Be me

>be me
>install devuan
>sudo apt-get update
>sudo doesn't exist.
>apt-get install sudo
>sudo apt-get update
>user isn't in the sudoers list.
>rm -rf --no-preserve-root /
>devuan = shit


Attached: 48f0948.png (1920x1080, 22K)

wtf is devuan

Systemd-less debian

Only the most minimal and productive distros are good. Any of the ones that are trying to cater to somebody or replicate windows are trash. Currently installing slackware from the ground up

Lol, I just went through this yesterday. It's autistic, but w/e.

usermod -aG sudo

that'll fix it.

GUIs are for faggots

>one less braindead sudonigger redditor using devuan
The day just got better.

I said this before in another thread, but devuan is quite literally debian with blacklisted packages. Anything you need to do in debian you will also have to do in devuan.

>too dumb to add user to sudoers
>"waaah distro bad!"
It literally has a check box in the installer program to automatically add the user to the sudoers group. There's no way they could've made it easier for you, and here you are finding ways to be a thick dumb boat anchor, pushing threads off the catalog.

Attached: 1546521046006.png (1000x432, 165K)

> what is sudoers
> what is visudo