Year of Linux desktop is getting close. Microsoft is shooting themselves in the foot with Win10...

Year of Linux desktop is getting close. Microsoft is shooting themselves in the foot with Win10. First the forced updates, ads and tracking rightfully ruined its imago, now the bugginess and forced updates are causing problems to actual users. Windows is slowly falling apart as the codebase becomes more unmaintainable with each update.

MacOS on the other hand has always been a toy OS. It robs you of any freedom over the UI or internals of your computer, and the unix parts are outdated and barebones compared to Linux. The only argument for it is that it has a limited amount of commercial software around Linux doesn't have, but in that regard Windows BTFOs MacOS even harder. On the other hand MacOS is way more limited in developer software than Linux. Nowadays the OS keeps getting worse with every update and useful pieces of software break and become unmaintained, you're left on your own.

Linux has been stepping up its game year after year. We now have easy-to-use solutions for almost any common use cases (Ubuntu), we have a DE that's competitive to the commercially developed ones (KDE) and we have software for almost any need. Today installing Linux is no longer an arcane process, and using it is even simpler.

Linux has also been steadily gaining ground all over. It runs a majority of the world's phones now and it has been slowly receiving more video game support. More and more people will get fed up with the worsening commercial OSes and switch to Linux. When Win7 support ends many won't be "upgrading" to Win10. Linux will receive increasing amounts of support. Slowly but steadily year of the Linux desktop approaches.

Attached: linux.jpg (998x679, 132K)

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Android =/= Linux

Step it up Jow Forums

every year is the year of linux desktop because it doesnt try to ((inovate)) like the comercial ones... instead the focus is to get better and better, little by little

low quality bait user I saw this exact thread last year. Try again next year

anyone got MU link for high sierra? trying to hackintosh 5th gen I7 desktop just to try it

yeah especially where every few years or so every single DE development gets dropped and everyone rushes in to make a brand new one iteration while perfectly fine older DE are left to rot

by definition, android = linux

Yeah, GNU/Linux distros are becoming corporate and bloated, and once they become mainstream, you'll be using what you were avoiding in the first place.

Stop being edgy

not really, just based on linux but proprietarily changed a lot

I'd just like to interject for a moment. What you’re referring to as Linux, is in fact, GNU/Linux, or as I’ve recently taken to calling it, GNU plus Linux. Linux is not an operating system unto itself, but rather another free component of a fully functioning GNU system made useful by the GNU corelibs, shell utilities and vital system components comprising a full OS as defined by POSIX. Many computer users run a modified version of the GNU system every day, without realizing it. Through a peculiar turn of events, the version of GNU which is widely used today is often called “Linux”, and many of its users are not aware that it is basically the GNU system, developed by the GNU Project. There really is a Linux, and these people are using it, but it is just a part of the system they use. Linux is the kernel: the program in the system that allocates the machine’s resources to the other programs that you run. The kernel is an essential part of an operating system, but useless by itself; it can only function in the context of a complete operating system. Linux is normally used in combination with the GNU operating system: the whole system is basically GNU with Linux added, or GNU/Linux. All the so-called “Linux” distributions are really distributions of GNU/Linux.

Indeed, seems like people are finally getting sick of windows. But what I do not agree on is that they are all gonna come to linux. Imo people that are interested in getting in touch with the technology will (hopefully) switch to linux, also because of the rising support of gayming. I even got some of my friends and family members to switch to linux (because they know why they should, not by blindly listening to me) and they are happy.
But listening to some plebs makes me recognize how little they actually know and want to learn about computers and I think they are gonna switch to Mac.
You can see the same phenomenon in mobile os: The people that are interested in personalizing their UI and system in general take andoid, those who don't want to deal with this stuff take iOS. (yes ofc i jud/g/e them, but that's the reason your prediction is wrong)

well meme'd

>by definition, android = linux
Then by definition linux is the most malware ridden adware infested literal botnet pile of garbage that ever existed. The slowest most unsecured os ever created, and that's just the kernel it get worse.


w10 is pretty cool..

