Thread for hate c++

c++ is shit change my mind

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rust better

The worst part about c++ is that you aren't using c

>thread for hate c++
>c book

go is based

Go was literally made so fresh out of college hires on Google wouldn't fuck code up because they're literally too retarded to write C code that is safe.

C++ is the cancer of mankind
No wonder why Unity and Unreal Engine use C++ and it sucks

>C++ is shit
>change my mind

Change comes from within.

literally made for pajeets that were too dumb to use java.

Agreed, I'm still gonna use it though so fuck you.

Btw why doesn't sepples have by-value polymorphism?

I understand the core problem is that derived types are larger than base types and as a result if you have a variable of a base type and try to store a derived type object in it then the object will be truncated.

But consider this: why can't they just have a special syntax for storing by-value-polymorphic base types, such that the variable is treated as being of the base type but occupies enough space to store instances of the largest of all types directly or indirectly derived from that base type?

I really want this as a feature and am miffed that it's not a thing

Unlike Rust, C++ has concurrency.


C++ is a living example of the triumph of ad-hoc hacks and expediency over scientific understanding.

it's ok op, sepples isn't for everybody

pic related, it's literally me programming in c++

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no need to specify the template parameter, the compiler can tell that op is a faggot

Rust's whole hook is risk free concurrency

But mixers aren't complicated, they just have a lot of channels...

You're just too dumb.

Hey huuuuuurr, ehehe! hurr hurr how do I shoot a web?

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so you're saying it's literally not him programming in c++?

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no concurrency*

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Concurrency != parallelism

He never said so

i hate c++ because it makes the fact that i'm incompetent obvious to other people

Saying c++ is shit is like saying those old nokia phones are shit. If you compare it to stuff you have now, then yeah, it'll seem kind of archaic and difficult to use. But you gotta realize that c++ was a huge step up in its time. It's also still one of the fastest and sturdiest building tools you can have.

I need that meme without the prune juice and c programming language

i guess go...

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Unity uses C Octothorpe

guys, bannerlord is coded in C++. does this mean it's gonna be shit?

are you a boy or a girl ?