When did Italians become white?

And why?

Attached: Salvini.jpg (2048x1536, 247K)

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They were never white

You must be Anglo or Germanic with blue eyes to be white, no exceptions

Attached: hOMGmAJvXmvGcjlGdl6z_1082110803.jpg (692x700, 240K)

When you started making these shit threads

>conveniently hides the stars and stripes

When they fought to save Europe from the Kaligari plan while Anglos and Germans doubled down on it.

They always were you mixed mutt

When their whore great great great mother fucked with niggers.


Attached: Barack-Cheesin.jpg (331x318, 22K)

They were literally always considered white Italians migrated here when you had to legally be white

They never did, you must be Germanic to be white.

Attached: Screenshot_2018-11-19-18-15-59.png (720x1280, 501K)

Meme flag faggot