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you just can't install it. simple as that. even windows 7 failing to boot up. it's blocked by UEFI secure boot. no joking. just bought cheap atom based acer laptop with windows 10, delete it right away, but can't install any linux at all. why? because there is no ssd controller drivers, linux just doesn't see my ssd. windows 7 with drivers installs ok, but failing to boot. going to refund this laptop.
yes, you can install linux and windows 7 to some modern computers right now, but you can't do it anymore in future. even now debian and ubuntu installers using microsoft secure boot certificates. its reality. just buy some old laptops with BIOS, where you can install whatever you want.

It's a distro like any other, how broken, buggy or proprietary it is isn't really relevant

Why are you suddenly describing windows?

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>Year of Linux desktop is getting close.
been hearing this for 20 years
but you are right
win7 is the last wangblows i will put up with


but your USB devices dont necessarily work in Linux and they work in Windows, this is the deal breaker for common and stupid user

we are already in the years of linux phone

I've never had a plug-and-play hardware not work in Linux in the last 10 years. Unless you're talking about pendrives specifically? That's generally a problem with gvfs in very minimalist distros like Debian netinstall or barebones Arch/GEntoo. Solved by installing any desktop environment that's minimally complete.

You can disable """secure""" boot on any decent machine. But you're right, this is a major obstacle. The responsibility of installing can't be left on normies, either manufacturers will need to start offering machines with Linux instead of Win10 preinstalled, or retailers have to perform the installs.

This time it's actually happening, most of world's computing already happens on Linux. Only desktops are lagging behind but Windows is becoming legacy and Macs are irrelevant.

I'd just like to interject for a moment. What you’re referring to as GNU/Linux, is in fact, GNU/systemd/Linux, or as I’ve recently taken to calling it, GNU on systemd plus Linux. GNU/Linux is not a fully functioning system unto itself, but rather free components of a fully functioning GNU/systemd system made useful by bootctl, networkctl, systemctl and other vital system components comprising a full OS. Many computer users run a modified version of the GNU/systemd system every day, without realizing it. Through a peculiar turn of events, the version of GNU/systemd which is widely used today is often called “GNU/Linux”, and many of its users are not aware that it is basically the GNU/systemd system, developed by the GNU Project and Red Hat. There really is a GNU/Linux, and these people are using it, but it is just a part of the system they use. GNU/Linux is the kernel and the userland: the program in the system that allocates the machine’s resources to the other programs that you run as well as the applications that let you do useful tasks. These are an essential parts of an operating system, but useless by themselves; they can only function in the context of a complete operating system. GNU/Linux is normally used in combination with the systemd system space: the whole system is basically systemd with GNU and Linux added, or GNU/systemd/Linux. All the so-called “GNU/Linux” distributions are really distributions of GNU/systemd/Linux.

Calling it glu+linux or gnu+systemd+linux is a travesty. Any parts other than the Linux core itself are easily replaceable (and have been replaced)

the year of the linux desktop is a meme,

that happens on an individual basis, every time someone wipes windows off a PC and installs Linux is when that happens

>many distros are essentially glued together shit

but even IF you can install any linux you just can't use it. srsly.

Is that everything you could dig up? How does that stop you from using Linux? And how is the problem here not intel not having its shit together?

even mouse doen't work in linux
just google it.
don't pretend you don't know about it.

What? I'm using a mouse on Linux right now. Have you ever actually tried Linux instead of trying to google arcane problems about it?

Never gonna happen. Linux is still CLI dependant.

Not really if you just wanna do the same things you'd do on Windows.

you are CLI handicapped

Yes really. Windows users don't use the MS store much. They just download it from random sites usually. Do that on Linux without touching the terminal. Go on user install the latest version of wine from their site without touching the terminal.
I can use a CLI just fine. But you don't get 'year of Linux desktop' without large scale adoption and normies freak right the fuck out about it.

