The best lisp is colorforth

The best lisp is colorforth.

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her boyfriend is a black guy

What a lucky son of a bitch.

can't fool me satan

Colorforth IS the best lisp. Nobody has contested it.

Colorforth: undisputed best lisp. Hell yeah.

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Python is the best lisp

No, it's Cisco's Locator ID Separation Protocol (LISP)

Time have changed grandpa

And water is wet.


Java script is obviously the best functional programming language though

Lies, her boyfriend is actually a dog.
Also Lisp is shit

U WOT M8. HOW DARE YOU INSULT COLORFORTH. Ayyy duhhnay about euu m8.

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Is this a new meme to trigger Jow Forumsfags?

What about

Colorforth is trash.
Forth could be cool but it has no good implementations.
Lisp is the best lisp.

Fake news. Racket is clearly better.

Racket is python with fewer libs, worse errors, worse interactivity, fewer tools, and (((parentheses))). It's one of the worst lisps I've ever had to use. It is, however, a better programming language than most schemes, not due to language damage but due to poor implementations.

>thread about lisp
>complaining parentheses
>comparing lisp to jewthon
Lisp destroy python as a language in all regards

Lisp does, but racket does not. That's part of my point.
Another part of my point is that racket devs really try extra-hard to become python instead of being a lisp, that's why the comparison is there.
(((parentheses))) was obviously a joke you boor, but tied to the fact that racket is trying to be python without the one thing that made python popular (garbage syntax).

It's very simple:
Scheme is the better language (best that I'm aware of), but it has no even remotely usable implementation.
Common lisp is a much worse language, but it has many very high-quality implementations suitable for a variety of tasks.
In sum-total, common lisp is so far above any scheme that they're not even in the same world.
On the other hand, most schemes are in the scripting languages arena, with some being able to dip into the "desktop/business" languages arena in both features and inherent characteristics.

Also this is a forth thread, not a lisp thread.

>Lots of libraries is bad
>reinventing the wheel is good
>Also this is a forth thread, not a lisp thread.
>The best lisp is colorforth

Nice strawman you've got there.
Call me when a typo doesn't force you to rerun everything, lisplet.

Thoughts about Chez and Chicken? You wouldn't consider them mature / usable?

>The best lisp is colorforth.

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Chicken is my favorite scheme but it has its own warts, like every other scheme. In particular, its GC is really solid. By default it's pretty slow but you can speed it up by using extensive type-specific operators. However, type annotations are mostly only good for documentation/error catching. It has many dead/dying libraries to sift through as well as many buggy ones. It also doesn't do restarts like lisp does, but its error messages aren't too bad. It has tons of packages and a good package system, and it doesn't fuck with you by disabling features that aren't functional enough like racket does.
Chez only became opensource recently so I never properly looked at it. I did benchmark it for GC performance and it was slightly worse than chicken (chicken uses cheney-on-the-mta so I had hoped other schemes were better with peak memory use, turns out it's not the case and everything beside chicken and chez leak memory due to using conservative GCs).
I wouldn't consider chicken, chez, or gambit for that matter to be mature or usable still.
- gambit: literally no docs, have to dive through mailing archives, changes too often, linking to c libs is currently broken, regressions very often. Shit GC.
- chez: had trouble running things, I seem to recall docs was sparse. No real libraries as far as I know. Supposedly very fast, but other than that, doesn't seem to offer anything good. Decent GC.
- chicken: getting there, ecosystem still too immature, limitations like no full numeric tower and lack of 64-bit floats, no real threads, etc. generated C code is unreadable. GC is good though, and ffi options are great - when they work (which is only in "normal" cases).
None of them offer development experiences that differ from other scripting languages so there's just little to no point in using them.

Damn, sounds depressing
Thoughts on Byrd fangirling over Chez?

Willy byrd? Not a care in the world. More interested in fare jumping on the gerbil scheme train (gerbil basically aims to be racket-on-gambit). No clue where all this is going at this point but I wouldn't see scheme as more than a toy this decade sadly.

Dammit. I really like the language.
Welp, clojure it is for now


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What the fuck are they talking about?
wtf are you talking about? i thought this was about

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The best Lisp is my personal Lisp interpreter.
The buggy Chicken libraries are what drove me away. They basically accept anything onto their library listing.

>he can't deal with his own racist stereotypes anymore