Is EU finished?

Is EU finished?

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It's insane that Germany and France were the ones that wrote the new Article 13 law.

So Germany and France have all the say over the EU and the rest of us have to obey like good little sheep?

If this goes through why would anybody ever host anything in European servers?

Pretty much. This is why brexit happened.

Lmao look at this pleb being mad about the franco-germanic empire. Be happy that you are allowed to be a part in this.

nobody wants to be part of it.

Greece luvs it though

No this isn't why brexit happened but it sure would be a good reason.

Greece can also go fuck itself
t. Finland

>Is EU finished?

>muh internet
lmao, grow up and go outside

Wasn't brexit, because of the EU being basically controlled by Germany? Iirc that was one of the reasons the bongs mentioned back before they decided to take votes.

Ukraine is dying to be a part of this

>Greece can also go fuck itself
Why? Letting them off the hook for their denbts not much fun?

So is Turkey.

>So Germany and France have all the say over the EU

Everybody just wants to have their own internet with their own rules. It's the end of world wide web. Foreign companies who do not follow rules would be fined and blocked. USA has it, EU has it, Russia has it, China has it.
Big guys like google and facebook are obviously able to pay and adapt but it would be different Google and Facebook everywhere.

It seems that people are wanting back the simple small parochial insular Internet environments of the 90s, except with ultramega speed and at the cost of freedom

wasn't brexit about polish immigrants leeching off welfare

Brexit was about all things wrong about the EU. Most of the British saw all the problems with EU coming a from a mile away, and noped out.

>Most of the British saw all the problems with EU coming a from a mile away, and noped out.
>the British saw all the problems
kek, thanks for the laugh user. I'm very sure that everyone on the dole and half of Wales was educated about EU laws and such. It wasn't a case of "we give them money and get nothing back!". Not at all.

This says it all: My visions for Europe:

wasn't the eu about not having another war between the countries in europe

Watch this Documentary, it will tell you why Brexit happened.

All member states have a representative in the EU commission, so they all have the opportunity to write their own legislation. It's not just Germany and France that can propose legislation.
Brexit happened because people were promised "a level of growth, on a scale we can't even imagine" (from Brexit the movie). I guarantee you that if campaigners talked about technicalities of EU functions and bodies, or how the Single Market and the Customs Union worked that people wouldn't vote for it. It is unfortunate that the Brexit campaign decided to promote very fake stuff in terms of Brexit possibilities and they didn't focus on actual truths about the lack of democracy in the EU. They said shit like bendy bananas or pillow regulation, which is bat shit insane. They didn't focus on how poorly the Eurozone crisis was handled. If they did, they wouldn't be open to such an ass-fucking from remainers calling them out on their bullshit.
I thought Brussels was responsible for everything?
Also, France has one of the lowest approval ratings for the EU.

The EU will never die. It will grab more and more power, until it becomes a dictator and all of Europe will become a copy of the novel 1984.

borderless between EU countries retard, not borderless with non-EU countries
and btw it already exists, it's called schengen

> Brexit the Movie
Was flawed and full of inacuracies.

It's a vote system.
Any country can put legislations up for vote.
Doesn't mean it's a good system, that's why countries are leaving, UK left, Poland is about to leave, etc.

Brexit happened because the EU is shit, and the UK will be better off in the long run without the EU, and the EU will collapse.

The real reason Brexit happened.

BBC: Inside Europe: Ten Years of Turmoil - We Quit - Episode 1 of 3

BBC: Inside Europe: Ten Years of Turmoil - Going For Broke - Episode 2 of 3

>Poland is about to leave

that's gonna make everyone else enter the eu

Like I said before.
The EU will never die. It will grab more and more power, until it becomes a dictator and all of Europe will become a copy of the novel 1984.

I like how lefties can't even argue but instead just post the propaganda they were brainwashed with

>Is EU finished?
Sadly, no.

Now take a moment to let this sink in:
>we must do more to reduce the immense volume of material that is online and so easily accessible to our citizens
This quote if rom by the European Commission - Fact Sheet European Agenda on Security - State of Play published 17 November 2015.