>Yes really. Windows users don't use the MS store much. They just download it from random sites usually.
It's up to the piece of software how it wants to be installed. Most are available through a graphical package manager, which is the easiest and safest way to install things. Others you can install through a .deb or some newer packaging technology. And for the rest you'll usually have to copy-paste one or two commands in the shell to install. Not a big problem, not even for a normie. They already pull it off on MacOS.

Desktop computing is dead.

>posted from my mobile phone that I use exclusively for facebook and youtube

It hasn't ever been the year of the linux desktop and that'll take a few years at which point it will be "technically" by microsoft adopting linux as a kernel for their new non-windows operating systems. Which will also help them clean their pathetic image a little bit.

Productivity wise, Windows isn't as necessary as it used to be but many alternatives are only found in macOS. Though there's some software that is Windows exclusive, has been always, but it's not that painful to WINE it up I guess.

Gaming wise... no, just no. I'm sorry, showing videos of GTA V running flawlessly on linux is gonna impress no one, specially if it takes quite a while to set up and you lose gimmicky shit like freesync support. Not to mention how pathetic the support is for gamepads that aren't PC exclusive (I still have problems these days setting up DS3 and DS4 gamepads properly on most mainstream distros). You show one of these gayyymers DXVK, the first question is "can I just use a installer that does it all for me" and the second one is "will I get better performance" because people don't waste 1500 bucks on a machine for games just so they get their performance cut by a choice of OS, unless they really need it. Hell they got a better chance by doing the ancient practice of dual booting and replacing the Windows shell with steam's big picture, but that's if they dislike multitasking.

Yeah... that shit doesn't fly in normie land. And it's not half as simple as you suggest. And no they don't install jack shit on macos with CLI. I'd know as I worked for fucking applecare (and yes the userbase is as dumb as you think.
Anything CLI relted and the normies are out. Besides wine (as a simple example since it's very common) doesn't even have a GUI unless you add play on Linux.

Look truth hurts but to most users the CLI is asking too much.


You can tell me to fuck off wherever you want, the facts are there. Windows is not "falling apart" as long as you don't make it 1:1 as easy to install the newest games without a performance loss. You might care more about your cute desktops but that is not where the market goes.

Well, I guess more and more stuff will migrate from CLI installation as Linux gains popularity. You can get most things you need through package managers already. It's generally only "power user" software and dev tools that might require CLI install.

If MS adapts Linux then Linux has already won.

>Most are available through the graphical package manager
Bull fucking shit! Want a copy of pale meme or Yandex browser? Off to the web with ya! Want to hook up a midi controller? Good fucking luck bitch! Want a new version of wine? CLI here we go! I've actually never gotten anything from a fucking software manager...those things are fucking useless trash! Unless you want a possible up to date copy of blender or an old ass piece of abandonware like nexiuz. Fuck you can't even get a theme from a software manager unless it's fucking mint.
Wait I take it back...I got epiphany from a software manager...whoopidy fucking do...

>pale meme or Yandex browser
Normies don't want those things, all they need is Chrome. You aren't a normie, are you? You should be able to follow through with a Pale Moon installation no problem. They also don't want Wine unless they're gamers, in which case they can keep Windows on their desktops or dual boot.

>those things are fucking useless trash!
Now you're just making yourself sound dumb

I am sure you can get a theme from package manager in kde neon

Wait I take back the epiphany's not even in the software manager for my current distro. Oh well at least it has 'pidgen' and 'battle for westnoth', truly the software God's smile upon this collection of absolute fucking gems.
Look let's be real...Linux is great but it's made by nerds for nerds. Windows is made pajeets for normies and macos/osx is made by shitheads for trannies. Problem is Linux isn't one or even 5-10 operating systems, it's hundreds, and there is no universal installer for every single one. And not to mention a shitloads of software managers that do not always overlap.
Shits too hard for normies so no Linux desktop year yet...maybe later but I doubt it. Linux doesn't adapt to the user but instead demands the user adapt to it.

