Should I just do CS

I'm starting my EE undergrad and in the process of learning to simulate certain 3d phenomena w opengl I have to delve deeper and deeper into CS extracurricularly. Should I just do CS at this point? Or will a strong ability in CS mixed with the strong theoretical grasp of the electromagnrtic phenomrna I want to simulate be synergetic?

What realistically makes more bank? Im naturally goal orientrd and ambitious so pretty motivated either way

Attached: 1548806860401.webm (480x480, 2.92M)

>What realistically makes more bank?

How the fuck should we know what you're interested in? CS, CE and EE are all distinct enough to pick one based on what you actually care about/enjoy.

>in the process of learning to simulate certain 3d phenomena w opengl
Orly. Opengl 3.3+? I'm surprised you're doing that as an EE. It's a pain in the ass even for CS people.

I am about to finish a double major BS in EE/CS, i have talked to a lot of people in the industry, and these are the pros

- more difficult to outsource
- more difficult to grasp for brainlets
- get to do more physics stuff
- if you study under the right people and get a certain level of experience with the right skill set, you will be fought over by employers (RF amplifier design for cell phones for ex)

- wayyy more employment opportunities (if you are worth employing. no, having a degree isn't sufficient)
- chance you might make a half a bajillion dollars a year working from home
- very little physical hysteresis when practicing skills. (it only takes a laptop to be a algorithm engineer, it takes an expensive lab to be an antenna engineer)

also keep in mind you must have connections/internships BEFORE you finish the BS or you will be salting fries until your death. You must get hired before the degree is over

>You must get hired before the degree is over
fucking why
these standards sound so damn stupid

If you don't continue to learn every day of your career you will become obsolete very quickly as any sort of engineer. Learning CS related material is relevant to any career. I suggest sticking with EE as it is a more difficult subject matter, and learn about as much CS as you care to along the way. If you are as comfortable implementing firmware as you are designing high speed interfaces, how can that hurt you going forward.

Do you want a Job? ⟶ EE

What the fuck am I looking at here?!

babbies first VFX special effects post-processing clip

So it's not real? :(

Don't do CS. I graduated with great grades (3.8 GPA) from UC Santa Cruz and I can't find work a year later.

Just the colors or the bubbles not bursting also

>on the waaaaaaaaaaaterrrrrr

Engineering is ass now because you wait until you're practically a senior before you begin to learn what logic gates are.

Probably because you're an autist or too picky.

>t. graduated with a 2.5 in IS and got a job 1 month later

Just the colors. The original video just has regular white smoke/vape.

When will people finally admit that vaping is cool?

All EEs and CEs eventually pick up programming as a regular part of their job. Just stick to what you’re doing

Nice webm what the fuck is going on?