Is classical music based or for faggot pseudointellectuals?
I’ve never liked classical no matter how hard I try and my dad has made me feel inferior for not liking it. Am I part of the problem because classical music is based or is classical music for psychologically damaged and emotionally stunted people?
Classical Music Discussion
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I know exactly what you mean.
I feel bad for your dad, to have such a faggot for son.
So what do you think?
You telling me you like classical? Name three of your favorite compositions.
Based Kraut
I enjoy Bach's string compositions, he really had a knack for counterpoint.
I think a lot of the rest of the genre is ostentatious music for that period's wealthy people to waste money on.
And why do you like the music? What emotions does it arouse? How does it make you feel? Be detailed.
You know beethoven was a deeply disturbed indiviudal, that’s why they say it will give children nightmares to listen to beethoven before sleep. How does that make you feel? Are you proving my point?
Inversely, Bach is supposed to increase intelligence.
Dvorak: Symphony No 9 in E minor - Allegro con fuoco.
If you can’t explain in detail why you like it, then I will assume you are emotionally and psychologically stunted. So go on, explain in detail why exactly you like classical music. Convince me you are not a elitist faggot whose parents never loved him who finds comfort in this music because it makes you feel like upper class.
user, reread your own post a few times and try to figure out what's wrong with it.
There is definitly an emotionally stunted person in this thread. But it's not the one you're responding to.
As an actual classical musician (trombonist) you’re an insecure fuck if you create imaginary social hierarchies based off music no matter the genre. There are people I know who only listen to synth/ambient exclusively, and people I know who only listen to classical. Sure, one has a superiority complex, but to me it doesn’t matter.
Still haven’t explained why you like it. Only accusations. So far it looks like you are the emotionally stunted one. Prove me wrong.
So are you saying me theory has some merit?
Classical music is generally more intricate than other kinds of music. Orchestral compositions warrant an above-average IQ from the listener before the overall arrangement can be appreciated, as there are so many nuanced voices, unusual time-signatures, and virtuosic melodies.
I enjoy classical music not only because I am myself a composer, but because I am an aesthete.
tl;dr: Only those without taste dislike classical music.
My IQ is 145 though. I really like electronic. That’s also intricate. The two favorite genres of the most high iq and auccessful people are #1 classical and #2 electronic.
I just don’t get classical. It usually sounds so miserable and just reminds me of old boring geisers who have tea parties and never like to do anything interesting or have fun. Maybe I’m biased from my dad. Maybe classical is decent, and i’ve only heard garbage classical my whole life. Even then though, the good classical doesn’t inspire me to listen to it like electronic does. Not buying the class and sophistication argument. Still seems like elitism to me.
imagine being this insecure
post your comps
don't despair
you appreciate it more as you mature
True. It's also great for creativity. Start drawing randomly then switch on some Classical- you'll be amazed at what happens.
They also play it for plants to increase growth.
I still think classical is for stuck up fags who don’t know how to live. I haven’t met one person who listens to classical who I look up to as a role model. They’re all psychologically damaged people with emotional problems or personality disorders. I wish I could be proven wrong, but so far I haven’t heard anything convincing.
thanks man
thank you for giving me an excuse for posting my kollwitz-facepalm, now please stop
Imagine projecting your insecurities onto others because you can’t justify your purpose for listening to classical fag music.
Classical music is an Alpha thing - u wouldn't understand. Just go play your Xbox ,kiddo!
read hoffman
>That’s also intricate.
it's not
think about this: start listening to chopin's first piano concerto, or the emperor by beethoven. the orchestra starts developing the theme. the author carefully arranged 2, 3, 4, 5, more voices, in his head, and they all play together perfectly. then the soloist comes in. and replays the theme, and a game of back and forth with the orchestra begins, and they complement each other, sometimes the soloist answering the orchestra, sometimes the other way around. main themes are re-developed, with more and more complicated variations. and after listening it for 10 or 20 times you realize these were some dudes imagining all in their heads, no computers, no electricity, just a piano.
that's intricate
You need to start nofap and try again bro
This! I absokutely love it since I saw it in that webm with jew
You're just a cultural-less American savage, tbqh.
Still none of you faggots have made convincing arguments for why you like it, how it makes you feel, etc,
I’m really giving you a chance here to prove how it is better. So far all i have heard is that it has more intricacies? Pretty fucking weak argument. Still all you classical fags wreak or elitism.
>muh you have to be sophisticated to appreciate it, you inferior. You’d never understand.
Bullcrap. I was raised by elitist parents and still grew up hating it. You have to be an emotionally repressed stuck up britfag with a monacle who has never done anything interesting, unusual, or spontaneous ever in his life to truly enjoy classical music.
Its for pseudointellectuals.
Those who like classical music seem to think that every piece of classical music is amazing, and that only classical music is amazing. In reality, there are a few good compositions here and there, but most of it is trash. Most classical music is highly unoriginal and derivaive of the music of other classical composers.
If you find classical music boring and contrived, congratulations! You see things for how they really are.
Dude, you gotta avoid broken record mode if you want people to act along with your larp. It's no fun like this.