>Microsoft is shooting themselves in the foot with Win10.
Normies don't care, they are doing better than ever.

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If you haven't noticed, linux is busy shooting its own feet off too. Retarded developers like the Gnome people and Poettering writing terrible shitcode and forcing it on you in popular distros. Distros themselves going full SJW. The kernel getting CoC-ed. The entire linux community is being infested with terminal socjus cancer.

Gotta go to xfcedesktop for Xubuntu. Thanks for further highlighting the fractured and confusing nature of desktop Linux. Glad it's easy on your system...wonder if it's gonna be that easy on whichever distro 'Joe blow normie who doesn't have time for this shit' chooses. That's the problem with the total decentralization of the OS. We need a middle ground here of standards but without the iron fisted tyranny of microdick. Because right now it's either tightly controlled 1984 tyranny or an anarcho cluster fuck. We need some form of basic oversight for standards.

Gnome is doing disservice to Linux, thankfully KDE has become stable again and is better than ever. I've heard systemd code is bad but also that it gets fixed after Poettering. It might be a necessary evil, never run into problems with it.

Having tried Ubuntu before, I fail to see how Linux will ever become a major kernel of choice in desktops/laptops when it's still significantly more complicated than Windows in almost all aspects without giving anything different in return. I don't see why I should run WINE or type terminal commands just so I can have my music player and image viewer of choice. And I don't want to study a Wiki on a daily basis just to understand how to do things in my OS. Even if I could, Ubuntu felt like missing a ton of things windows provides by default.

>It runs a majority of the world's phones now and it has been slowly receiving more video game support.
Android is not Linux. Gaming on Linux has improved massively but a LOT of games either have issues or don't run at all, even with Wine/Proton. For gamers, Linux still adds an additional layer of problems for no good reason. The same can be said for everyone, really. More problems to deal with for no good reason.

>When Win7 support ends many won't be "upgrading" to Win10. Linux will receive increasing amounts of support. Slowly but steadily year of the Linux desktop approaches.

Doubt it. Win7 drops support in 2020, right? Linux will practically be the same. Office, photoshop, gaming will still extremely hard to setup and use. A few people will switch to Manjaro/Ubuntu alright, but the vast majority will install Windows 10, customize it to their liking and do anything they want to without any hassle.

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If we could just nuke out of existence two thirds of the distros and half of the DE's Linux would have it's shit solved in a year.

Yep. People pretend that the oversaturation of DEs and distros is not a big deal but I think it truly is. A lot more bugfixing and workforce put into one of everything instead of seven. God knows GNOME is irrelevant and KDE has actually gotten fairly stable to where it can rival both macOS and Windows desktop environments.

Vast majority of people can't even use windows properly, they just use some routine applications without caring that the OS as long as it's familiar.
Variety of distros certainly doesn't help with familiarity

Kind of true, I at least consider resources spent on developing Gnome and GTK for instance to be wasted. But on the other hand it's the freedom of choice. If we aren't happy with something we can change.

>Android is not Linux

>Office, photoshop, gaming will still extremely hard to setup and use
Most people haven't bought photoshop and will just use anything. Office is a good point though. People who need it would either have to deal with Wine or stick with LibreOffice. But like you said people WILL make the switch as well. The percentage of people using Linux will only increase, not decrease.

Most people are happy with a web browser and video player. Linux serves them just as well as Windows.

graphical package managers

When I go back to linux I have to:

-Use hda-jack-retask
-Fix the font rendering because by default it's wrong for most distros (and then there's an example or two of obscure distros that do it right somehow)
-Replace libinput with evdev so my mouse isn't laggy, which again, that's defaults for most mainstream shit out there that I have to change
-Make sure I disable triple buffering if I use KDE
-Make sure I install compton if I use anything else (which is slow as shit by the way)
-In some distros, disable automatic ipv6 detection or else that shit will take a while to boot
-Create some config files so that some of my applefag keyboard keys are working properly and F1-12 are F1-12 and not fucking function keys
-Remove and reinstall whatever bluetooth manager I have because what's on by default every 3 fucking seconds stops detecting things and there's no way to pair anything

Fuck every single person (in the ass, forcefully and without consent) who says that linux just werks fine.

