Say whatever the fuck you want

Say whatever the fuck you want.
There is NO font better than Terminus for use in the terminal/console and for programming. NONE.
You can go ahead and keep using your cute, curvy, blurry font at Starbucks while real men can handle and enjoy the sharpness and all-guns-blazing real, MANLY fonts such as Terminus.
Whether you prefer the regular version or the bold one, Terminus is the KING of monospaced fonts.


Now that I've gotten this off my chest: general font discussion/recommendation thread. This topic seems terribly overlooked on this board.

Attached: 8x16n.gif (764x416, 9K)

Other urls found in this thread:

t. dpi let

dejavu sans mono

Source Code Pro is fun and objectively easier to read, Terminus is fucking chicken shit, ESPECIALLY black on white.

samsung-sans and consolas are better for programming

If you need your fonts to establish your manliness, you are a sad existence.


Looks anorexic

Buy yourself an Operator Mono, you poor nigger!!!

Attached: 1Xvs3r3_d.jpg (640x393, 19K)

>buy our font, goy

Attached: 1546313533578.jpg (756x275, 41K)

If Terminus is king, IBM Plex Mono is god

I still just use inconsolata-g
I don’t see a reason to switch to another mono space font

I use Terminus with a dark theme in everything for the 80s hacker vibe

I use solarized light on my IDE to keep me awake.
I do use Solaris dark on my terminal and enacts though.

There's no reason to be formal and unappealing when you can use a visually appealing font and color scheme.

Attached: Segoe Print Regular 10pt syntax highlighting code example image 3.png (759x600, 30K)

This. It’s god font.

women can code too

Terminus is just a poor man's MS Gothic.


Hard to see what's a space and not.

>say what you want
>except this
Why so insecure?

>There is NO font better than Terminus for use in the terminal/console and for programming


is the joke that jews didn't exist in 2000BC?

The ancient semites go back to about 3000 BC, user.

Lucy tewi shits on it all day

did you just assume that font's gender

i guarantee that only a man pretending to be a woman would use such a font

',' and '.' are too similar with terminus. Discarded.

Samsung Sans is a bloody great UI font, possibly the best. But for programming? Lay off the faggot pipe.

Terminus is really nice on low Res screens.
With high dpi, IBM Plex Mono is better.


',' and '.' are similar in any font.

>pixely shit
>a and o are like 3 pixels away from being the same character
IBM Plex mono text. White man.

What's your DNA stats?

The similar a and o is a variant, vanilla Terminus has a different 'a'.

shut up nigger. GohuFont is wayyyy better

>not scalable
No thanks. Terminus still reigns.
