush hour. Plus, unlike most of my friends (30 year old boomer), I am still fit and still have my 6 pack from college. I live in the center of the city and can go anywhere in the city in 45 minutes, in which I cover a 13 mile distance.
Have fun driving your lard machine though, buddy. You'll never know the joys of whizzing through the streets, blowing through all the traffic from congested cars, going everywhere with the strength of your own body, and owning and maintaining a beautiful bike that rides smooth as butter, an extension of your body almost.
Riding a bike where I live is just asking to get run over. The roads here aren't made for that.
PS: captcha
I messed up that captcha didn't I? oh well
>make a useless technology
>charge a lot for it
Damn that's the smartphone breakthrough innovation we've all been waiting for
I cannot wait to not buy this
The sad part is that it probably won't flop because people are so highly brainwashed at this point to always buy the next "latest and greatest" thing. It doesn't matter if there is almost no actual innovation or reason, as long as you can have that status, that's the real reason.
Of course the reality is that all people are doing by that is wasting money and proving themselves to be braindead consumers. All buying a $1,500 phone shows is that you're a fucking moron. Go buy some mad bling $900 Nike kicks and a $5,000 watch while you're at it too. Fucking idiots...
That chin is one of the most remarkable traits of Razr V3 design. Remove it and it's just another foldable gimmick phone.
i used to live in a city with no bike lanes or bicycle infrastructure whatsoever, and honestly it was even more practical than the city i am in now which even has traffic lights for bikes. i was usually the only cyclist and the cars would leave a lot of space to move through when traffic got stuck
That's how it is in Chicago. When I was in Seattle there were all these other cyclists who would always stay in their lanes, ride in line, stop at lights, etc.. In Chicago, the roads, even though they are shitty, are very wide, and they're at nearly as many cyclists. If you get stuck behind someone you can easily pass them. It's also super fun to weave between all the cars stuck in traffic at a high speed during rush hour, even if you do end up getting stuck at lights longer because you can't just blow through them, due to more perpendicular traffic.
Here's my baby. Mid 80's, triple butted Bridgestone (Japanese frame).
How about actually fitting in pockets again?
Won't this actually fit worse in pockets, though? It will be twice as thick as a regular phone when folded and thus consume a whole pockets worth of space.
Bud, thickness is not an issue, it's the area that shits up all of your pocket space. I would actually guess that it has less volume than a cheap pocket calculator when folded.
How fucking gigantic would that be, though? I don't need a phone that big, sometimes I like to use it in crowded places like trains. Any phone convenient to use in those situations will handily fit in my pocket unfolded.
Why, are you expecting it to be that much larger than your average 5.5"-6" phone? All we got for now is that render, but if the unfolded size is the same as a normal one it'd be freaking sweet.
>That's retarded, you don't gain anything from folding a modern phone vertically.
You either get it, or you don't. We don't need to get into specifics. Suffice to say it's been proven at market that there's a significant amount of the population that prefers smaller phones or clamshells. I, myself, use an iPhone 8 only because Apple didn't make a followup to the tiny SE. (And I like prefer iOS or Android)
>watch movies on it
Not only is thickness not an issue, they're making devices too thin at this point. They feel way too bendable and fragile, sure, but the big thing is that if they added 1mm to the width of an iPhone, they could tack on 2 weeks worth of standby time (or 8 hours of talk time) by using a slightly larger battery. Would you rather have 1mm thinner phone, or an extra 8 hours of talk time? This is a case of companies catering to shallow, retarded people.
>folding phone
yet another gimmick meme feature
Why don't they actually focus the core of the product (CPU, RAM, NAND, OS) instead of dumb shit?
wew all that self-hate in a post. Nice bait user it's ok if you never leave your mom's basement for real user.
why are you even doing it, you know there's an extension that does it for you
be careful what you wish for user
It's a neat concept but I'd rather buy 1500 worth of moto stock than spend 1500 on any consumer device.
This. I put $2k into APPL when it broke under $145 and am already up 15%. So instead of spending $1,500 on some meme, I made my money work for me and made $300 with it instead. Normalfags are so sad. They don't know how to do anything but consume constant garbage and blow all their money doing so. No wonder they can't even afford avocado toast anymore.
>these entire posts
Im irish senpai
well you don't have an excuse then
What does Zuckerberg's cum taste like? Does it taste similar to Tim Cook's, or is it saltier?