Article 13 isn't some new idea that came about last week. They've been moving to implement open dictatorship for quite some time. It's all admitted in their own planning papers, reports and documents. These psychos are creating a matrix-like control system and talking about killing you. And they know the vast majority will refuse to accept reality and never be able to focus long enough to read their own planing documents so they openly admit what they are doing.

Attached: fascism-799165.jpg (338x365, 27K)

oh wow, the classic "le orwell predicted it" statement

What an Orwellian post.

don't you know that you are the prime target to get influenced by propaganda?

What? Not using books out of context is Orwellian?

>we must do more to reduce the immense volume of material that is online and so easily accessible to our citizens
It was to combat Fake News, not oppress free speech.

irrelevant, everyone's being targeted. the question is how people handle it.

it's really simple to test someone's critical thinking skill by asking them the simple question Why? If someone's got zero arguments and get angry because you dare question their ludicrous illusion then something's wrong. People who have actually considered both sides and drawn their own conclusions can typically tell you why.

It's not, it's just about censorship. And "fake" news is subjective. history's written by the winners. you should consider looking at a time-line before spewing out that kind of regarded fag-talk, the propaganda term "fake news" (=not our approved propaganda) wasn't even used back in 2015.

The EU will never end or collapse. The Elites and Politicians will keep the project going even if it mean sacraficing it's citizens. It's all for the greater good.

That’s what people believed though, and it was the image the brexit campaign was trying to create

>a copy of the novel 1984
silly user, that's Britain
the EU will become the Third Reich instead

Ay fuck you man. I want no internet dictatorship.

The Euro should have failed went Greece went bankrupt.
There should always have been 2 Euro zones.
Euro Zone North : Netherlands, Belgium, Germany, UK and the Scandanavian Brothers.
Euro Zone South : France and the rest of the southern countries.

What about Eastern Europe minus the Balkans?

Sloviaka and Slovenia = North

Attached: 400px-Eurozone_Internal.svg.png (400x400, 83K)

Well, Russia is looking for some new friends, you two might get along.

And finally you forgot Austria

How did Brexit even happen in the first place? I can't imagine anyone in the government was dumb enough to go, "Sure let's leave the EU!" when the government is suck the dick of EU, and actually bring it up to vote.

Reminder that ALL pirate parties in Europe were taken over by feminists and SJWs. They're shit now.

based and redpilled, spend more time with your friends and family and stop obsessing over this shit

Feels good I will never be this obsessed over muh internet

>we must do more to reduce the immense volume of material that is online and so easily accessible to our citizens
nice quote mining, the page where you got it from quite clearly means terrorist recruitment information, not just any general information

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Cucked and bluepilled

I think this post is terrorist recruitment and should be removed from the internet.

Being a part of the EU is the most cucked, and blue pulled as a country can get. The UK did the right thing, and cut off the yuroshit tumor while they had the chance you dumb faggot.

t. Alex Jones

Why are you zoomers opposed to article 13? I cant wait for youtube to be legally responsible for its content.

t. some retarded tranny with a bloody hole where a oenis used to be
Fuck off you mentally ill retard

Imagine France, and Germany telling your country what to do.
Reminder: both these countries lost ww2

Good goy! Exactly what Russia, China and the US want: a weak, divided Europe.
Never heard of the divide and conquer method before, huh?

Croatian here. Yes. All our politicians are paid by Germany. We don't own our own economy since all our banks are German owned. The only bank that's actually ours just loans money from EU, so we're completely economically dependent on Germany. Whoever owns your wallet owns you, right?

ultimately, the one owning everyones wallet is china

Wtf is your problem bigot!!
4channel is a safespace for all genders
Enjoy bring banned, this place will be better without you

Ironic tranny posting isn't funny. Take your leaky fake pussy, 5oclock shadow, and extra loose anus back to plebbit tranny.

No, I don't think so, even if the situation approximates this for the USA it's not very strongly so for the EU in general.

>Weak devided EU
They are pretty weak now though, and are controlled by the mist retarded nations.

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The yuroshit question.
How do we stop the EU menace?

