>Out of Stock
pis are useless, get an arm soc that can actually peg a nic/hdd
It's really time to release that Pi 4. Hopefully on Pi day we will have something.
Out of stock like EVERYTHING this retarded useless company makes. they might as well not fucking exist
Also I don't care about these shitty reviews. Show real life performance like emulation, not just specs and pictures of the damn product.
>Allwinner H6
This needs software support. The Orange Pi 3 has the same chip but does not have a good Armbian release.
which pi alternative has good software support?
yes good goy
>allwinner garbage soc with no kernel upgrades ever
whats the use of these besides some cheap programming hardware ( b c :DDD)
using a rpi is fun for robot making
Rpi is useful because software.
I'll pass
Anything based on the RK3288 or RK3399 SoC is good.
Gb Ethernet would be good for NAS or Firewall. I'm too old now to set up my own streaming server, I prefer the convenience of a subscription. I do however still have need for a NAS to share files locally and for a Firewall
-torrent box
-budget fileserver (better if it has gigabit ethernet with usb3 and/or sata)
-print server
-thin client
-gaming console emulator box (there is even a specialized distro for this purpose)
I use a rpi to run a HiFi system. I picked up a amplifier hat, some nice bookshelf speakers, and installed volumio
i like how this SoC shit went from
>here's a $20 small stripped down platform for you to program on
>here's a chinkphone motherboard with usb hdmi rj45 ports slapped on to it for you to program on, that will be $75 and another $200 for various accessories
I have a RPi which runs a script to monitor stock availability on certain products so I can resell that shit if it shows up. Now I can just add this to the monitor list and get one when they are in stock.
> RPi Zero - $5
> Micro USB to Ethernet - $3
> Micro SD card - you already have it
> Tablet charger - you already have it
> Fix it to your wall with 4 screws, no need for a case.
You give $8. You get
> local seedbox (transmission-daemon)
> web server (nginx, quark, etc.)
> file server (btfpd)
> music streaming server (mpd)
> a lot of other stuff as well
All at the same time, on a $8 machine, consuming less than 1W.
Half of those cheapo SBCs have garbage driver support which kills any hardware advantages they have over the Pi.
>file server
>music server
>from a micro sd card over 1x1 2.4 GHz wireless
It's for personal use. It can handle all with ease.
>-budget fileserver (better if it has gigabit ethernet with usb3 and/or sata)
Just use ODROID HC1 or HC2 for this.
Yeah if you like being limited to like 5 MB/s on big file transfers and much worse with small files, high-bitrate video choking, and no redundancy. And that's if the 2.4 GHz spectrum is relatively uncrowded.
RPi Zero is too weak for a file/torrent server.
A $5 vlmcsd stick is pretty cute though.
I think you mean 5Mb/s, not 5MB/s.
What makes the Pi good isn't the specs.
Its the community. And Pi competitors will never get that, and makes them instatrash for anyone that doesn't wanna spend the whole weekend cross compiling all software to whatever janky weird instruction set the "better" board uses
At least they are getting smart enough to have GPIO in same format so some Pi shields can be added with minimal fuss
Is the Orange Pi PC Plus good?
And yet no one will buy them. I wonder why.
The XU4 dropped to $50 a while ago and is ~5x more powerful than a RPi3, has USB 3, gigabit ethernet and 2GB or RAM.
And unless you personally know how to compile for it, that extra power is worthless.
If you don't know how to compile software then what are you even doing playing with SBC?
>it's gonna be a pine board isn't it
>click on article
>it's a pine board
t. rock64 owner
Pi 4 wont be here until 2020 at the earliest.
>meme "features" to attract buyers
Fucking this
The article even says the board has a """working""" linux build. Hardware is useless without good software
The RPi is here and holds its ground because it has the support to work well. There are powerful alternatives, but they are just coasters without proper a stable OS
If I was making a product around a SBC I wouldn't pic anything made by google. Something like ODROID would be much safer choice. There is just no telling when any given Google product will disappear from market.
Making your own Linux based OS for RPI is just as annoying and bothersome as it is for almost any other SBC.
When is ARM going to implement some kind of BIOS or ISA like x86 does so we can just install whatever we want instead of having a thousand kernel forks for each chip?
This is why ARm will never be taken seriously besides smartphones.
Fuck off kike shill stop supporting monopolistic proprietary web standards
Love these chink RPi wannabes. I would like to see you get any software running on it.
What makes RPi good is the community, documentation and amount of stuff available on it
I once tried to run some shit on orange pi, their os is basically reskinned broken version of raspbian..
Having to build a different kernel for each device is just annoying.
I'd happily get an ARM laptop or a desktop or even a server if they fixed this crap.
>amount of stuff available on it
Oh yes, about a billion emulator projects.
That's about all it can do because of the stupid USBethernet crap.
Tell me about something cool I could make with this.
>his sbc is based on some chinese company's code base forked off a kernel a year old and never updated
For this reason alone I will never buy another SunXi based board.
An SBC is now commonly used for embedded and even desktop use. I know a very lucrative market served by PCs which is getting eaten alive by RPis and it's the favored platform because of the support level.
Nobody wants some near-proprietary thing with unmaintained dev toolchains and ancient kernels and blobs which have to be downloaded from the web archive. Th RPi doesn't compete on raw computing horsepower but long term support.
Updating a PC BIOS to defend from Spectre and Meltdown in embedded:
>hope and pray it's in the fwupd daemon's repo
>if not you play with making a USB stick or booting up Windows and trying to install an update
>that's if your vendor even updated the firmware or BIOS
>hope your installed Windows is still supported
>if it is, run update multiple times and then update other software not managed by Windows Update
Updating an RPi of any generation:
>sudo rpi-update; sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get upgrade
>works every time
Anyone have a link that doesn't give google's hostile takover of the web any more legitimacy?
None of that shit matters. It's an embedded computer or a shitbox for emulating really old platforms, so a Raspberry Pi is fast enough and with better community support. That thing also uses the Raspberry Pi's dumb port layout, which is one less reason to switch.
This. Someone come and get me when they have even half the software support of the Pi.
a buttplug or a remote control chastity cage
>Only SBC with a PCIe slot is the RockPro
>It's only 4x
>It doesn't support SATA but does support custom eMMC modules
>Qualcomm is dying before being able to deliver on their promise of ARM in a desktop form factor
>Literally no place to buy just ARM CPUs by themselves so rolling your own shit becomes a desoldering and BGA template minefield
>Hi-Five no longer sells PCIe daughterboards for ridiculous prices and other than that RISC-V is vaporware
Fuck computers and fuck jannies.
it would choke hard on any big files. mpd especially
won't be much of an upgrade or change.
>Pi 4 wont be here until 2020 at the earliest.
>wanting 4k
only thing you can watch in 4k is fancams
most movies are not in 4k. what a waste of money!