I told you
you're too young
you simply haven't developed enough
if you can't appreciate it by your late twenties, then, indeed, you're braindead
is there any other genre better than classical, your opinion? more original?
Nigga I'm a working class council estate pleb from Birmingistan, I fucking love classical, in what way does that make me either a toff or an elitist?
Classical music covers a whole range of emotions and themes, have you even listened to it properly? Try saint-sanz, puccini, Bach, shostakovich, even haydn for fuck sakes. The problem isn't the music. It's you
Sibelius - Finlandia
Saint-Saens - Carnival of the Animals - Aquarium
Prokofiev - Dance of the Knights
>is there any other genre better than classical, your opinion?
Modern day pop music is the height of culture. (This is the top hit on music on youtube today.)
Alright that’s a decent argument. But still noone has explained how it makes them feel. I can appreciate the achievement of conposing such a complex symphony, but truly feeling connected to it is different. When i listen to electronic, I’m taken to another world, I get chills, the beats and the music just resonate with me on a deep level. My imagination runs wild with creativity imagining what kind of visuals the music could compliment, what kind video it would work with, what kind of scene in a movie it would enhance. I don’t get any of that with classical.
I think electronic is fundamentally more spiritual and creative in nature. Classical is more worldly, logical, and material.
Yes! Thank you! Someone else here has sense. See, boringfags? I’m right.
Btw, I made it to 30 sec, before I had to turn that filth off..See if you can do better.
Chopin Scherzo in B Flat Major op 31
Chopin Nocturne op 55 (Posth)
Liszt Liebestraum
Fuck you, you have no soul and your parents never loved you.
I just started listening to Wagner, I put on overture and experienced many goose bumps and tears welled up a couple times. I felt like it activated and appealed to the more evolved parts of my brain and filled me with inspiration and appreciation for beauty. I contrasted it with nigger beats that I think appeals more to our primal/ reptilian brain
Wrong wrong wrong and fucking wrong.
It's for romanticists. For me anyways. I hate complex ideology and pseudointellectual garbage. Pure passionate intense raw emotion is the ONLY suitable influence of Aesthetic.
>I think electronic is fundamentally more spiritual and creative in nature. Classical is more worldly, logical, and material.
>Saint-Saens - Carnival of the Animals - Aquarium
Are you a faggot?
That's because you have yet to find a piece that truly resonates with your soul. Listen to Chopin Nocturne 9 opus 1 or Chopin etude 25 no 5
It's just like any other category of music. 80% of it is either shit or just not your style, the other 20% is OK. You gotta dig in and figure out what you like.
You hate pseudointellectual garbage yet your post is nothing but pseudointellectual garbage.
Because the only people that seem to like it have never done anything interesting in their lives and are the most boring sods I have ever met. Most of the time they appreciate it only on an intellectual level. And never on a deep instinctual level. My father had so much emotional repression and anger and he always listened to classical trash. Seems to attract the deranged and physically out of touch in my opinion
>I think electronic is fundamentally more spiritual and creative in nature. Classical is more worldly, logical, and material.
this is what someone too young would say
do you think all those things you say electronic makes you feel happen only to you? that happen only through electronical? let me tell you one secret: I started listening to techno many years ago, then switched to metal, when I realized techno lacks the substance, the emotion. there's no dynamics in techno, no nuance. robotic, mechanic. you're the one intepreting it. by design, it can only incorporate the performance of one or two people, while classical will merge the composer's idea with the perfect or imperfect, but distinct interpretation of the conductor + orchestra. the machine doesn't interpret
the day you start listening classical music for real you'll realize how empty electronical is
I like it. But i cant really stick to one genre. The piano the violin and the pipe organ. I like the pipe organ.
>emotion and expressing that emotion is pseudointellectual garbage
>taking inspiration from powerful feelings is pseudointellectual garbage
>sisteen chapel? Pseudointellectual garbage
Sorry you seem to not know what art is or what it's derived from you complete fucking plebian
>i liek saint-seans becouse of the animals carnaval
Fuck off Anglo piece of trash, fucking faggot. You know what? Go listen to TCHAIKOVSKY. Yeah, this faggot was an homosexual such as you, this should suit your awful tastes. Dumb british scum
All the arts are related. To understand Beethoven you have to understand Goethe, to understand Tchaikovsky, Tolstoy, for Debussy you must know the symbolist paintings and literature of the time. And so on.
As for feelings and emotion, I would say classical has the largest scope out of any other musical genre. Happiness, despair, merriment, transcendence, etc. You also have to read the writings of the composers, especially those of the Romantic era in order to see what they were trying to accomplish with their music.
I know what art is just fine. The problem here is that what you think is “art” is actually drivel.
Finally getting somewhere. Thanks user. Maybe some classical isn’t trash.
Pick one faggot
The thing about classical music and beautiful art (not modern ugly stuff) and aesthetics in general is how it influences the brainwaves that it gives you. Definitely look up our brainwave states. You will also understand how modern music is indeed degenerate and not just “my generation sucks” thing.