US is heavily dependent on their cheaper labour. US banking system isn't owned by the Chinese. It's owned by Israel.

The problem isn't the concept of EU, it's how it is administered.
On their own, no European country can stand against major countries like China and the US, or even Russia. We need a strong cooperation between our countries to be relevant economically.

The EU would be stronger with actual agreement on a few points everyone involved cares about and democracy, not as a favor trading bazaar and redoing votes until the result pleases the few in power. Or where even just an asvisory citizen's referendum is low on the priority list (ya, the spirit of the EU at work).

All I know is that if Google and Microsoft are opposed to it, it must be a good thing, because those companies are pure evil

I agree.

>On their own, no European country can stand against major countries like China and the US, or even Russia.
Implying that the EU can do this now without the help of either the US, Russia, or China? You're forgetting that France is part of the EU, and as your ally will be your greatest adversary during conflict.

The concept is somewhat flawed.

Half or so of the countries are in the EU because of essentially EEA / Schengen Dublin access was only offered if they faked being interested in the project. And since they're now already there, it's time for favor trading (where they get shit in return for siding with x or y on issues they really 95% don't care about).

Another "technology" thread from your friends at >>>/pol where technology is an excuse to bitch about brexit and CoCs.

The situation would be worse without any cooperation between EU members.
Nationalists don't understand that we're not alone in this world and that merely declaring our country as autonomous and independent doesn't make them stronger than they are.

Of course it is flawed. If it was perfect no one would be questionning the existence of the EU.

My point is that, be it with the EU or something else, European nations have great incentives converging their interests politically and economically, if they don't want to be made irrelevant in the near futur.

>The situation would be worse without any cooperation between EU members.
You are really underestimating France's capability to fuck everything up. Maybe the EU should vote France out if they have any goals of being a serious powerhouse.

add to all the other reasons the fact that the main supporters of the EU are smug shits like you.

Yet the EU system probably gets you maximum benefits when you're nearly always with the, say, 25 countries that are merely trying to sell their vote for a favor. Not when you are with the, say, 3 that care about the issue at hand.

Not actually a great framework to deal with converging interests?

Do you have a rebuttal to the article, or some kind of counter-argument you can share, or you just going to chat shit?

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this would apply not only to google
now, to companies with less than 50 employees
who says they won't change it so it applies to everyone?
imagine, upload filters, they first check what are you uploading, then decide if it's OK

how in hell this is a good thing? it's pure form of censorship

big corpos will just move their upload services outside of article 13 reach and just leave a shell company to deal with the distribution to the EU, so that they're legally only redistributing the content that was uploaded somewhere else
so instead of having your videos uploaded from your home to europe, you'll get them uploaded to india and then redistributed online by eurotube or something, so the company doesn't really have any access to the content beside what it's given from the parent company that is outside of the european reach
That's basically how every kind of dispute of this kind has been resolved in the past, just move yourself out of reach and keep doing it

if article 13 happens, who says this won't catch on other countries? who says, these, europarliamentfags won't start blocking content or doing something even more stupid?
article 13 can't happen

Everybody agrees with it you stupid cunt.

isn't it the same deal with GDPR, you don't have to host in EU to be liable? If you serve EU, you must comply?

>Article 13 is great, but it should not apply to everyone. Companies with a turnover below €20 million per year should be excluded outright, so as not to harm European internet startups and SMEs.

Shut your stupid mouth you ignorant shill, an impotent clown like you knows nothing more than just parrot what your owners tell you, weak and immoral people like you deserve a bullet in the head.


>who says this won't catch on other countries?
money says so
yes and no
yes it extends outside of EU
no, you can still go around it by shelling

yes, user is just retarded

>we must protect you from terrorism
where did i hear this before?

Attached: 1515999188634.jpg (1024x576, 78K)

World War III when?

>Poland is about to leave
Lol, I don't see that happening.

>money says so
until they figure out how to use this to earn money or eventually adapt to article 13 and spreading it overseas

Because of this? No, though this is a pretty idiotic decision
No, though the big two/three have a lot of sway, as you'd expect