>10 years ago
Year of Linux desktop is getting close. Microsoft is shooting themselves in the foot with WinVista/7. First the annoying updates, ads and tracking rightfully ruined its imago, now the bugginess and annoying updates are causing problems to actual users. Windows is slowly falling apart as the codebase becomes more unmaintainable with each update.

MacOS is a real Unix, could run anything a posix system could and generally just werks.

Linux has been stepping up its game year after year. We now have easy-to-use solutions for almost any common use cases (Ubuntu), we have a DE that's competitive to the commercially developed ones (KDE) and we have software for almost any need. Today installing Linux is no longer an arcane process, and using it is even simpler.

Linux has also been steadily gaining ground all over. It runs a majority of the world's phones now and it has been slowly receiving more video game support. More and more people will get fed up with the worsening commercial OSes and switch to Linux. When WinXP support ends many won't be "upgrading" to WinVista/7. Linux will receive increasing amounts of support. Slowly but steadily year of the Linux desktop approaches.

all of those might be problems with your hardware

Year of Linux desktop is getting closer as the desktop as a whole is dying.

And I don't give a shit if that is the case, because I don't have to worry about a single thing in that list elsewhere.

>Windows is becoming legacy
What do you mean user? Companies still release games and other software for Windows...

Attached: 2ab90e5168a5996329c5ecde23cda01e43d90be9_hq.jpg (720x544, 47K)

See the following...

neither did I. it's true that linux doesn't run as perfectly on all kinds of hardware as windows does, mostly due to being less popular.

>posted from my netflix tablet

No, posted from my desktop.

>a new AI/bot made to detect and, in future, fix security bugs and exploits
>found 14000 bugs in Debian, 250 of those were not previously known
>is proprietary and will be a pay to use service and expensive
>year 2020 and later:
>Linux foundation cannot afford this service because they spend all their money for diversity projects
>Linux software devs cannot afford this service because they're indie-tier devs
>Linux software dev companies cannot afford this because they just don't get millions of $€/year
>Microsoft can afford it because they're one of the richest companies and even if they couldn't afford it the (((government))) would pay for fixing windows bugs, or at least finding them and exploiting them
>Linux is no longer more secure than Windows
>Linux on desktop loses, again

wtf I love windows now

totally agree. linux is for people who can actually use it, but before using it, they must know it

>no innovation
>what are tiling WM's
>what were compositing window managers where you could litteraly turn your desktop into a floating fucking cube
>what is wayland, and the client/server architecture of X11
>what is KDE with its phone integration, nearly instant wayland adoption, and it's ability to make nearly every program have transparancy
>what is dwm, a window manager that consists of less than 2000 lines of code, and is designed to have it's source be modified by the end user
>what is alt+dragging/resizing, a function so convenient, it appears in nearly every window manager on linux (and on macos) but isn't present at all on windows?
yup... linux on the desktop is completely stagnant.

>what are tiling WM's
an absolute fucking meme
>what were compositing window managers where you could litteraly turn your desktop into a floating fucking cube
Something that both macOS and Windows do better nowadays, faster and more stable, and don't require installing like they're a separate component
>what is wayland, and the client/server architecture of X11
Same as the previous one, they're really shit at display servers, still fuck up with some multimonitor setups
>what is KDE with its phone integration, nearly instant wayland adoption, and it's ability to make nearly every program have transparancy
Something that nearly nobody uses. Also stop lying, instant wayland adoption my fucking ass. It took a good while until that was usable (not stable, USABLE). Also there's no point on making a fucking file manager fugly by adding macOS blur to the background.
>what is dwm, a window manager that consists of less than 2000 lines of code, and is designed to have it's source be modified by the end user
Something people without severe autism do not utilize
>what is alt+dragging/resizing, a function so convenient, it appears in nearly every window manager on linux (and on macos) but isn't present at all on windows?
Something people that have an amazing technology called a mouse don't utilize

You're right, it's stagnant as shit. It pampers to people that like to overcomplicate their own lives in an attempt to make it look like they're doing something productive when they're not. Every good feature it gets comes from other OSes.