I highly suggest Liszts Liebestraum, which translates to "loves sorrow".
The thing about classical is that primary Classical artists such as Mozart etc were BEFORE the revolution of sound that took place between 1810-1850
>Wagner is classical
You're just listening to NPR tier "classical". Start with the greats then move your way down once you have a desire for more.
Try something modern (classical doesn't mean "old", it means "able to be placed into classes", or, "music that fits into categories and established styles/methods")
Try Chopin's Nocturnes. They are the weeping heart of /pol.
Try some god-tier Mozart with Lacrimosa. A deaf guy who heard music for the first time said it was the most beautiful series of sounds, for what that's worth.
There's SO MUCH to choose from.
If you're not some faggot who listens to music for the lyrics (i.e, a nigger), and you enjoy music, then there is most certainly something for you in classical.
Let me know what you think of any of it and I can narrow it down until you like something
Lacrimosa is definitely Mozart at his best.
Schumann, Brahms, and Bach are also amazing. Bach's
>name fav three compositions
>durr here's some COMPOSERS i like dem cuz hortler sed their based
Fucking pseudo-intellectual try hard pretentious faggot.
>Is classical music based or for faggot pseudointellectuals?
I love classical and early music. I'm blown away by the depth of pre-1800 sacred music. Modern "sacred" music is a joke by comparison. Even though classical is my home base, there's definitely some comparable secular rock and pop by great musicians and songwriters.
Now, from my first-hand experience in the world of early music and organ music, I'll just say that faggotry is all over the place. Every other male organist is a faggot. The churches and universities that are rich and refined enough to blow a million dollars here and there on early/classical music are all on board with the gay agenda, female clergy, social justice, etc.
It's a real shame that something so wholesome, something that exemplifies what made Europe a shining light in the world, has fallen into the hands of people who call evil good and call good evil.
The symphony orchestra is an awesome musical instrument.
Ever hear one in person?
Late 19th century era Russia seemed to produce some of the greatest composers, sadly many of them were memory holed by the Bolsheviks.
Probably one of the greatest composers of all time.
Mysterium - Alexander Scriabin
Here's some superior FRENCH BAROQUE for you disgusting (((Chopin))) faggots.
Also user, Chopin had works inspired by politics! Check out 'Revolutionary Etude'. Evgeny kissin is the best performer of which to view this one.
On second thought, that was fucking boring. You actually like this tripe? You’re a more boring sod than I thought.
Chopin was not a jew and was a nationalist you fucking retard. Liszt was the balls on face commie.
>finds comfort in this music because it makes you feel like upper class.
This is most certainly a thing, and you shouldn't go into music looking for an identity. Don't let your hatred of pretentious faggots dissuade you from arguably the highest artistic achievements of all men and all races, the pinnacle of which, and all lesser peaks, belongs exclusively to the white man, until very recently, and even then only Asians and whites can do classical any justice at all.
Does the simple beauty of this do nothing for you?
God you faggots are the worst people in any band or orchestra. How can one instrument gather so much human filth around it?
Lmfao if you think that's boring I feel bad for you son, maybe it's different as a pianist but i love getting paid to play this shit.
>I really like electronic. That’s also intricate.
You don't play music or really understand it in any real way, do you? Not trying to be a dick, but I think I understand where you're coming from a bit more, now
He was French and Polish, i.e. 100% NOT White.
requiem is god tier
Classical music is too grand for the common man. Its like music made for kings. And most people cant identify with kings.
Last attempt, if you think this is boring them classical just isn't for you. #etude 25 no 11 "winter wind"
best representation:
It is based. How based depends on the composer too though. Wagner surely was based as fuck for example.
I want to fucking kill myself out of boredom from chopin opus 1 or whatever that shit was. I know I’m fucking sane, so you faggots that actually like shit like chopin are truly wretched.
Maybe some classical is good. Still listening to all you guys’ links. Can’t confirm or deny yet.
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(Warning: side effects may include ennui, interstellar communication and leftist critical theory)
People will never understand the gap of skill required to operate an instrument at any sufficient capacity to be successful versus synchronizing notes and tones automatically on a machine.
You don't understand what makes timeless transcendent music great. Every progression contains within it maybe one, two perfect melodies. The rest is secondary. The men who can find such melodies, no matter what they dress them in, are what we call "genius". The rest is just theory for the pretentious faggots that OP is thinking of - people like you - to talk about as though through understanding the basic construction of some magnificent something, you are closer to its creation than the mere sycophant try hard faggot you are.
Here's what happened to classical music once THEY got to it.
Skip to 20 seconds in, user.
Here, this is the most profound piece I can think of.
>hatin on chopin
Go drown in a puddle of vodka
>this is what someone too young would say
Fuck off boomer. I know exactly the sort of retarded shit you're going to put down next.
>oh but user have you considered [jargon and misused nomenclature]? Don't you see that [pretentiousness exactly like OP is describing]?
People like you are why classical gets a bad name.
Tchaikovsky - 1812 overture
Smetana - Moldau
Mussorgsky - Night On Bald Mountain
Why don't you post something you enjoy?