Why should I use Debian?

Why should I use Debian?

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Please domt use debian we dont need people like you here.

you shouldn't
you should use arch

If you need slow-moving, unchanging, super high uptime instead of reasonably up to date software, use Debian.

If you aren't fine with that and need to keep your software up to date beyond security fixes, pick literally any distro that doesn't use apt (Besides CentOS).

listen to this fag, except don't use Arch.

It rocks, kid

lets try that again.

Fedora, RHEL, CENTOS even

It rocks, kod
I f uckin love it
Stable like they say
I love it

Don't, use solus

the better question would be: why shouldn't I kill myself?

>Why should I use Debian?
1. You like outdated software.
2. You feel strongly offended by words with sexual meaning (that implies being a virgin)
3. You believe in censorship
4. You suffer from autism.

Debian may be good a decade ago but nowadays it's overrun with virtue signalling Stallman sycophants.

Why would one kill one's self? Here's my reasoning on why one wouldn't:

If one lives, there's always a chance of having good feels.
If one dies there is zero chance of having good feels. The thought of bad feels isn't a big deal, you can just wait until more good ones come.
Easy choice to not kill self.

you can make exactly the opposite reasoning.
>If one lives, there's always a chance of having bad feels.
>If one dies there is zero chance of having bad feels. The thought of good feels isn't a big deal, you can just wait until more bad ones come.
>Easy choice to kill yourself.

yeah but bad feels are no big deal, that's just life my man

of all the distros i tried, only fedora was worse than debian. get manjaro.

see, your whole arguments depend on the fact that he feels more good than bad. not my case and probably not the case on someone who wants to kill himself.
when you talk somebody out of suicide you need to offer something or he will just off himself
>wtf I don't want to give him any reason to live
nice, let him off himself like all his friends and family did, but people who work on talking guys out of suicide usually offer something even if it's a lie.
not me, just discussing.
that guy should kill himself desu Debian sucks

because you want a NSA backdoor in your init system.

stop recommending it to everyone and their sister, op wants xubuntu
btw i use a r c h

If you have to ask, it means you shouldn't.

>Why should I use Debian?
No reason really. Try it, see if you like it. If you dont like it try something else

>Why should I use Debian?
Mainly if you are running headless servers or if you want to get a very basic linux installation and choose every aspect of what gets installed. If you dont know why you should use it, the best thing to do is visit their website. They arent exactly begging people to use their software. If you dont like what you find there, try some other distribution.

All you will get here on Jow Forums is shills and trolls and misinformed opinions. Theres very few intelligent people here

It's easy to install and a good way to learn about GNU/Linux. I've used it for 3 years and now I'd like something more up-to-date so I'm switching to Manjaro. I still run it on my server though.

Are you guys serious? Manjaro? The distro that actually breaks all the time and you have to wake up everyday in fear wondering what you might have to fix again? Are you people fucking nuts putting that over a distro where you install it once and you never have to do anything ever again besides upgrading packages with critical bugs and in every 2-3 years an apt-dist upgrade?

Jesus, if you want new shit just run Arch, don't use Manjaro, ever, it's bloody cancer. All those memes about arch breaking should be applied to Manjaro instead.