Old one is reaching it's limits

Old one is reaching it's limits

Attached: screenfetch.png (1366x768, 1.06M)

Other urls found in this thread:


What do you guys do for money?
If you receive disability checks from the government, that's fine too, I'm just genuinely curious what you guys do for 18 hours a day.

out of all the shitty desktops that get posted, yours is absolutely the fucking worst.

Attached: 2019-02-06-1549509093.png (1366x768, 1.33M)


rate h8 masturb8

Attached: 02-06-19.png (2880x1024, 2.6M)


I am a Neet even though I technically am studying.

It is sad I worked for some hugely successful software projects where I got told that I am insanely good but I can't find any motivation to do something on my own making me mostly sit all day at home.

Years ago I used to party ever day fuck a new girl every day and find new drugs to experiment with every day.

Post RubyKanan.png


Attached: low-8.jpg (3000x2000, 1.08M)

Attached: 155920192877.jpg (1920x1080, 432K)

forgot to say cute desktops!

finally got it set up and everything exactly where i want it.

Attached: pic.jpg (1024x768, 117K)

the little santa really completes it

>this triggers the nekotard

Attached: Kirino_ass.jpg (1280x720, 149K)

based and imouto pilled

i wholly approve of the anime influence permeating Jow Forums
tech and waifus
just like god intended

how old are you Rubyposter?
[spoilerantimod]if below 18 post 36 minus your age[/spoilerantimod]

>he can't into bhopping


wm is depreciated

Attached: Screenshot_2019-02-06_23-35-05.png (1024x768, 337K)

dumb imouto poster

1v1 me n*rd

dude fuck off already
how do I even filter this retard? it's impossible

very cute desktop user

no anime edition

Attached: Screenshot from 2019-02-06 22-14-44.png (1600x900, 1.62M)

w3mcat script please?

it didn't reached post limits though

Attached: isac's fourth pc.png (2560x1440, 2.46M)

giant breasts

>having a gui
>but, user. its lightweight!
you're a fucking lightweight. give me my (you)'s

#!/usr/bin/env bash
echo -e "0;1;${4:-0};${5:-0};$2;$3;;;;;$1\n4;\n3;" | /usr/lib/w3m/w3mimgdisplay

this really isn't the preferred way to display image though since it has no idea of the cursor position at all

Attached: 454149.jpg (1032x1500, 289K)

I'm a middle school teacher

Attached: 2019-02-07-063513_1920x1080_scrot.png (1920x1080, 109K)


>slackware windowmaker and kuroneko
Based as fuck

Terminal or status bar?


nice 20 euro laptop


that wall color is perfect. idk why I can never find a perfect one on my own

Attached: x2hw76.png (1920x1080, 840K)

Attached: 2018-08-26-035324_1920x1080_scrot.png (1920x1080, 282K)

It was much more expensive, but I didn't care since the government paid it for me.

good desktop but that 6 year old in underwear not really fitting, seek help pedo

cura, right?


Attached: capture.png (1366x768, 1.04M)

good pape
best browser
worst operating system

Unfuck yourself and install Unix

unix can't do this

Attached: amazing.png (1366x768, 892K)

It can do that and much more

Attached: Screenshot_20181206_093752.png (1366x768, 571K)

but vista is my baby

Attached: bae.png (1366x768, 1.07M)

Used to have some blue space themed pape on the vertical monitor but recently changed it just to make things interesting...
What else should I do to be in with the neckbeard crowd? I don't feel like spending 12 hours ricing though.

Attached: 2019-02-07-022038_2820x1600_scrot.png (2820x1600, 1.73M)

Checks out

Lol whats the cringe

rate me

Attached: sharex-21-11-2018-4132490.jpg (3840x2160, 3.85M)

>whats the cringe

This is pretty much what my desktop looked like at 13 years old

pretty decent
cute, toast doujin
kino, post loli plox
>good desktop but that 6 year old in underwear not really fitting, seek help pedo
lurk more fag

Attached: Screenshot 2019-02-06 at 20.38.01.png (1366x768, 861K)

Attached: Screenshot from 2019-02-05 22-15-10.png (1280x800, 1.31M)

thinking about desktops...

