Appeals to “minimalist” faggots

>Appeals to “minimalist” faggots
>Takes 20 million lines of code to even work

Attached: 13433B43-DE9B-48A4-9A8F-EBFB14DA46FA.jpg (560x663, 25K)

wtf I love windows now

You're thinking of MacOS

your system doesn't use all of those 20 million lines of code.

Weak b8

Attached: 1iy2W2nv5AWtJR4ObFW5bvMX436.jpg (983x1379, 251K)

>Considering LoC as a measure of bloat

Attached: 1547998446687.png (882x1025, 246K)

>11.5 million lines for drivers
>any user only needs .001% of that
out-tree development is technically better

Bitch, the FreeBSD kernel is 15 million lines of code.
Darwin, MacOS X’s kernel, a fork, is probably way bigger.

Linux appeals to freetards, not minimalists. *BSD is for minimalists.

So minimalist it doesn't even have drivers

>Meanwhile Windows source Code is over 1TB


fuck off retard

Yup. Drivers are bloat.

>I'm so 1337 I use TempleOS LOOK AT ME LOOK AT ME LOOK AT ME
lol, you're retarded.

See? I'm not even memeing right now.

but good distros will automatically rebuild with needed system drivers only
my lubuntu 4.4 vmlinuz is only 7.0 MB

what kind of retard automatically and absolutely associates linux with minimalism

I'd love to dable in suckless utilities like dwn, st, etc.. and attempt to give it an honest go. However, with current day hardware, I struggle to see the point apart from hobby and general intrigue. Perhaps it would elucidate some aspects of the linux filesystem and kernel I don't know but I wonder if my time is better spent learning Rust and machine learning programming.

>ITT what idiots said 20 years ago
>Now we've got shit like Electron 'apps' using 2-3GB just to show a UI


Suckless is meant to be a satire.

I see what you're saying but my current mentality need not be a necessary causal condition for that outcome. You can have good software development practices without subscribing to a minimalist mentality. That said, I'm still intrigued by it so I'm not knocking it, don't get me wrong.

The suckless team literally says that their community needs to remain small and elitist so no stupid people ask stupid questions
For software like these; plan 9, the suckless tools, if you're even asking yourself "Why do I need this?" then you probably don't need it
I use dwm because it's simple on my computer, I can change workspaces, tile some stuff, float some stuff, Everything else can be extended if I just program it into dwm's code
The same goes for dmenu and st
The only suckless tool I don't like is ST because it lags A LOT if it intercepts a lot of output, for example a terminal music visualizer, cmatrix, not even fun tools but day to day programs like ncmpcpp sometimes lag on it.

Get mint if you want it to just werk. Your complaint only applies to Arch or other OS's like it.

>he doesn't use templeos

Attached: look at that fucking no brain nigger monkey.png (990x682, 308K)

>>Takes 20 million lines of code to even work
okay. Remove all the drivers you don't need and count again, faggot.

I don't understand what the OP gains from creating this bait thread.




You use this shit every day
wal street, Greedy Corp (Google), fagbook, amazon, ATM's, airline (NOT netfux) all use linux. noT to mention android

What a phaggot, go back to plebbit. Fuck, even plebbitfags would call you a retard. Once on one of my adventures while Jow Forums was down i went to plebbits tech subfaggot to se what they thought on OS seX, %68 thought they were shit. Fuck you would even get raided in yt commnets.


Linux is literally the least shit kernel around, it is still shit but far less shit than anything else, or at least far better supported

Minix is better proof me wrongs.

>still shit
why do you think the best kernel is shit

>even work
...on pretty much every processor architecture ever created

No support for anything

Just build your own kernel if you're worried about LoC. Installing Gentoo forced me to learn how to do it.

>hurr durr bloat is good