Chad C vs Virgin C#

Attached: chadvirgincsharpc.png (2400x978, 260K)

in reality: they're both bloated neckbearded pedophiles that are as dangerously incompetent as each other.

spotted the .NET managed code "programmer"

Attached: 1518039712228.png (800x750, 106K)

>computer full of viruses from too much porn
you're doing it wrong
I have 24tb of porn and not a single virus

With a fat blue-haired lesbian forcing them to attend intersectionality training/indoctrination.

>not a single virus

uh huh, and just how much botnet software do you have installed? also, stop watching porn.

Attached: wmEm7eq.png (506x768, 336K)

> .net
fuck off, neckbearded faggot.
>With a fat blue-haired lesbian forcing them to attend intersectionality training/indoctrination.
can we just pass a law to kill these fascists? life would be much easier without the brainwashing from man-hating lesbians that have done as much for society as AIDS has.

Attached: 1531366382946.jpg (1348x812, 147K)

>and just how much botnet software do you have installed?
No windows 10 on this machine

you sound jelly, user. dontcha want some pussy?

Attached: 1517434589630.jpg (2048x1536, 864K)

>Thinks his IDE is a compiler
>Writes slow code that really only works on Windows
man i hate working with C# devs so much

>Can write Makefiles by hand

### Functions ###
range = $(if $(filter $1,$(lastword $3)),$3,$(call range,$1,$2,$3 $(words $3)))
make_range = $(foreach i,$(call range,$1),$(call range,$2))
equal = $(if $(filter-out $1,$2),,$1)

### Variables ###
limit := 101
numbers := $(wordlist 2,$(limit),$(call range,$(limit)))

threes := $(wordlist 2,$(limit),$(call make_range,$(limit),2))
fives := $(wordlist 2,$(limit),$(call make_range,$(limit),4))

fizzbuzz := $(foreach v,$(numbers),\
$(if $(and $(call equal,0,$(word $(v),$(threes))),$(call equal,0,$(word $(v),$(fives)))),FizzBuzz,\
$(if $(call equal,0,$(word $(v),$(threes))),Fizz,\
$(if $(call equal,0,$(word $(v),$(fives))),Buzz,$(v)))))

### Target ###
.PHONY: all
all: ; $(info $(fizzbuzz))

>Chad C vs Virgin C#
Having written in a bit of both, I found C# much more flexible and quicker to get things done in

only cucks get things done quickly


which dude has the vagina?

have fun troubleshooting issues when things compile fine in visual studio but break using msbuild because your devs have no idea what msbuild is
and have fun paying out the ass for windows servers because the shit they wrote won't run on anything else
.net core is making things better, but adoption is slow

same. the true patrician move is use C# for the high level parts of the app and use C when speed is required.

what is this

Attached: 1540775742262.png (771x723, 680K)

The truer patrician move is to use C# for the high level parts and use System.Span and System.ArrayPool when performance is required. Clets still live under the belief that C# is Microsoft-flavored Java despite the fact that this hasn't been true since pre-.NET 4.5.

It's GNU Make

Attached: Screenshot 2019-02-03 at 18.10.41.png (1618x890, 121K)

C would be like going to a pristine forest naked and building that you need to survive

C# is like getting on a monorail you are given what to survive and the monrail takes you to an indoor park

>and have fun paying out the ass for windows servers because the shit they wrote won't run on anything else
I have 2 old systems able to be dedicated to this purpose

What the fuck kind of analogy is this supposed to be, ESL-kun?

call me when you're running hundreds
i hate my job

that's a yikes from me bro

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>in heaven there is no beer. that's why we drink it over here.

>C: the essentials
>C++: a bunch of extra bullshit you don't need

Have been writing C++ on UE4 for the past 3 months and can appreciate this meme now

>>C++: a bunch of extra OPTIONAL shit that will make your life easier

None of them.

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Having 10 ways of accomplishing the same task is a terrible language philosophy. None of them will make your life any easier either since the syntax is extremely inconsistent. C++ is the biggest clusterfuck of a language ever invented.

lol it's pretty straightforward, sure it might be ugly syntax, but it's not that complicated.

but yeah, C++ is to JS what Hungarian language is to English language

JS is a terrible language as well. The only two C-like languages I'd consider well designed is, ironically, C and C# and both of them still have their fair shares of (ignorable) flaws.

I'm hungarian and I know modern JS and am learning C++.
Hungarian is a lot more difficult, C++ vs JS doesn't even compare.
Especially with C++17 and with the upcoming C++20 the language is getting simpler and simpler, but also a lot more safe.
Anyone else that tries telling you otherwise probably has only seen C++98 code in his life and knows jackall about the current state of the language they are parroting bullshit about. Honsetly tho, that the case 10/10 when it comes to brainlets on Jow Forums crying about JS anyway.

>C++ is to JS what Hungarian language is to English language
what did he mean by this?

I'm Slovenian so visiting Budapest and hearing your language was making my ears bleed.

Don't worry, hungarians sound like the slavic people after enough acoholic bevarages anyway. Make sure you avoid tourist traps and enjoy our foods.

krustufkolacz was one hell of a drug in winter and red hot wine. I bought some palinka, went around budapest, fisherman market, parliament, that old transilyvanian castle over a bridge and where people ice skate on the river and other places, was pretty gud experience. I'll never forget that castle when it was snowing and dark with those old lamps, it was like a fairy tale.

9/10 overall

Oh you mean you were here already. That's a weird way to spell kürtöskalács.
Hopefully you didn't let yourself get tourist trapped. Glad you enjoyed your time here, my slavic friend.

I went with my gf, so we went to some "tourist destinations" such as aquarium in that supermarket or w/e and the giant wheel that takes you idk how much into air, plus some other stuff also.

Wish I could stayed longer than 3 days and actually explore the underground and other shit also. As said it was still good overall, just couldn't believe the amount of burger kings and mcdonalds and currency exchanges, etc. We got lost few times, that was a lot of fun actually.

So, C++ can do things that C can't? Okay, got it.

Attached: autism.jpg (1298x1145, 159K)

>Got a dev enironment working in seconds
Lawl, get any open source c/c++ project and try to compile it.

C++ is far superior

umm it's GNU + Virgin

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Probably the one that looks most like a man

>>Thinks his IDE is a compiler
to increase turnaround times, the current version of visual studio has a combined .NET compiler daemon VBCSCompiler(1)
the old vbc(1) and csc(1) are retained for CLI builds (msbuild, xbuild)

>>Writes slow code that really only works on Windows
this should change once .net core 3.x reaches gold

>botnet 3.0

nobody gives a fuck about this

Attached: botnet.png (600x400, 79K)

but it's free and open source, it's literally there for you to pull and compile yourself if you're so schizoid

>writes makefiles by hand
is this strange?

>Pointing at memory right now

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you know nothing about C do you?

>Can write makefiles by hand
Nuclear holocaust when

Implying Vulkan has documentation

Why? C# devs are winpozzed but generally know what they're doing. Then again, you've probably never worked with any devs, ever.

> being this illiterate
> thinks user is talking about the languages
STEVIE FUCKING WONDER could have read that post better than you, you illiterate cunt.

>other non standard bullshit

UE4 C++ isn't real C++.

Windows cucks you out of the programming experience.

>UE4 C++ isn't real C++.
What do you mean by this? If you don't want to use the UE4 API you can use C++ and any other library you want...