Attached: 2019-02-07-121002_1920x1080_scrot.png (1920x1080, 2.95M)

>has taskbar search bar shown
absolutely normie already
>icons in taskbar are also desktop icons
unnecessary clutter
>3 NLEs pinned in taskbar
just use one ffs
>that many discord pings
"@everyone [Streamer] is live!"
should be YYYY-MM-DD


Attached: 1496743685736.png (1920x1080, 1.45M)

Ew. Windows/10
Good job making macos worse
Black as my soul
If you're going to use windows at least make sure it's up to date.
Clean your desktop
More pedo shit
autism spectrwm

Attached: 2019-02-06-083733_3840x2160_scrot.jpg (3840x2160, 3.71M)

god i love this its so pretty . . . . !

take your time And think

Been asking forever because I really love Linux and want it on my lap.
Main problem that still keeps myself away from Linux are:
1-what are your doing for money with Linux ?
( I like Linux and everything but most tech and engineering job related job require Windows. The only thing Linux is great for is make use of GPU for machine learning but a gain most of it is Deep model which are incredibly slow and impractical in industry so no money)

2- I have to deal with tearing and shit dual display. Are these get better, can you fix tearing on Nvidumb optimus and still have good dual display experiences?
3-are ssd trimming support better?
like can I dual boot win-linux and trimming still works in Linux (even for NTFS partition)

I would dig wangblows anyday aftee my win8 reach its eol. Win10 is total shit garbage that turn auto update by itself even after I hard disable it in everyway possible.

nice desktops

Attached: Screenshot_20190207_054743.png (1366x768, 543K)

Just installed awesome and riced it for a bit.

Attached: 2019-02-07_06-52.png (1920x1080, 1012K)

good colors. matches with Solarized Dark

>autism spectrum
It's actually very simple and friendly.

this, we need to think of a clever way to filter Joe
Wish he'd hang himself already

How's your first day on 4channel?

Post your own desktop before you make fun of mine.

>Gabriel Dropout
>Yuri yuri
my bro

Honest question, so you understand the concept of a hobby?

Everything in my job involves Linux servers, almost any web development nowadays involves Linux servers at some point

>I like Linux and everything but most tech and engineering job related job require Windows.
You just say to your boss.. look, bucko.. you employ me to get a job done and I do that job better on GNUslashLinux. Maybe they didn't teach you that at "management school" but you're in the real world now, Sun Tzu. So why don't you scoot back to your little office, read some Dilbert, and let me do my goddamn work before I go over your head to Mitch and Murray at corporate.

Attached: 2019-02-07-002852_1366x768_scrot.png (1366x768, 583K)

Trying out this thing, might just go back to comfort zone of Artix tbdesu.

Attached: wowmemedistrothing.png (1440x900, 633K)

Did you by chance work on the virtualboy design team?

Monospace Regular

is this the new desktop thread

Attached: Bowsette is a qt.png (1920x1080, 1.62M)

what is that bar?

Furigana? In my doujins!?

this looks fucking disgusting
i love it

Anyone on cwm here?
How do I change it's behavior from "focus follows mouse" to a more traditional "focus follow click and scrolling affects the window underneath mouse"?
Wasn't able to do it with wmutils.

If that's not possible at all, what's a good floating/stacking wm with click to raise?

Attached: bunny.png (920x2181, 906K)


2 big for 4chin
19 :3
Based cute fedora poster


Attached: 1.jpg (301x490, 26K)


link to pic pls?

>18 hours
Enjoy your sleep deprivation m8
You should at least get 7 hours but it depends on your body and lifestyle. If you wake up right before your alarm goes off you're good basically.
Do some ketamine and start eating well and maybe pick up some sort of sport if possible, you're probably depressed. Don't do K if you can't limit yourself to one line every few weeks tho or you'll lose your bladder lol.

enjoy your down syndrome, retard

Focus follows mouse is like the whole point of cwm imo. Openbox and Windowmaker both have a focus follows click setting iirc.
Personally I think focus follows mouse is better it just takes some getting used to.

Attached: gnutards are mad.jpg (1920x1200, 466K)

why are you two bullying me?

>Focus follows mouse is like the whole point of cwm
A shame, because it's a really cute WM.
>Personally I think focus follows mouse is better it just takes some getting used to.
It might be, sure, but I just couldn't get used to it. I need the scrolling on background windows, because I'm often working with multiple books/documents at once.
>Openbox and Windowmaker
Openbox is absolute shit and I'm not sure if you can make windowmaker look decent by modern standarts.

Maybe try fluxbox or iceWM although iceWM does look a bit outdated.

Because you should gb2lebit

No. Use JWM instead. I always liked IceWM but JWM is simply better than i thought. The config is easier and it can also setup the wallpaper.

Get raped and kill yourself, you retard fucking faggot sack of nigger shit with down syndrome.

post that wallpaper plz

fluxbox and jwm look interesting, although they're probably a pain in the ass for customizing.

I'm not home you can find it over at anime wallpers /anime suicide/ thread

senk you

is maki the most beautiful animegirl ever?

Attached: Hamuna.webm (640x316, 1.46M)