So edgy. Keep using proprietary garbage and being the product.

>Something people that have an amazing technology called a mouse don't utilize
Oh wow


Keep focusing on that mistyping of "panders", that's all you have.

Alt-dragging is maximum comfy and actually easier than pin pointing the window edge with the mouse.
Plus, my bleeding edge gentoo setup doesn't crash, when I watch videos, Windows for whatever reason does.

Any computer past 2010 shouldn't crash while "watching videos" on windows or even fucking Haiku.

Android =/= GNU/Linux
rms was right all along

Average normalfag who doesn't even use an adblocker just doesn't care and will keep using the latest Windows that came with their pre-build gayming or office PC or use a Mac.

Conversely, they'd be prime targets for using Linux. No need to upgrade ever, no need to tweak anything assuming the HW is compatible, Facebook and Netflix just werk. All this free of cost.

xfce :'(

Why is obs so shit on Linux?

This one should definitely be dropped.

Attached: xfeces.jpg (1200x1200, 142K)

I'd just like to interject for a moment. What you're referring to as Linux, is in fact, GNU/Linux, or as I've recently taken to calling it, GNU plus Linux. Linux is not an operating system unto itself, but rather another free component of a fully functioning GNU system made useful by the GNU corelibs, shell utilities and vital system components comprising a full OS as defined by POSIX.

Many computer users run a modified version of the GNU system every day, without realizing it. Through a peculiar turn of events, the version of GNU which is widely used today is often called "Linux", and many of its users are not aware that it is basically the GNU system, developed by the GNU Project.

There really is a Linux, and these people are using it, but it is just a part of the system they use. Linux is the kernel: the program in the system that allocates the machine's resources to the other programs that you run. The kernel is an essential part of an operating system, but useless by itself; it can only function in the context of a complete operating system. Linux is normally used in combination with the GNU operating system: the whole system is basically GNU with Linux added, or GNU/Linux. All the so-called "Linux" distributions are really distributions of GNU/Linux.

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>literally the best DE aside from KDE
>should be dropped

>shit multi monitor out of the box
>tearing without 3rd party compositors
>last stable release in 2015
It's OK. KDE and GNOME are superior desu.

>tearing without 3rd party compositors
Fixed last year in xfwm 4.13. Don't use outdated software. Mint has included xfwm 4.13 for a very long time now. Xubuntu maintainers/devs are just lazy and incompetent.
>last stable release in 2015
The whole point of "stable" means it shouldn't get anything other than security updates. The last one before that was in 2012 and before that in 2009.
GNOME is literally the worst DE in existence. It's inefficient and consumes way too many CPU and GPU resources. It's utter shit.

I'm hearing the same shit you are telling from 2007. And you perfectly know linux desktop marketshare.

This. Normie ruin everything with their ignorance and submission to their tech giant overlords.

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Have you tried printing with brother printers?

>he thinks the kernel isn't easily replaceable
>doesn't know about GNU/Hurd or GNU/kBSD

no one knows stallymann wrote the compiler and most of the system tools in "linux" distributions :( linus only wrote the kernel.

>Besides wine (as a simple example since it's very common) doesn't even have a GUI unless you add play on Linux.
How to out yourself as a shill that has never used wine

Your an idiot.

good. This should keep all normalniggers away.

>Something that both macOS and Windows do better nowadays, faster and more stable, and don't require installing like they're a separate component
[massive citation needed]

No wait I was wrong. This is totally a CLI program.

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