I've installed a linux distro. Now what?

I've installed a linux distro. Now what?
By the way, why is the hdd active when the system is idle and can i stop it? Also, i haven't grown a neckbeard yet and i still don't know how to hack anything. Was i lied to?

Attached: File.png (3198x1642, 2.81M)

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>By the way, why is the hdd active when the system is idle and can i stop it?
>Also, i haven't grown a neckbeard yet and i still don't know how to hack anything. Was i lied to?
>Now what?
install gentoo (or troubleshoot problems yourself)

Enjoy your useless machine

>By the way, why is the hdd active when the system is idle and can i stop it?
What distro?
I thought that only happened with KDE, that shouldn't happen with xfce.
Are you using btrfs?

Actually, i'm surprised at how well things run including steam and kodi
xubuntu and i'm using ext4

oh, forgot to tell, install htop, then press F2 (setup), go to colims and get the IO_RATE from available columns to active columns and then press F10 and you can then see which processes are using more cpu
absolutely disgusting user.
In that case the i/o activity is just probably NSA botnet sending a checksum of all your files to the cloud.

Nice for a starter.
Enable steam proton for all apps and test which ones of your windows games work(sometimes depends on hardware).
Do the updates.
Idk work on whatever you were working on before.

Install Wine and run some Windows indie games. ANd delete Brave and never use it again.

Yea, i thought it might be gaben sucking all my data but it happens when steam isn't running as well. Xubuntu was because i have little idea what i'm doing so it seemed like a good starter distro
Cheers, i'll try that
Surprisingly, the few games i do play all seem to be linux compatible. What's wrong with Brave? I've seen it recommended by sites like privacytools.io

You fucked up, time to wipe the disk. Install Mint Xfce, Xubuntu is shit.

Brave is botnet.

Why is it shit? Aren't both ubuntu derivatives?

Things to take note of since you are a new user.
It would be a good idea to learn to use the shell(bash)
If you use nvidia graphics use the additional drivers tool (included)and install the proprietary drivers.
There is very little handholding but if you have any questions the ubuntu forums are generally a good place to ask.
Have fun.

Do not listen to people who argue about best distro. Odds are they are still virgins.
(LinuxMint does make somethings awfully simple though)

Mint fixes a lot of things wrong with Xubuntu, like screen tearing. You'll have to trust me as someone who used Xubuntu for 2 years and then moved to Mint. Mint is just better out of the box for desktop use.

unironically wondering whether mint is useable after this shit: zdnet.com/article/hacker-hundreds-were-tricked-into-installing-linux-mint-backdoor/

anyone want to wade in and give an informed opinion?

What about openSUSE?

Does anybody here think OP has ever driven a single person away from Linux? I mean these threads get made every single day, and yet I doubt one person has ever changed their perception from neutral or positive to negative. Not one person has ever decided not to install Linux because of OP. It just comes off as if a retarded person who should probably have a console and a phone at the most is sperging out because a real OS is too hard to use, as they have a sub-normal IQ.

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>i still don't know how to hack anything. Was i lied to?
Did you try wearing a chastity belt?

I'm on Xubuntu right now, 18.04 LTS, and I don't have the screen tearing issue. Any other reason I should switch?

Now wipe the hard drive and install win 7 or 8 to start some real work

The direct download links were hijacked. It's literally nothing, non-idiots always use torrents to download disc images. If you're using direct downloads and not checking the hashes then you deserve malware desu.

Turns out it was systemd-journald doing constant writing. I masked it and am now considering completely removing systemd