C# or C++, which is better learn?

C# or C++, which is better learn?

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Neither. Learn Rust.

>2019 not coding in assembly.




C# if you want to be employable.

Yep. Go right ahead and learn a hipster language no one cares about or will never hire you for.


either will work don't get bogged down in stupid shit like language. choose one and get to the go


C# if you want an easy time finding a job.
C++ if you want to get paid a lot.
C if you want to like your job.

Justify this pls
My best language is C

Also would like some justification for that last claim
What does a C programmer actually do?

C# is extremely common, and it doesn't fill any use cases more advanced than Java street shittery.
Regardless of how you feel about C++, just know that in almost every shop, it's used as Java with pointers. Those that don't use it that way get to deal with compile times around 10-100x longer than any other common language. However, the ceiling for the C++ pay grade is very high, because it is used for some very advanced shit like computer vision and AI stuff.
C also fills unique (i.e. relatively pajeet-resistant) places, but with C, the really big niche is embedded (not eLinux garbage, actual embedded). Let me know next time you C# or C++ in any serious bare-metal application. Embedded is relatively low-paying, though.

>you C# or C++
you see any C# or C++, oops

>hear a lot about C but never A or B


Back in year 12 I learnt Java sort of. Ended up making the classic the Nokia snake game, I saved the code to my Google drive. Here is the pastebin for it - pastebin.com/37bHsS9Y

Actually this. If OP has to ask it's because he's not following a degree. If you gotta be self learned, go for high level languages.

They're both completely different languages with completely different use case.
It really boils down to what you want to create.

im gonna hijack this thread: Whats a good programming language to learn just for fun so i have something to do during my spare time at work?

ive seen people ask similar questions and the answer is usually to learn Python.

Cowboy buttsex

you hear it alot because it's a good answer
sh is also good, but that's only if you're a linux user

Learn programming theory, aka computer science, and be able to use any language by reading the docs and knowing general principles.
When I am deciding if I can work on a project it's not based on their language (unless they are on a super tight time frame or have weird technical problems with language specific features)

Best language for fun is Brainfuck

Zsh is better but less portable. If I can use zsh I always do, unless ofc it's complex enough to use a full scripiting lang like Ruby python or perl

I wanted to learn C# to make gay men for fun and maybe find a real job. But all jobs required a degree.
So I just learned how javascript+php instead because webdev jobs usually don't require anything except maybe a portfolio. And it's easy to sell on your own if you ever get unemployed.

I have fun competing with chinks and pajeets. If you network, people will be happy to hire you if they can tell youre competent, this is the real way to get a good job

If you wanna learn programming you have to start with assembly else you're a pretentious faggot.
Then C, then what you like.
C# is comfy af. C++ is garbage and a pain in the ass. c++ is faster though but you also spend more time programming for the same thing than you'd need in C#

> Doesn't know how to lisp

I don't know what you mean? It's not hard to talk with a lisp.

>Not a high level language
What the fuck happened to the term "high-level"? Did it lose all meaning when the web devs came along?